
Data Structures & Algorithms

Week 8.3

Merge Sort


Author: Hayden Smith 2021

In this lecture


  • We need some algorithms better than O(n^2) for large data sets.


  • Merge sort

Mergesort Overview

The key of this approach is that it's recursive.

  1. Split the array into two roughly equal sized partitions
  2. Recursively sort each of the partitions
  3. Merge the two partitions into a new sorted array

Mergesort Overview


Split / Divide



void mergesort(Item a[], int lo, int hi)
   int mid = (lo + hi) / 2; // mid point
   if (hi <= lo) return;
   mergesort(a, lo, mid);
   mergesort(a, mid+1, hi);
   merge(a, lo, mid, hi);

int main() {
    int nums[10] = {32,45,17,22,94,78,64,25,55,42};
    mergesort(nums, 0, 9);

Merge sort is kind of like a binary tree split where the re-merging happens post-fix.


The function "merge" has to merge two sorted arrays back together.


void merge(Item a[], int lo, int mid, int hi) {
   int  i, j, k, nitems = hi - lo + 1;
   Item *tmp = malloc(nitems * sizeof(Item));

   i = lo; j = mid + 1; k = 0;
   // scan both segments, copying to tmp
   while (i <= mid && j <= hi) {
     if (leq(a[i], a[j]))
        tmp[k++] = a[i++];
        tmp[k++] = a[j++];

   // copy items from unfinished segment
   while (i <= mid) tmp[k++] = a[i++];
   while (j <= hi) tmp[k++] = a[j++];

   //copy tmp back to main array
   for (i = lo, k = 0; i <= hi; i++, k++)
      a[i] = tmp[k];

The merge function



Split / Divide

We have to split our list log(N) times


We have to merge N numbers exactly log(N) times

This part requires extra memory :(


O(N * log(N))


Mergesort has both a best and worst case of O(N*log(N))


Whether the list is fully sorted, or fully reverse sorted, the same steps are taken


This makes it time-wise generally better than quicksort - however - we need extra memory for this.

Linked Lists

Whilst mergesort typically operates on arrays, it's also possible to do it on linkedlists. We won't go into any detail on this.



COMP2521 21T2 - 8.3 - Merge Sort

By haydensmith

COMP2521 21T2 - 8.3 - Merge Sort

  • 1,173