MOS Frontend - Proof of Concept

Performance Over Complexity


  1. Why?
  2. Frontend
  3. API
  4. Stats

  5. Going forward

  6. Questions




  • Page speed is becoming more of a concern across all MOS1 sites, especially DS
  • We met to discuss potential for improving site/ad load times in general
  • The Xmas Gift Guide build showed potential for super performant API driven sites
  • We were encouraged to pick up Proof of Concept work in our spare time
  • Why not try to replicate current MOS1 / DS with perfomance as the key goal


  • Based on Gift Guide focused purely on speed
  • Highly optimised templates, CSS and Javascript
  • Fine-grain control over requests means we are only loading critical assets on load, lazy loading the rest
  • Modular components for ease of reuse across site/multiple sites
  • Data Agnostic





  • Imposed limitation: CMS stays the same
  • Database therefore must stay the same
  • Read-only data accessor (for now)


  • Utilises high performance lightweight framework (Lumen)
  • Uses PHP 7 (Over 50% more performant)
    • MUCH faster and MUCH smaller footprint so significantly less hardware required




  • This is currently a technical prototype ...we want it to be more! 

  • More resource!
  • A/B testing to see the effect on performance.
  • Ads!
    • We intend to build a new ad layer to work with this front-end stack in the most optimised way possible.
    • HTTP2 for faster asynchronous requests. Barrier is the Ad layer, but this should be possible to overcome.









Any questions?

DS Frontend POC Product - Apr 12, 2016

By Hearst Magazines

DS Frontend POC Product - Apr 12, 2016

Run through of proof of concept work, rebuilding the front end of DS with performance as the primary goal

  • 869