Haskell Maintenance
Upgrading to
LTS 16 (GHC 8.8.4) and Beyond
Part I
TVision Haskell Universe
- Internal / External Libs
- Wider Haskell Ecosystem
- Haskell the TVision Way™️
Maintaining a Large Haskell Project
- Maintenance Considerations
- General Haskell Tradeoffs
- Haskell the TVision Way™️ Tradeoffs
- TVision Haskell Upgrade Process
- Experience Report: LTS 16 Upgrade
Part II
- LTS 16 Haskell Changes
GHC Features
- Existing Features
- New Features
- Upcoming Features
Part III
- State of...
- TVision Haskell Dependencies
- Wider Haskell Ecosystem
- TVision Backend Codebase
Part I - Maintaining Large Haskell Projects
TVision Haskell Universe
Haskell @ TVision
- Haskell is the language of our backend:
- Services: ingest-tracker, upload-manager, device-config
Tracker — A workflow engine and the central nervous system of data pipelines until they arrive in Redshift* (where process-manager takes over)
- Can orchestrate batch processes or track remote ones
- Invalidate and restate data against newer algorithms
Tracker — A workflow engine and the central nervous system of data pipelines until they arrive in Redshift* (where process-manager takes over)
- Periodically Scheduled Scripts
- Often batch ingestions from APIs, S3, (S)FTP, etc
- And kitchen sink..
- Services: ingest-tracker, upload-manager, device-config
*Tracker also manages GoodData loads
Haskell Repos at TVision
- Monorepo: services, periodically scheduled scripts, configuration files, postgres migrations, dev tools, and shared Haskell utilities
- Build scripts for monorepo
- Pinned package set for all our code
- Docker image for building, testing, and deploying haskell artifacts in CI
Developing Sauron
- Magnitude
- ~290KLOC in sauron
- ~75KLOC of Haskell (~1/3 of python codebase)
- KLOC is misleading, esp. in Haskell
- Outside of type spellings, Haskell is dense for a general purpose language
- ~290KLOC in sauron
- Large number of tests (but not as much as we'd like)
Contributions + Upkeep
- Built from 9 major contributors over 4 ½ years
- Currently 2 full-ish time devs doing maintenance and new features
- Deployed to wholesale to one QA and PROD system each
Internal Dependency Graph

// Generate internal dep. graph visual
$ stack dot | dot -Tpng -o sauron.png
// Number of internal packages
$ stack ls dependencies --no-external | wc -l
Internal Haskell Packages
External Haskell Packages
External Dependency Graph
- Includes internal and transitive deps
//Generate internal + external dep. graph visual
$ stack dot --no-include-base --external --depth=1 \
| dot -Tpng -o sauron-external.png

// Number of internal + external packages
$ stack ls dependencies --external | wc -l
Magnitude of Sauron
// Lines of Haskell code
sauron hkailahi$ cloc --not-match-d='.*stack.*' --fullpath --include-ext=hs .
3511 text files.
3323 unique files.
3038 files ignored.
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.90 T=1.77 s (466.0 files/s, 54333.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Haskell 824 11403 9151 75511
SUM: 824 11403 9151 75511
// Lines of Haskell test code
sauron hkailahi$ find . -name "*Spec.hs" | xargs cloc
212 text files.
212 unique files.
0 files ignored.
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.90 T=0.12 s (1757.6 files/s, 249591.8 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Haskell 212 3414 1192 25500
SUM: 212 3414 1192 25500
// Lines of python, configuration, etc
sauron hkailahi$ cloc --not-match-d='.*stack.*,venv' \
--fullpath --include-ext=py,json,yaml,yml, .
4301 text files.
4009 unique files.
3350 files ignored.
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.90 T=11.02 s (124.3 files/s, 28290.2 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Python 1206 44408 55747 179448
JSON 28 0 0 16462
YAML 136 1444 90 14193
SUM: 1370 45852 55837 210103
Haskell Ecosystem
Package Distribution
Package Registries / Indexes
- Hackage
- Stackage
From Source
- Git: Github, Bitbucket, etc
Package Registries / Indexes
Build Tools
- Cabal
- Stack
- Nix
- Community
- Organizations
- Commercial
- FPComplete
Stack Ecosystem
Stackage LTS
- Stable package sets from Hackage using a specific version of the GHC Haskell compiler
- Easy to use with stack
- Hosted and developed by FPComplete
- Relies on community contributions to submit individual packages and keep them up-to-date
Haskell the TVision Way™️
- One custom package set for ALL code at a time
- Defined on top of a Stackage LTS snapshot
- High Code Sharing
- Moderately high use of abstraction
- (see Internal Dependencies visualization)
Functional core, imperative shell
- Push effects to the boundaries
- Unafraid of (most) advanced language features
- FBOFW not Simple Haskell™️
Verbose Code Style
- variable, function, type names
- Reduce boilerplate with heavy code generation
Maintaining a Large Haskell Project
- Maintenance (Stability + Feature Parity)
- Upfront
- Sustained
- Surface Area / Blast Radius
- Audit
Developer UX
- Compile Times
- Code/Feature Discovery
- Tools dictate action
Dependency Blast Radius
- Coupling can exist for types, functions, modules, packages, projects, etc
Classifying Coupling
Afferent (Incoming / Downstream Deps / Package Responsibility)
- A module with a high fan-in value is likely to induce changes on the components which are dependent on it. On the other hand, the changes to the dependents are unlikely to induce changes to this component.
Efferent (Outgoing / Upstream Deps / Package Externalities + Volatility)
- Components with high efferent coupling value are sensitive to the changes that are introduced to their dependencies. In addition, the deficiencies of their dependencies naturally manifest themselves in these components.
- Can be used to measure stability / instability
Afferent (Incoming / Downstream Deps / Package Responsibility)
Coined by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-Uncle-Bob
Coupling Example
### Foobar.py
class Quux(NamedTuple):
id: int
class Foo(NamedTuple):
q: Quux
class Bar(NamedTuple):
q: Quux
Instability Index
- Various tools can generate this for function, modules, packages, etc
Metric not at all useful on it's own, but has potential use with wider context
- More sophisticated metrics for stability exist

