The Enigma
What questions are we left to answer?
The last shot shows the main character staring into a wide hole. Having this as the last shot leaves the viewers wondering what's at the end of the light. Viewers would want to find out what's at the end of the light therefore encouraging them to watch the films.
Paranormal Activity
The Enigma
What/Who is the antagonist of the film? Fast paced shots showed us glimpses of the action leaving us to query who is involved. Through dialogue, we have understood the name 'Charlie' however have not seen this character. This engages viewers as they will be eager to find out his role.
The use of camera shows us the characters trying to escape. This leaves viewers wanting to know the outcome of the storyline, if they survived or not, adding fear to the atmosphere.
The Enigma
The main question we are left to wonder is Who is the unknown user?
We are also left to ponder if the characters stay alive as we have seen only a glimpse of cumulating violence towards them.
The trailer does not show us a protagonist challenging therefore challenging a horror convention however, we are shown as the friends to be antagonists as one of them has lied, denying they posted the video.
By the trailer not showing previous productions allows viewers to judge the film on what they have seen and not the standard of others.
Having reviews is one of the key conventions of a horror trailer, these give a description to the audience of what to expect emotionally. They also perceive the film in a positive way as it is quoting effective parts of the film.
The sub-writing tells us where the information is from therefore viewers know that the information is trusted. They appear towards the end of the trailer to entice people even further after they have had a brief outline of the story.
Editing and camera shots
Unlike most horror trailers, there is not a wide variety of camera angles because the film is based online therefore majority of shots are screen shotted. A close up allows us too see all of the characters facial expressions. Using many cameras at once allows viewers to see the expression and reaction of all characters at the same time.
As the trailer continues, the lighting becomes darker as well as the atmosphere created. This coincides with the storyline, the trailer starts with joyous memories escalating into a suicide.
Reviews/ Accolades
Gallows has used the use of reviews to advertise their film. Having a phrase from a review 'Scared the living hell outta me' helps identify the genre as well as help create expectations such as it has had previous success. It also creates a fearful atmosphere as it gives viewers an idea of what to expect.
Telling viewers about past production informs them of previous success and suggests the film will be of this standard. It also categorises the film into a genre.
Having the soundtrack in the back, coinciding with the black background allows all of our attention onto the writing. Opposing colours are used to understand the writing.
Editing and camera shots
Fade is used repeatedly at the beginning of the trailer to connect shots together. As main events/action begin, transitions become more sharp as well as the pace becoming faster. Alongside the soundtrack, builds a tense atmosphere.
Having a close up of the victim draws in all attention of the audience as there is nothing else to look at due to low-key lighting, she has also been put in the centre to emphasise her importance.
It also emphasises her facial expression and reinforces the distressed and vulnerable tone of her body.
One horror convention evident was fast pace editing. In the middle of the trailer was a montage of action shots highlighting the main events in the film.
Throughout the trailer, the viewers are left with unanswered questions for example there has been many disturbances and threatening activities, could there be more to come leading to serious outcomes?
We are also left with a small amount of detail about the characters, although we may know their faces, we are only hinted by fast paced shots of who the antagonist is as well as the protagonist.
The link between the videos:
Although we are introduced to the videos and camera, the trailer has not told us how they are linked with the characters. Viewers become on edge as both them and the characters are shown to look like they do not know the outcome.
The Paranormal activity trailer does not show any reviews or ratings suggesting that there hasn't been any previews or premier. They have not released the specific date which means audiences will have to keep on reviewing it, keeping the film on a constant reminder.
Editing and camera shots
Paranormal activity has used a lot of close ups. This is to help viewers identify characters therefore more knowledge on the storyline. Majority of the trailer is filmed on a hand held camera, adding realism. Fast pace editing is used throughout to not give too much detail away. Moreover, it adds suspense as you see glimpses of main events.
By hayleyharper1
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