Design-Driven Drupal with Various Page-Building Metaphors


  Hawkeye Tenderwolf (a.k.a. Derek DeRaps)

  Josh Walker (soniktrooth)

1. Components
2. Drupal tools
3. Extra credit

Presentation outline

Part 1.

Look ma,

no Drupal!

Discovery and user research

Sitemap and content

Sketching sessions

to produce wireframes


  • Based on sketching session results
  • Iterate with client feedback



  • a.k.a. comps or designs
  • Apply moodboard styling to the wireframes
  • Hi-fidelity

Components and styleguide


Pattern Lab, Fractal,  KSS,  or  Mannequin

Part II.

Connecting the components to Drupal

UI Patterns and Layouts API

Display Suite, Field Group, and/or Panelizer

 (one day: Layout Builder!)

Paragraphs and/or Blocks

(say no to ECK, Field Collection, and Bricks)

Templates and Twig Tweak

Sneak Preview: Kalagraphs 2.0

Paragraphs behavior to select layout

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec metus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Paragraphs behavior to select component

(as UI Patterns)

Design-Driven Drupal with various page-building metaphors

By Hawkeye Tenderwolf

Design-Driven Drupal with various page-building metaphors

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