Code Organization
- Monorepo
Haskell's superpower is refactoring
- Monorepos compliment to Haskell's strengths, while polyrepos defeat them
Haskell's superpower is refactoring
- Custom Prelude: standard library we've chosen
Shared Utilities: tvision-shared
- Common utilities are lifted to the top level (horizontally organized)
Vertical* Multi-Package Projects
- Services - *-core, *-api, *-manager, *-handler, *-metrics
- Scripts - *-core, *-scripts, *-database, *-api/*-client
*Some horizontal projects, like tracker, are depended on everywhere
It's a Monorepo!
Henelis-MacBook-Pro-2:sauron hkailahi$ tree -L 1
├── README.md
├── acr-database
├── acr-monitor-core
├── acr-monitor-scripts
├── acrcloud-client
├── acrcloud-core
├── ad-import-etl-core
├── ad-import-etl-scripts
├── ad-metadata-api
├── ad-metadata-database
├── api
├── auth-api
├── build-scripts
├── content-metadata-api
├── content-metadata-database
├── device-config-api
├── device-config-core
├── device-config-handler
├── device-config-manager
├── device-config-metrics
├── device-config-scripts
├── firehose-database
├── gooddata-api
├── gooddata-provisioning-api
├── gooddata-provisioning-core
├── gooddata-provisioning-scripts
├── gtv-scripts
├── hie.yaml
├── import-core
├── in-tab-core
├── in-tab-scripts
├── ingest-api
├── ingest-core
├── ingest-driver
├── ingest-integration
├── ingest-manager
├── ingest-metrics
├── ingest-scripts
├── ingest-settings
├── ingest-tracker
├── ingest-tracker-database
├── kinetiq-api
├── kinetiq-core
├── kinetiq-scripts
├── migrate
├── operations-database
├── operations-database-scripts
├── panel-api
├── pentaho-invoker-core
├── pentaho-invoker-scripts
├── photo-training-api
├── photo-training-handler
├── photo-training-metrics
├── python-scripts
├── ranking-unload-api
├── ranking-unload-core
├── ranking-unload-scripts
├── sauron-external.png
├── sauron.png
├── stack.yaml
├── stack.yaml.lock
├── test-results
├── tivo-etl-api
├── tivo-etl-core
├── tivo-etl-scripts
├── tvision-16.31-201.yaml
├── tvision-shared
├── tvision-shared-example
├── tvision-shared-scripts
├── upload-api
├── upload-core
├── upload-handler
├── upload-manager
├── upload-metrics
├── vidvita-client
├── vidvita-core
├── zoho-api
└── zoho-synch
Haskell Maintenance Advantages
- Refactoring
- Discovery of breaking changes
- Compile Time > Run Time
- Safer Code Evolution
- Easily create + incorporate wide scale improvements (all the way down)
- Discovery of breaking changes
- Code Quality
Haskell Maintenance Disadvantages
- Compile Times
- Fast moving compiler and ecosystem
Typeclass Compatibility
- AMP, Semigroup, MonadFail Proposals
- Orphan Instances
- Documentation Quality
- Small community
Requires active engagement
- Upstream Maintenance
- Writing own libraries
Haskell the TVision Way
Maintenance Advantages
Mechanical Updates
- Fearless refactoring
- Actually refactor and maintain code rather than rewrite every N years
- Correctness*
- Upkeep of Code and Tool Sharing
- Local Dev + Integration Test Capabilities
*No more likely to prevent a logical error
Haskell the TVision Way
Maintenance Disadvantages
- Onboarding
- Learning Curve
- Frontloaded
- Higher upfront costs for new projects
- More cultural than fundamental limitation
- Higher upfront costs for new projects
- Pervasive Updates
- Large changes are non-parallelizable
- Breaking Changes in Multi-Language Ecosystem
TVision Haskell Upgrade Process
New Snapshot Available
- Stackage publishes a new Stackage LTS
- Ideally we stay a couple months behind major release
Upgrade Planning
- Create a ticket for available LTS major upgrade
- Passively track:
- Known major changes
- State of major third-party dependencies
- New language features
- Announcements (security, breakages, etc)
Updating Custom Snapshot
- Background
- See Updating the LTS in circle-docker-haskell
- More info
- Custom Haskell Snapshots (TVision Confluence)
- Pantry | Custom Snapshots (FPComplete)
circle-docker-haskell: LTS 16 PR
- Pinned package set for all our code
- Docker image for building, testing, and deploying haskell artifacts in CI
Updating Haskell Code
Deploy Changes
- Deploy
- Continuous QA Deployment of ALL sauron
- Manual PROD deployment of ALL sauron
- Practice as of now
- Historically, components have typically been deployed based on need, which means potential changes often sit until LTS deploy
- This can (and should) be improved
Experience Report: LTS 16 Upgrade
New Snapshot Available + Upgrade Planning
Stackage LTS Releases
- LTS 11 (ghc-8.2.2) on 2018-03-12
- LTS 12 (ghc-8.4.3) on 2018-07-09
- LTS 13 (ghc-8.6.3) on 2018-12-23
- LTS 14 (ghc-8.6.5) on 2019-08-05
- LTS 15 (ghc-8.8.2) on 2020-02-16
- LTS 16 (ghc-8.8.3) on 2020-06-08
- LTS 17 (ghc-8.10.3) on 2021-01-24
- Nightlies on ghc-9.0.1 on 2021-05-29
TVision Upgrades
- LTS 11 -> LTS 13 at the beginning of 2019
- Several minor LTS 13 bumps in 2019
LTS 13 -> LTS 16 in mid-2021 😱
- LTS 15 Estimation on 2020-09-08
- LTS 15 + 16 Expectation tracking
Updating Custom Snapshot
Stackage LTS Dependency Omission
- amazonka prevented LTS 17 (ghc-8.10.4) upgrade ❌
"Foreign Dependencies"
cryptonite, file-path-th, HasBigDecimal
interpolator, libssh2
Available on future LTS
- interpolator, vinyl
Available on future LTS
New "Foreign Dependencies" continued
Not available on new LTS
Source Repo
- uri-templater
- libssh2
- postgresql-simple-migration, tz
- Haddock + Dash: haddocset, haddock-api, haddock-library
Stale + License Issues
- token-bucket (HVR)
- wai-middleware-throttle (creichert, dfithian)
Source Repo
Not available on new LTS
Updating CI Image
- circle-docker-haskell LTS PR:
- Upgrade Experience
- 1.5 hour circle-docker-haskell builds 🔥🔥
- Switching to base image with stack and LTS pre-installed did nothing...
- Iterating Docker + Stack + YAML is immensely frustrating
- Docker Troubleshooting Tips (TVision Confluence)
- Interactive Debugging additions (circle-docker-haskell README)
- 1.5 hour circle-docker-haskell builds 🔥🔥
Updating Haskell Builds
- LTS PRs – mason, sauron
- CI build times relatively unchanged (~20 minutes)
🔥🔥🔥🔥 stack 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Upgraded then reverted stack
- Newer versions caused excessive test recompilation
Now we miss out on dependency resolver fix
- If FPComplete's Casa server goes down our builds will fail (again)
- Haskell IDE + stack infighting from different flags causing non-stop and unnecessary recompilation
Upgraded then reverted stack
mason / shake
- Another possible culprit of recompilation?? 🤔
Updating Haskell Code
-- Sauron diff between lts branch & pre-merged master
$ git diff --shortstat \
478239fe85a97b3df8897516ebe64b6e0a9b0fe9 \
255 files changed, 1406 insertions(+), 1044 deletions(-)
Updating Haskell Code
Notes (Will cover in Part II)
# LTS 16 upgrade
## Breaking Changes
* `MonadFail` Proposal
* Not sure what the monad to throw in? Using `throwIO . userError` as substitute because I’m bad at software
* Try to avoid `MonadFail.fail` at all costs
* Use `parseFail` with `Aeson`, which `= fail` but specific to `FromJSON` implementation which is the point of avoiding `fail`
* `MonadFail` usages (for now)
* `Q` for TH (compile-time error at least, but still gross)
* No `Either String` instance
* https://twitter.com/chris__martin/status/1095839981845790724
* https://twitter.com/taylorfausak/status/1180158792622903298
* `Relude` has instance https://github.com/kowainik/relude/blob/78c307f948c52b0b976fe5a588825a1623d9348a/src/Relude/Monad/Either.hs#L71-L73
* Evidently our datetime parsers were partial
* `Path`
* Now need annotation with type in scope now https://github.com/commercialhaskell/path/issues/161#issuecomment-632041470
-- |The repository root, as an absolute path.
getRootDir :: Shake.Action FilePath
getRootDir = do
path <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute @(Path Rel Dir) [reldir|.|]
pure $ toFilePath path
* `Servant`
* `ServantErr` -> `ServerError`
* `ServantError` -> `ClientError`
* `FailureResponse` now includes the failing request, which is nice. I just dropped it where I saw it but it’s probably useful to log it?
* Swagger
* `& type_ .~` to `& type_ ?~` because optional
* `InsOrdHashSet` on `_swaggerTags`
* `Esqueleto`
* No more `Esqueleto` type, concrete > polymorphic
* `expr` -> `SqlExpr`
* `Esqueleto _ _ backend` -> `SqlBackend`
* `sub_select` x4
* used `subSelectUnsafe` instead of `subSelectMaybe` because I didn’t want to deal with change in type and how to get neighbor combinators working (ex. `Q.not_`)
panel-api > /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/haskell/sauron/panel-api/src/Panel/Database/DeviceReadActions.hs:260:47: error: [-Wdeprecations, -Werror=deprecations]
