Formatting + Style
in Haskell
- Motivation
- TVision Haskell Style Guide
- Stylish, Brittany, Hindent, Ormolu
- HLint
Code Documentation
- Haddock
- TVision Haskell Style Guide
- File Watchers
- Readability
- Writability
- Maintainability
The balance we choose impacts our code comprehension (hence correctness) and time spent onboarding/maintaining/iterating/reviewing/etc.
TVision Haskell Style Guide
- Formats data type declarations and imports
- simple_align:
cases: true
top_level_patterns: true
records: true
- imports:
align: none
list_align: after_alias
long_list_align: new_line_multiline
empty_list_align: inherit
list_padding: 2
separate_lists: true
- language_pragmas:
style: vertical
align: true
remove_redundant: true
- trailing_whitespace: {}
Stylish - Alignment
Datatype Alignment
- | is always aligned with =
, in fields is always aligned with {
- } is likewise always aligned with {
data User = User
{ name :: String
, homeAddress :: Address
, age :: Int
, cell :: PhoneNumber
data User = User
{ name :: String
, homeAddress :: Address
, age :: Int
, dob :: Date
Alignment can also be done on case statements and imports
Stylish - Imports
Import Sorting within manual groupings
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), liftA2, liftA3))
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import Data.Map (Map, keys, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import Control.Applicative (liftA3, (<$>), liftA2)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map ((!), keys, Map)
# hindent.yaml
tab-size: 2
line-length: 80
force-trailing-newline: true
- Comparison with hindent
- Designed to try and respect your intention w.r.t. blank lines, comments, parens, etc
- Configurable
- Seems to have the most docs out of all of the formatters
- Britanny Live
Brittany - Open Issues
Only the module header (imports/exports), type-signatures and function/value bindings are processed; other module elements (data-decls, classes, instances, etc.) are not transformed in any way;
- Extends to e.g. bindings inside class instance definitions - they won't be touched (yet).
There are some known issues regarding handling of in-source comments.
- There are cases where comments are not copied to the output (this will be detected and the user will get an error);
- There are other cases where comments are moved slightly; there are also cases where comments result in wonky newline insertion (although this should be a purely aesthetic issue.)
- Github -
- Ormolu Live -
- "One True Style"
- Like "Black" for Haskell
- IMO writability++, readable--
A source linter for Haskell that provides a variety of hints on code improvements.
- Can be customised and configured with custom rules, on a per-project basis.

Custom Rules
Custom errors can be added in order to match and suggest custom changes of code from the left hand side match to the right hand side replacement
- error: {lhs: fmap, rhs: map}
- error: {lhs: mconcat, rhs: concat}
- error: {lhs: mapM, rhs: traverse}
- error:
{ lhs: getCurrentTime
, rhs: getCurrentTimeMicroseconds}
Disabling Rules
# Everywhere
- ignore: {name: Use let}
# In specific module
- ignore: {name: Use let, within: MyModule}
Using HLint
$ hlint some-haskell-package
some-haskell-package/src/Main.hs:13:3-44: Warning: Functor law
id <$> pure . someFunction
pure . someFunction
some-haskell-package/src/Main.hs:34:42: Suggestion: Redundant $
Perhaps you should remove it.
Command line tool or editor configuration
hlint src/Main.hs --refactor \
- Applies refactorings specified by the refact package.
- Integrated into HLint to enable the automatic application of suggestions.
HLint 3.0
- Recently hit 3.0 (now 3.1.1)
- Moved from using haskell-src-exts to ghc-parser
Code Documentation
- Personal page -
- Stale HLint issue for linting Haddocks -
- Ormolu expects well-formed Haddocks, and will do some stylizing for you!
File Watchers
- Tools an watch files or trees of files and can be configured to execute whatever - linters, tools, tests, etc
- direvent, entr, fluffy, fswatch, gamin, incron, inoticoming, inotify-hookable, inotify-tools, systemd .path units, watchexec, watchman
- "GHCi as a daemon", recompiles code on changes
- Git Hooks (particularly pre-commit)
- Editor Hooks and Plugins
Formatting + Style in Haskell
By Heneli Kailahi
Formatting + Style in Haskell
- 354