Extending trainings beyond NDSR

Heidi Kelly (heidowdi@indiana.edu)

Digital Preservation Librarian @ Indiana University

NDSR@Dumbarton Oaks 2013-2014

The NDSR program situates us as leaders in the national field.

Better Digipres training would mean a stronger commitment to preservation across the board.

So How can we use NDSR to create nextgen Digipres training?

Digital Preservation Training Program (UK)


  • Digital Preservation Experts
  • Administrators


  • Digital Libraries/Archives Professionals
  • Small, under-resourced institutional staff
  • MLIS students

Serving Our Designated Communities


  • Underprivileged students and practitioners

The models we need already exist, but how do we extend beyond NDSR and train-the-trainer?

the best Digital Preservation Resources currently

If the braintrust and resources are already there, what's missing?

initial suggestions for better training

online community

We need a space online to share out knowledge, resources, and most importantly to document use cases that can be packaged into practical, hands-on national training


Create learning objects and modules that can be mashed up and reused for other trainings

Hands-on experience

Digital Preservation n00bs need to test out new tools in a safe and supportive environment in order to get familiar with the actual work of the field. There should be a digital sandbox for tool testing and breaking.

Clearly organized content

The current training models address digital preservation differently; future training modules should be organized by model/use case to clarify audience and need.

Next steps

let's get practical.


Using NDSR Assessments to Build Better DigiPres Training Models

By Heidi Dowding

Using NDSR Assessments to Build Better DigiPres Training Models

Presentation for the NDSR Symposium, April 27-28, 2017 at the Library of Congress.

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