panel-api > In the use of ‘sub_select’
panel-api > (imported from Database.Esqueleto, but defined in Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal):
panel-api > Deprecated: "sub_select
panel-api > sub_select is an unsafe function to use. If used with a SqlQuery that
panel-api > returns 0 results, then it may return NULL despite not mentioning Maybe
panel-api > in the return type. If it returns more than 1 result, then it will throw a
panel-api > SQL error.
panel-api >
panel-api > Instead, consider using one of the following alternatives:
panel-api > - subSelect: attaches a LIMIT 1 and the Maybe return type, totally safe.
panel-api > - subSelectMaybe: Attaches a LIMIT 1, useful for a query that already
panel-api > has a Maybe in the return type.
panel-api > - subSelectCount: Performs a count of the query - this is always safe.
panel-api > - subSelectUnsafe: Performs no checks or guarantees. Safe to use with
panel-api > countRows and friends."
panel-api > |
panel-api > 260 | in Q.case_ [ (Q.exists $ void latestAction, Q.sub_select latestIsAction) ] (Q.val False)
panel-api > |
* `Persistent`
* Now requires:
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
## Extra
* `ClassyPrelude`
* Now exports a lot more
* `time` aka Data.Time.* like `Day`, `isoDefaultLocalTime`, `formatTime`, etc
* Was `formatTime` getting deprecated????
* `Control.Monad.Reader` like `ReaderT`
* `Control.Monad.IO.Class` like `MonadIO`, `liftIO`
* `UnliftIO.Exception` and probably the rest of `unliftio`
* `import UnliftIO.Temporary (withSystemTempDirectory)`
* `UnliftIO.Async`
* `stm` like `TVar`
* `containers` like `Data.HashMap.Lazy`
## Cleanup
* Annotating or inlining `Fail.fail`
* `error "blah"` -> `impureThrow $ flip StringException callStack “blah”`
* These are still partial, but now at least our impure exceptions are intentional and HAVE A CALLSTACK 🎉
## Random
We had redundant `MonadReader`, `MonadCatch`, `HasEnv` constraints on foundational AWS stuff, which for some reason we decided to defer with `{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}`
## Wat 1 -
## Wat 2 - `device-config-core` missing
device-config-handler > <command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id device-config-core-4.0-Hv6wPjw7xB74Wc27BUkz9N device-config-handler > (use -v for more information)
device-config-scripts > Configuring device-config-scripts-4.0...
device-config-scripts > Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_3.0.1.0_ghc-8.8.4: The following package dependencies
device-config-scripts > were requested
device-config-scripts > --dependency='device-config-core=device-config-core-4.0-Hv6wPjw7xB74Wc27BUkz9N'
device-config-scripts > however the given installed package instance does not exist.
## Wat 3 - Test build resource blocking errors?
* `build-lock`
Looks like `HLS` and `mason` are competing (running their own colliding stack processes)
Error when running Shake build system:
at action, called at src/Shared/Build/Rules.hs:171:3 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Rules
at need, called at src/Shared/Build/Rules.hs:174:5 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Rules
* Depends on: .build/ingest-scripts/doc-test
at need, called at src/Shared/Build/Actions.hs:326:5 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Actions
* Depends on: .build/ingest-scripts/compile
at cmd_, called at src/Shared/Build/Actions.hs:274:33 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Actions
* Raised the exception:
Development.Shake.cmd, system command failed
Command line: stack build ingest-scripts --test --no-run-tests --fast
Exit code: 1
ingest-tracker-database> blocking for directory lock on /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/ingest-tracker-database/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal-
ingest-tracker-database> configure (lib)
ingest-tracker-database> Configuring ingest-tracker-database-4.0...
ingest-tracker-database> build (lib)
ingest-tracker-database> Preprocessing library for ingest-tracker-database-4.0..
ingest-tracker-database> Building library for ingest-tracker-database-4.0..
ingest-tracker-database> [ 1 of 13] Compiling Ingest.Tracker.Database [Optimisation flags changed]
ingest-tracker-database> <command line>: dlopen(/Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-settings-4.0-LNA4Yc0UglxCy6qnNu5PEK-ghc8.8.4.dylib, 5): Symbol not found: _ingestzmapizm4zi0zmCKj364Un0DC2Co9M8Fvp9R_IngestziApiziDriverTypes_zdfFromJSONSparkLocator2_closure
ingest-tracker-database> Referenced from: /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-settings-4.0-LNA4Yc0UglxCy6qnNu5PEK-ghc8.8.4.dylib
ingest-tracker-database> Expected in: /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-api-4.0-CKj364Un0DC2Co9M8Fvp9R-ghc8.8.4.dylib
ingest-tracker-database> in /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-settings-4.0-LNA4Yc0UglxCy6qnNu5PEK-ghc8.8.4.dylib
Progress 1/6
-- While building package ingest-tracker-database-4.0 (scroll up to its section to see the error) using:
/Users/hkailahi/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-osx/Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_3.0.1.0_ghc-8.8.4 --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- build lib:ingest-tracker-database --ghc-options ""
Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
### Wat 4 - IOError != SomeException?
kinetiq-core > [ 6 of 10] Compiling Kinetiq.Core.ImportSpec kinetiq-core > kinetiq-core > /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/kinetiq-core/test/Kinetiq/Core/ImportSpec.hs:306:15: error: kinetiq-core > • Couldn't match type ‘SomeException’ with ‘IOException’ kinetiq-core > Expected type: IOError -> ConduitT i o m CursorMark kinetiq-core > Actual type: SomeException -> ConduitT i o m CursorMark kinetiq-core > • The first argument of ($) takes one argument, kinetiq-core > its type is ‘cat0 a0 c0’, kinetiq-core > it is specialized to ‘SomeException -> ConduitT i o m CursorMark’ kinetiq-core > In the expression: kinetiq-core > map (const CursorMarkAll) kinetiq-core > . yieldM . throwIO . StreamingErrorServant . ConnectionError kinetiq-core > $ userError "test connection error" kinetiq-core > In an equation for ‘creativeStreamFail’: kinetiq-core > creativeStreamFail kinetiq-core > = map (const CursorMarkAll) kinetiq-core > . yieldM . throwIO . StreamingErrorServant . ConnectionError kinetiq-core > $ userError "test connection error" kinetiq-core > | kinetiq-core > 306 | map (const CursorMarkAll)
TODO - Re-enable after re-running shake update-swagger-specs
## Wat 5 - Doc Build Misread Correct Module Name and Failed it as incorrect/mismatching the file location
auth-api >
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > src/Auth/Api/Database/Model.hs:1:1: error:
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > File name does not match module name:
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > Saw: ‘Main’
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > Expected: ‘Auth.Api.Database.Model’
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > |
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > 1 | {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > | ^
But file clearly uses `Auth.Api.Database.Model`
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- ^Required for using `persistent`
module Auth.Api.Database.Model where
This isn’t an issue in other places? There’s an issue that says this the error when the module is unparseable by haddock, though I’m not sure what’s in the way https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1549
Probably the comment underneath it not being `module`?
Deploy Changes
Deploy MAIN
- Monitored QA deploy for a couple days, then proceeded PROD deploy
- Everything worked! 🎉
- Added deploy steps + example to custom snapshot docs
- Monitored QA deploy for a couple days, then proceeded PROD deploy
- Time Taken (including typical distractions)
- Ticket Start to PR Approval — 3 developer weeks (15 days)
- PR Approval to Deploy — ~1.5 developer weeks (10 days)
- Lots of on-call FIREs
Larger than typical LTS upgrade
- Also extended by choosing to do lots of tech debt refactoring
- Anything you want to hear more about next week?
- Or look at now?
- Any maintenance war stories?
Part II - GHC Upgrades + Features
Including LTS 16 (GHC 8.8) Upgrade Notes
- Haskell 101
- LTS 16 Upgrade (Haskell focus)
- GHC Features
Haskell 101
A 5 Minute Introduction
Left: https://serokell.medium.com/haskell-history-of-a-community-powered-language-b720ff6b54d
Right: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/functional-programming-haskell/0/steps/27218

