An Example


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Basic Example

  • val sourceOne = Source(List(1,3,5,7))
    val sourceTwo = Source(List(0,2,4,6))
    val merged = Source.combine(sourceOne, sourceTwo)(Merge(_))
    val mergedResult: Future[Int] = merged.runWith(Sink.fold(0)(_ + _)

Async Calls usually results in "Future"

  • def send(email: Email): Future[SMTPResponse] = {
      // Create a connection to SMTP Agent
    ​  // Start SMTP Dialog
    ​  // Handle Exceptions
    ​  // Release resources
  • def getEmail(id): Future[Email] = {
      // open a connection to DB
    ​  // Run transaction
    ​  // close the connection
    ​  // log

Buffering problem

List(1 to 100).map(getEmail).map(send)

send is slow
getEmail is fast


Problems with chaining

  • Complicated debugging
  • Lack of parallelism
  • Limited Failure Handling
  • non-flexible Linear chains
  • Buffering problem
  • Shared state synchronization

Streams are like gears

Q: How to manage concurrency in ROF programs?

  • A: Akka Streaming

Akka Streaming
A Framework

  • Concurrency framework
  • The backbone for ROF programs in Scala
  • State full Stages or stateless stages
  • Controllable Parallelism
  • No Buffering problem using back pressure
  • Extendable
    • By Plugins
  • DSL
    • Allows making a blueprint of the app
    • Compose-able stages
  • Configurable failure strategy
    • Retries, A/B Testing

Failure Strategy

  • val decider: Supervision.Decider = {
      case _: NonFatalException => Supervision.Resume
      case _ => Supervision.Stop

Depending on the Use Case the right Framework should be used

Data Sets at least in Two Machines to run Map/Reduce on


basically to Create Actors

Neutron Timer Service

At Least Two Independent Activities

Neutron Data Aggregator

import scala.concurrent.Future

val futureFunction = Future {


When you are not sure to use future or not! I recommend please do use, it's very safe


When I have IO, (using "blocking" keyword)

Title Text


When and Why to use Futures

  • Always
    • For IO tasks
    • Tasks taking more than 10 milliseconds
    • Computations
  • Parallelism
  • Non Blocking 

Akka Streaming + Scala Futures

By Hamed Ghasemzadeh