Open Source Platform as a Service for Regional focus: Iran

12 Factor


part of DevOps for software-as-a-service apps

declarative formats

Suitable for deployment on modern cloud platforms

continuous deployment (DevOps)

"hundreds of thousands of apps via our work on the Heroku platform"

organic growth


App Attributes:


Stateless Processes

Isolate Dependencies

Platform Attributes ...

Platform Attributes

  • Treat backing services as attached resources
  • Strictly separate build and run stages
  • Export services via port binding
  • Scale out via the process model
  • Disposability: Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
  • Dev/prod parity: Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
  • Logs: Treat logs as event streams
  • Admin processes: Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes

5 Billion Requests per Day

4+ Million Apps Created

150+ Add-on Services

How We Compete with Heroku?

Through our regional features
Through Cost arbitrage
More flexible free plans

Engine Yard - Jelastic - Google App Engine - dotCloud -Appfog - cloud66 - Shelly Cloud - App Harbor

Regional Features

  • Support
  • Latency and Bandwidth
  • Legal Contracts
  • Easy Payment & Credit Method
  • Flexible Copyright
  • Persian Language

Resource Efficient

  • 35MB RAM for Active Wordpress
  • 10MB Disk
  • No Virtual Machine
  • Uses Commodity Hardware

Highly Scaleable

  • Add/Remove Nodes
  • Built in Http Load Balancing
  • Clustered SQL Database
  • All by single command
saku scale web=10

More Reliable

  • No Config/ Less human factor
  • Roll Back/ Version Control
  • System wide updates
  • Fully Integrated with Devs
  • Support Growth
  • Regional Access
  • More Secure
  • Automatic Fail over
  • Fully Mirrored DB
  • 3 Replication of any data element

Use Cases

  • Mobile Backends
  • Scaleble Apps
  • DevOps: Rapid Test and Development
  • Software as a Service
  • Commity Hardware Integration

Why more Security

  • Isolation and Dependency management
  • Several Proxies: Defese in Depth
  • App Centric, Reduces Degree of Freedom

How Docker Helps

  • Supports for automatic container builds
  • Built-in version tracking
  • Reusable components
  • Public & Private registry for sharing containers
  • A growing tools ecosystem from the published API
  • layered file system and the ability to apply version control to entire containers
  • How Docker uses sharing
  • deploy roll-backs

Git Users

GitHub celebrates fifth birthday, 3.5 million users and six million repositories

[2013] 3.5 Developer=$10.5B

 Andreessen Horowitz, stated that GitHub had been growing revenue at 300% annually since 2008 "profitably nearly the entire way"

What is Git?

git checkout -b <branchName>
git checkout -b <localBranchName> origin/<remoteBranchName>
git checkout -- <fileName>
git push origin :<branchName>
git remote add <remoteName> <gitAddress>
git fetch <remoteName>
git clone <url>

GitHub Africa Users 2015

By Hamed Ghasemzadeh