Haskell the language is/has...
- "Purely Functional"
- Immutable data
- Lazy evaluation
- Managed Effects (-ish)
- "Strong Static Typing"
- Algebraic Data Types
- Parametric and Ad Hoc Polymorphism
- Overloading via Typeclasses
- Many type-level features
- Useful (in industry) to be aware of...
- Optimizing Compiler
- (A)synchronous Exceptions
The Haskell Standard Library is/has...
Language-level features in other languages are simple functions
- Ex. Async/Await, Loops, Short-Circuiting, Accumulative Validation, Managed Effects, Parallelism, Etc
Language-level features in other languages are simple functions
Performant Runtime
- Green threads
- Software Transactional Memory
- Rewriting, Specializing/Inlining, Levity Polymorphism, etc
Type Safety
- GADTs, Type Families, GHC.Generics, Typeclass Coherence, etc
Haskell Primer
- See Haskell Primer from "Type-Level Programming" talk I gave
Haskell 401
(Not Introductory)
So anyways, here's my monad tutorial....
Relevant to MonadFail and QualifiedDo discussions

Monads 101
Monads give Haskell programmers an interface for combining computations under some shared context
This context is given as a type, and it's behavior is specified by that type's monad implementation
instance Monad Maybe ...
instance Monad (Either e) ...
instance Monad IO ...
instance Monad Reader ...
instance Monad State ...
Without Monads
Not necessary* to use monadic interface
Language provides a familiar, imperative looking syntax sugar that is nice to use and understand.
# Without Syntax
aShortCircuitingFn :: Either SomeError SomeResult
aShortCircuitingFn =
case doThingOrFail of
Left err1 -> Left err1
Right result1 ->
case doThingWithResult1OrFail result1 of
Left err2 -> Left err2
Right result2 -> Right result2
* IO doesn't export constructor, but does have Monad instance
Sugar OOooOOoo
a familiar, imperative looking syntax sugar for Monads
# Monad Do Syntax
aShortCircuitingFn :: Either SomeError SomeResult
aShortCircuitingFn = Either.do
result1 <- doThingOrFail
result2 <- doThingWithResult1OrFail result1
pure result2
someShortCircuitingFn :: Either SomeError SomeResult
someShortCircuitingFn = Either.do
result1 <- doThingOrFail
result2 <- doThingWithResult1OrFail result1
pure result2
someAsyncComputation :: Async ()
someAsyncComputation = Async.do
response1 <- makeAsyncRequest1
response2 <- makeAsyncRequest2
doSomething response1
doSomething response2
printThings :: IO ()
printThings = IO.do
input <- getLine
print input
Common interface for asynchronous, short-circuiting, stateful, non-deterministic, effectful, linear, and/or other computations
Monad Heirarchy
Functor Applicative Monad hierarchy
Every Monad is an Applicative and every Applicative is a Functor.
Applicatives are weaker than monads, and can be used to sequence independent computations
Can't chain dependent ones as with Monads
Functors one the other hand can apply one or several transformations to one computation
Can’t sequence multiple computations
class Functor f where ...
class (Functor f) => Applicative f where ...
class (Applicative f) => Monad f where ...
LTS 16 Upgrade
Haskell-Specific Code Changes
Updating Haskell Code
Notes (Will cover in Part II)
# LTS 16 upgrade
## Breaking Changes
* `MonadFail` Proposal
* Not sure what the monad to throw in? Using `throwIO . userError` as substitute because I’m bad at software
* Try to avoid `MonadFail.fail` at all costs
* Use `parseFail` with `Aeson`, which `= fail` but specific to `FromJSON` implementation which is the point of avoiding `fail`
* `MonadFail` usages (for now)
* `Q` for TH (compile-time error at least, but still gross)
* No `Either String` instance
* https://twitter.com/chris__martin/status/1095839981845790724
* https://twitter.com/taylorfausak/status/1180158792622903298
* `Relude` has instance https://github.com/kowainik/relude/blob/78c307f948c52b0b976fe5a588825a1623d9348a/src/Relude/Monad/Either.hs#L71-L73
* Evidently our datetime parsers were partial
* `Path`
* Now need annotation with type in scope now https://github.com/commercialhaskell/path/issues/161#issuecomment-632041470
-- |The repository root, as an absolute path.
getRootDir :: Shake.Action FilePath
getRootDir = do
path <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute @(Path Rel Dir) [reldir|.|]
pure $ toFilePath path
* `Servant`
* `ServantErr` -> `ServerError`
* `ServantError` -> `ClientError`
* `FailureResponse` now includes the failing request, which is nice. I just dropped it where I saw it but it’s probably useful to log it?
* Swagger
* `& type_ .~` to `& type_ ?~` because optional
* `InsOrdHashSet` on `_swaggerTags`
* `Esqueleto`
* No more `Esqueleto` type, concrete > polymorphic
* `expr` -> `SqlExpr`
* `Esqueleto _ _ backend` -> `SqlBackend`
* `sub_select` x4
* used `subSelectUnsafe` instead of `subSelectMaybe` because I didn’t want to deal with change in type and how to get neighbor combinators working (ex. `Q.not_`)
panel-api > /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/haskell/sauron/panel-api/src/Panel/Database/DeviceReadActions.hs:260:47: error: [-Wdeprecations, -Werror=deprecations]
panel-api > In the use of ‘sub_select’
panel-api > (imported from Database.Esqueleto, but defined in Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal):
panel-api > Deprecated: "sub_select
panel-api > sub_select is an unsafe function to use. If used with a SqlQuery that
panel-api > returns 0 results, then it may return NULL despite not mentioning Maybe
panel-api > in the return type. If it returns more than 1 result, then it will throw a
panel-api > SQL error.
panel-api >
panel-api > Instead, consider using one of the following alternatives:
panel-api > - subSelect: attaches a LIMIT 1 and the Maybe return type, totally safe.
panel-api > - subSelectMaybe: Attaches a LIMIT 1, useful for a query that already
panel-api > has a Maybe in the return type.
panel-api > - subSelectCount: Performs a count of the query - this is always safe.
panel-api > - subSelectUnsafe: Performs no checks or guarantees. Safe to use with
panel-api > countRows and friends."
panel-api > |
panel-api > 260 | in Q.case_ [ (Q.exists $ void latestAction, Q.sub_select latestIsAction) ] (Q.val False)
panel-api > |
* `Persistent`
* Now requires:
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
## Extra
* `ClassyPrelude`
* Now exports a lot more
* `time` aka Data.Time.* like `Day`, `isoDefaultLocalTime`, `formatTime`, etc
* Was `formatTime` getting deprecated????
* `Control.Monad.Reader` like `ReaderT`
* `Control.Monad.IO.Class` like `MonadIO`, `liftIO`
* `UnliftIO.Exception` and probably the rest of `unliftio`
