Elasticsearch: Indexing

Han Yi

April 3, 2018

Concept of Near Real Time

  • New index can only be searchable after a small delay (1s by default)
  • Set refresh=true in indexing URL can achieve real-time searching
  • Refresh is a very costly operation
  • Most scenarios don't ask real-time search




  • Interval can be temporarily disabled to be set to -1 for more efficient bulk indexing
PUT products/doc/_settings
  "index": {
    "refresh_interval": "30s"

Beyond CRUD: Document Updating

  • Entire update
    • PUT products/doc/1
  • Partial update
    • POST products/doc/1/_update
  • Scripted update (Under partial update)
    • {"script": "ctx._source.qty+=1"}
  • Lucene segments is immutable
  • Process of update
    • Soft delete old documents
    • Create & Reindex new documents
    • Merge segments
    • Delete old segments

Beyond CRUD: Updating Performance

  • Due to complicated operations behind updating, it may cause conflict when concurrency happens
  • Elasticsearch uses "Version" field to resolve conflict issue
  • Use retry_on_conflict in URL can set retry times for version conflict

Operation 1

Operation 2

Get document

Soft delete


Version 4


Version 4

Version 4

Version 5

Beyond CRUD: Concurrency

Primary and Replica Shards

  • Coordinating node will forward request to any node who owns the primary shard

Primary and Replica Shards

  • Primary preference for Query
    • Use preference=_primary in URL, will only query on primary shards
    • Use preference=_primary_first in URL, will first query on primary shards, then replica if primary is not available

Primary and Replica Shards

  • Config for replica shards
    • Number of replica shards can be changed on the fly
    • Usually change it to 0 when bulk index and change back once done
PUT products/_settings
  "index": {
    "number_of_replicas": 0


  • Segment write does not write to disk directly (because of in-memory file system cache)
  • Lucene commit writes segments to disk once certain conditions met
  • Elasticsearch owns translog by itself
  • "acknowledge" means translog created
  • Existing translog will replay once system 

restart due to unexpected events

Performance of Translog

  • Bulk operations may cause performance issue due to translog
  • Translog can be switched between "request" or "async"
    • index.translog.durability is an index setting for translog flush mode
    • "request" will return response after translog is persisted
    • "async" can return immediately, and the system will flush translog every index.translog.sync_interval seconds
  • If you are retrieving the document using id, Elasticsearch will look at translog so there is no delay compared to full-text query

Indexing Errors

  • Node/Shard errorsssssssssss








  • Serialization/Mapping errors
  • Thread pool rejection errors
    "_index": "prdts",
    "_type": "doc",
    "_id": "1",
    "_version": 1,
    "result": "created",
    "_shards": {
        "total": 2,
        "successful": 1,
        "failed": 0
    "_seq_no": 0,
    "_primary_term": 1


Elasticsearch: Indexing

By hanyi8000

Elasticsearch: Indexing

  • 1,971