
  1. Benefits
  2. Walk through
  3. Setting up new users
  4. Popular Channels
  5. Integrations + Apps
  6. Chat bots



  1. Reduce the amount of emails and minimise the need for long email threads
  2. Get hold of people across the business allot faster
  3. Reduce the amount of unnecessary meetings
  4. Create a channels to calrify details that are lost and mis-interepated in email

Walk Through

Popular Channels

  • General
  • Random
  • Tech
  • Digital First Floor
  • Product
  • Design/UX


Apps + Intergrations

Like your phone, slack has allot of apps that add new features to the platform to make it even easier to use, you can check out the app directory here:


Apps we are using:

  • Twitter
  • RSS feeds
  • JIRA
  • Google Anlaytics
  • Schedule meetings (meekan)
  • Google hangout
  • Skype
  • Giphy
















Chat bots










Slack Intro

By Hearst Magazines

Slack Intro

Slack at Hearst

  • 1,352