* `import UnliftIO.Temporary (withSystemTempDirectory)`
* `UnliftIO.Async`
* `stm` like `TVar`
* `containers` like `Data.HashMap.Lazy`
## Cleanup
* Annotating or inlining `Fail.fail`
* `error "blah"` -> `impureThrow $ flip StringException callStack “blah”`
* These are still partial, but now at least our impure exceptions are intentional and HAVE A CALLSTACK 🎉
## Random
We had redundant `MonadReader`, `MonadCatch`, `HasEnv` constraints on foundational AWS stuff, which for some reason we decided to defer with `{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}`
## Wat 1 -
## Wat 2 - `device-config-core` missing
device-config-handler > <command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id device-config-core-4.0-Hv6wPjw7xB74Wc27BUkz9N device-config-handler > (use -v for more information)
device-config-scripts > Configuring device-config-scripts-4.0...
device-config-scripts > Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_3.0.1.0_ghc-8.8.4: The following package dependencies
device-config-scripts > were requested
device-config-scripts > --dependency='device-config-core=device-config-core-4.0-Hv6wPjw7xB74Wc27BUkz9N'
device-config-scripts > however the given installed package instance does not exist.
## Wat 3 - Test build resource blocking errors?
* `build-lock`
Looks like `HLS` and `mason` are competing (running their own colliding stack processes)
Error when running Shake build system:
at action, called at src/Shared/Build/Rules.hs:171:3 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Rules
at need, called at src/Shared/Build/Rules.hs:174:5 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Rules
* Depends on: .build/ingest-scripts/doc-test
at need, called at src/Shared/Build/Actions.hs:326:5 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Actions
* Depends on: .build/ingest-scripts/compile
at cmd_, called at src/Shared/Build/Actions.hs:274:33 in tvision-shared-build-1.0-2Kuf4TFsxabFHFPjQLm3rE:Shared.Build.Actions
* Raised the exception:
Development.Shake.cmd, system command failed
Command line: stack build ingest-scripts --test --no-run-tests --fast
Exit code: 1
ingest-tracker-database> blocking for directory lock on /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/ingest-tracker-database/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal-
ingest-tracker-database> configure (lib)
ingest-tracker-database> Configuring ingest-tracker-database-4.0...
ingest-tracker-database> build (lib)
ingest-tracker-database> Preprocessing library for ingest-tracker-database-4.0..
ingest-tracker-database> Building library for ingest-tracker-database-4.0..
ingest-tracker-database> [ 1 of 13] Compiling Ingest.Tracker.Database [Optimisation flags changed]
ingest-tracker-database> <command line>: dlopen(/Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-settings-4.0-LNA4Yc0UglxCy6qnNu5PEK-ghc8.8.4.dylib, 5): Symbol not found: _ingestzmapizm4zi0zmCKj364Un0DC2Co9M8Fvp9R_IngestziApiziDriverTypes_zdfFromJSONSparkLocator2_closure
ingest-tracker-database> Referenced from: /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-settings-4.0-LNA4Yc0UglxCy6qnNu5PEK-ghc8.8.4.dylib
ingest-tracker-database> Expected in: /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-api-4.0-CKj364Un0DC2Co9M8Fvp9R-ghc8.8.4.dylib
ingest-tracker-database> in /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/.stack-work/install/x86_64-osx/bd89f4eaefc06cd173fc3ea35b5bcb82189eb2837d9754919e73596a7e16914b/8.8.4/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.8.4/libHSingest-settings-4.0-LNA4Yc0UglxCy6qnNu5PEK-ghc8.8.4.dylib
Progress 1/6
-- While building package ingest-tracker-database-4.0 (scroll up to its section to see the error) using:
/Users/hkailahi/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-osx/Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_3.0.1.0_ghc-8.8.4 --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- build lib:ingest-tracker-database --ghc-options ""
Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
### Wat 4 - IOError != SomeException?
kinetiq-core > [ 6 of 10] Compiling Kinetiq.Core.ImportSpec kinetiq-core > kinetiq-core > /Users/hkailahi/tvision/git/backend/sauron/kinetiq-core/test/Kinetiq/Core/ImportSpec.hs:306:15: error: kinetiq-core > • Couldn't match type ‘SomeException’ with ‘IOException’ kinetiq-core > Expected type: IOError -> ConduitT i o m CursorMark kinetiq-core > Actual type: SomeException -> ConduitT i o m CursorMark kinetiq-core > • The first argument of ($) takes one argument, kinetiq-core > its type is ‘cat0 a0 c0’, kinetiq-core > it is specialized to ‘SomeException -> ConduitT i o m CursorMark’ kinetiq-core > In the expression: kinetiq-core > map (const CursorMarkAll) kinetiq-core > . yieldM . throwIO . StreamingErrorServant . ConnectionError kinetiq-core > $ userError "test connection error" kinetiq-core > In an equation for ‘creativeStreamFail’: kinetiq-core > creativeStreamFail kinetiq-core > = map (const CursorMarkAll) kinetiq-core > . yieldM . throwIO . StreamingErrorServant . ConnectionError kinetiq-core > $ userError "test connection error" kinetiq-core > | kinetiq-core > 306 | map (const CursorMarkAll)
TODO - Re-enable after re-running shake update-swagger-specs
## Wat 5 - Doc Build Misread Correct Module Name and Failed it as incorrect/mismatching the file location
auth-api >
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > src/Auth/Api/Database/Model.hs:1:1: error:
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > File name does not match module name:
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > Saw: ‘Main’
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > Expected: ‘Auth.Api.Database.Model’
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > |
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > 1 | {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Progress 11/65: auth-api, kinetiq-api, panel-api, vidvita-client auth-api > | ^
But file clearly uses `Auth.Api.Database.Model`
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- ^Required for using `persistent`
module Auth.Api.Database.Model where
This isn’t an issue in other places? There’s an issue that says this the error when the module is unparseable by haddock, though I’m not sure what’s in the way https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1549
Probably the comment underneath it not being `module`?
Breaking Changes
- Highlights
- MonadFail Proposal
- path Annotations
- servant-* Errors
- Swagger Types
- esqueleto + persistent monomorphized
- Added classy-prelude re-exports
- Non-LTS 16 Updates
- error -> impureThrow
MonadFail Proposal

MonadFail Proposal

MonadFail still an anti-pattern
- Obscures IOExceptions from pure values
- We don't need a generic/unqualified way to fail
- Prefer fail-ing explicitly
-- Default instances
instance MonadFail Maybe where
fail _ = Nothing
instance MonadFail [] where
fail _ = []
instance MonadFail IO where
fail = failIO -- basically `throwString`
MonadFail Migration
- Catching all the places we fail-ed and deciding if we really wanted to throw a nameless exception or...
- Add custom exception
- Inline existing MonadFail instance
- Accept upstream MonadFail behavior of inherited type
- Explicitly annotate, ex. fail @IO "Some codegen error"
- Use alternative, ex. Aeson provides parseFail = fail
- Tolerate partiality with FIXME (optparse-applicative cli parsers)
- Succeed (not fail)
$ count_prev_occs 'fail [\.|\$|\"]'

Servant Improvements
Server (servant-server)
ServantErr -> ServerError
Client (servant-client)
ServantError -> ClientError
ClientError.FailureResponse now includes the failing request, which is nice
I just dropped the field where it came up but it’s would be useful to log it
$ count_prev_occs 'ServantErr'
$ count_prev_occs 'FailureResponse'

Esqueleto/Persistent Improvements
$ count_prev_occs "[-|=]> \(expr\|query\)"
- Now requires -XUndecidableInstances + -XDerivingStrategies
Monomorphized API
- From query backend expr (expr (Q.Entity SomeTable)) => expr (q f) → SqlExpr (q f)
- From query backend expr (expr (Q.Entity SomeTable)) => query f → SqlQuery f
- Esqueleto query backend expr => backend → SqlBackend
Type Safety
- sub_select → subSelectCountRows, subSelectUnsafe, subselectMaybe
Monomorphized API

- SwaggerType's are now optional
- Swagger tags are now insert order, instead of alphabetical order
- Factored out function for differing committed/previously generated vs newly generated swagger docs
- Didn't check for changes in swagger-generated clients
- Now re-exports
Day, isoDefaultLocalTime, formatTime
ReaderT, MonadIO (liftIO)
UnliftIO.Exception, UnliftIO.Temporary (withSystemTempDirectory), UnliftIO.Async
Extra: Utility Compare Functions
- Helpers for following slides, not important
$ export PREV_REV=478239fe85a97b3df8897516ebe64b6e0a9b0fe9;
$ pickndiff_file() {
> export FILE=$(git grep "$1" $PREV_REV | fzf | cut -f 2 -d :)
> if [ -z $FILE ]
> then echo "No file choosen"
> else
> echo "Diffing $PREV_REV:$FILE..."
> git diff $PREV_REV:$FILE master:$FILE | delta
> fi
> }
$ count_prev_occs() { git grep "$1" $PREV_REV | wc -l; }
Various Cleanup
error "blah" → impureThrow $ flip StringException callStack “blah”
These are still partial, but now at least our impure exceptions are intentional and have a stack trace 🎉
Foundational AWS streaming utilities had redundant MonadReader, MonadCatch, Aws.HasEnv constraints
- For some reason was being deferred with {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
- Applied various HLint suggestions
GHC Features
GHC 8.6 Features
GHC 8.6.1 Release Announcement
- Extensions
- DerivingVia
- QuantifiedConstraints
- BlockArguments
ghci (repl) commands
- :doc
- Language
- Valid Hole fits
- ghc-heap-view packaged
Reuse typeclass instances from other types
with the same shape
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
newtype VarChar255 = VarChar Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (SqlField) via SqlText
deriving (Arbitrary) via UTF8UpToNCharacters 255
newtype RowCount = RowCount Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Num)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Int
Moar type level prolog
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
class (forall a. Functor (p a)) => Bifunctor p where...
class (forall a c. Functor (p a)) => Profunctor p where...
class (forall m. Monad m => Monad (t m))
=> MonadTrans t where
lift :: m a -> t m a
class Bifunctor p where...
class Profunctor p where...
class MonadTrans t where
lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a
Moar type level prolog
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
class (forall a. Functor (p a)) => Bifunctor p where...
class (forall a c. Functor (p a)) => Profunctor p where...
class (forall m. Monad m => Monad (t m))
=> MonadTrans t where
lift :: m a -> t m a
class Bifunctor p where...
class Profunctor p where...
class MonadTrans t where
lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a
Moar type level prolog
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
class (forall a. Functor (p a)) => Bifunctor p where...
class (forall a c. Functor (p a)) => Profunctor p where...
class (forall m. Monad m => Monad (t m))
=> MonadTrans t where
lift :: m a -> t m a
class Bifunctor p where...
class Profunctor p where...
class MonadTrans t where
lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a
:doc Command
Get info on type/function in the REPL
$ ghci
λ> :doc Maybe
The 'Maybe' type encapsulates an optional value. A value of type
@'Maybe' a@ either contains a value of type @a@ (represented as @'Just' a@),
or it is empty (represented as 'Nothing'). Using 'Maybe' is a good way to
deal with errors or exceptional cases without resorting to drastic
measures such as 'Prelude.error'.
The 'Maybe' type is also a monad. It is a simple kind of error
monad, where all errors are represented by 'Nothing'. A richer
error monad can be built using the 'Data.Either.Either' type.
Valid Hole Fits
Get suggestions for type holes
f :: String
f = _ "hello, world"
F.hs:2:5: error:
• Found hole: _ :: [Char] -> String
• In the expression: _
In the expression: _ "hello, world"
In an equation for ‘f’: f = _ "hello, world"
• Relevant bindings include f :: String (bound at F.hs:2:1)
Valid hole fits include
cycle :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
init :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
tail :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
id :: forall a. a -> a
(Some hole fits suppressed;
use -fmax-valid-hole-fits=N
or -fno-max-valid-hole-fits)
Aside: Wingman for HLS
Plugin for Hole-driven development

Example: Type-Aware Code generation
Aside: Wingman for HLS
Example: Case Splitting

Aside: Wingman for HLS

Example: Tactics Metaprogramming
ghc-heap-view packaged
Introspect the Haskell heap
λ> value = "A Value"
λ> x :: (String, Bool, [Bool]) =
( value
, if head value == 'A' then value else ""
, cycle [True, False]
λ> :printHeap x
let x1 = _bco
x21 = []
in (x1,_bco,_bco)
-- evaluate everything
λ> length (take 100 (show x)) `seq` return ()
λ> :printHeap x
let x1 = "A Value"
x16 = True : False : x16
in (x1,x1,x16)
ghc-heap-view enables tools like ghc-vis for visualizing the heap
λ> :{
ones = [1,1..]
at 0 (x:xs) = x
at n (x:xs) = at (n-1) xs
ghc-heap-view enables tools like ghc-vis for visualizing the heap
λ> :{
ones = [1,1..]
at 0 (x:xs) = x
at n (x:xs) = at (n-1) xs

λ> at 1
λ> at 2
λ> at 3
ghc-heap-view enables tools like ghc-vis for visualizing the heap
λ> :{
ones = [1,1..]
at 0 (x:xs) = x
at n (x:xs) = at (n-1) xs

λ> at 1
λ> at 2
λ> at 3
ghc-heap-view enables tools like ghc-vis for visualizing the heap
λ> :{
ones = [1,1..]
at 0 (x:xs) = x
at n (x:xs) = at (n-1) xs

λ> at 1
λ> at 2
λ> at 3
GHC 8.8 Features
- Language
- .hie files
- Monad.fail Deprecation
- Visible Kind / Type-Level Type Applications
- forall now a keyword and can be used in more places
- Compiler
- Various Runtime Performance Improvements
- A new code layout algorithm for x86
- Various Runtime Performance Improvements
Hie Files
HIE Files - coming soon to a GHC near you!
- Persistent files for IDE that still works when code doesn't typecheck
- Powers Go-To-Reference and more
- Used by tools like
- Stan for linting
- hiedb for querying code facts from hie files (needs ghc 8.10 mismatch preventing demo)
Hie Files
Go-To-Definition on non-local libraries

Visible Kind / Type-Level Type Applications
TypeApplications let us use type arguments at the term level.
- Now we can specify kind arguments at the type level
λ> :set -XTypeApplications -XDataKinds
λ> import GHC.TypeLits
λ> :kind '[] @Nat
'[] @Int :: [Nat]
λ> :kind 'Just @Nat
'Just @Nat :: Nat -> Maybe Nat
GHC 8.10 Features
GHC 8.10.1 Release Announcement
- StandaloneKindSignatures
- ghci (repl) commands
- :instances
- Plugins
- New low-latency garbage collector
- Improved profiling
Liquid Haskell Plugin
Refinement types as a GHC plugin

GHC 9.0 Features
- Extensions
- Linear Types
- QualifiedDo
- Improved Runtime and Compiler performance
someShortCircuitingFn :: Either SomeError SomeResult
someShortCircuitingFn = Either.do
result1 <- doThingOrFail
result2 <- doThingWithResult1OrFail result1
pure result2
someAsyncComputation :: Async ()
someAsyncComputation = Async.do
response1 <- makeAsyncRequest1
response2 <- makeAsyncRequest2
doSomething response1
doSomething response2
printThings :: IO ()
printThings = IO.do
input <- getLine
print input
Explicitly qualify the monad for do-notation
Linear Types
- Linear functions are regular functions that guarantee that they will use their argument exactly once.
data Multiplicity
= One
| Many
newtype ReleaseMap = ReleaseMap (IntMap (Linear.IO ()))
-- | The resource-aware I/O monad. This monad guarantees that
-- acquired resources are always released.
newtype RIO a = RIO (IORef ReleaseMap -> Linear.IO a)
deriving (Data.Functor, Data.Applicative) via (Control.Data RIO)
unRIO :: RIO a %1-> IORef ReleaseMap -> Linear.IO a
unRIO (RIO action) = action
GHC 9.2 Features
GHC 9.2.1-alpha2 Release Notes
- Extensions
- Probably? Already merged
- GHC2021
- UnliftedDatatypes, UnliftedNewtypes
- ImpredicativeTypes
- Haddocks for TH-generated code
GHC >9.2 Features
- Splice imports
Delimited Continuation Primops
- Will allow fast effects libraries like eff
- Dependent Types
GHC Activities Report
Part III - State of Haskell Ecosystem @ TVision
and Beyond
- State of...
- TVision Haskell Dependencies
- Wider Haskell Ecosystem
- TVision Backend Codebase
Informal, opinionated, and conjectural considerations on scaling internal codebase and the ecosystem health
Scaling Observations
- Build Times
- Operational Overhead
- Maintenance Burden
Risk Analysis
- Producer of Haskell code
- Consumer of Haskell code
- Idealistic Scenarios and Recommendations
- Possible Complications
Scaling Considerations
Some things to keep an eye on
Build Times
Why are build times a problem?
Anti-Iteration: Builds usually happen when you're trying to get something done with the code (primary focus)
- Necessary but constant, unavoidable roadblock
Wasteful: (usually) failed builds = useful; successful builds = pointless
- Consider impact of flaky builds 😱😱😱
- Environmentally Responsible
Anti-Iteration: Builds usually happen when you're trying to get something done with the code (primary focus)
Potential Improvements
Sufficiently smart rebuilds
- Shared Build Cache
- Faster build tools
Design for Fast Iteration
- Disable non-functional branch checks, minimize feedback loop
- Automate harmless refactorings - Linters, Formatters, Granular Opt-in, Local Tools, PR dependency bumps (trust-dependent)
Sufficiently smart rebuilds

Operational Overhead
- We're constantly growing the volume and variety of interactions inside and adjacent to our backend
Potential Improvements
- Distributed Tracing
- Safe + Portable + Reproducible Infrastructure
Design for Users as Operators
- Tooling: E2E developer environments, decoupled scheduling + execution, metric roles

Maintenance Burden
Usage and extensions of backend components beyond their original designs
- Optimized for restatement-based data evolution rather than migration-based (tradeoffs)
Overhead impacts:
- Feature Additions, evolvability, onboarding, regression testing
Usage and extensions of backend components beyond their original designs
Potential Improvements
Stricter requirements on dependencies
- Static Linking
Stricter usage (non-)requirements
- Backwards / Forward compatibility
Stricter requirements on dependencies

State of TVision
Haskell Dependencies
Focus on internal maintenance of upstream Haskell packages
Core Dependencies
Standard Library
- ClassyPrelude
- Opaleye (used for modern projects)
- Persistent/Esqueleto (legacy?)
Services + Clients
- servant, servant-*
- optparse-applicative
- Conduit
- amazonka, amazonka-*
- Code Generation
- template-haskell
- Records
- lens
- Application / Effects
- mtl, transforms
- lens (classy optics)
- hspec
- Quickcheck
Known Risks
- ClassyPrelude
- FPComplete Universe
- amazonka
Build and Release Tools
- Haskell Specific
- GHC Extensions
- Optimization Flags
- Shake
- hie-bios (Informal)
General Developer Setup
Package Manager
- Homebrew
- Apt
Package Manager
Extra Tools
- Production Use
- postgres-simple-migration
Developer Use
Static Analysis
- HLint (informal)
- HLS (informal)
- Now .hie files (informal)
- Formatter
- Stylish
- Docs
- Dash
Static Analysis
- Bitrotted
- Untouched for 2 years despite numerous attempts to help
- Finally there's been activity in the last month
- Supposedly many upcoming breaking changes
- Alternatives
- GHC 8.8 support, last commit 03/2020
- No opsworks, emr functionality
- Shelling out to awscli / boto
State of Wider
Haskell Ecosystem
Focus on how it affects us
Haskell in Industry
Some companies (I know of) making making major contributions to Haskell ecosystem:
- Github
- Hasura
- FPComplete
- Mercury
- Tweag
- Google (GSoC)
More notable users of Haskell:
- Tesla
- Target
- Barclays
- Simspace
- NoRedInk
- CircuitHub
- Chordify
Alive and Well!
Haskell Adoption
- Easier than ever
- Books
- Production Haskell
- Simple Haskell
- Haskell Language Server
- Books
- Usability Improvements
- RecordDotSyntax, GHC2021
- Haskell Foundation
Being taught in schools
- Many UK schools
- Carnegie Mellon? Cornell?
State of TVision
Backend Codebase
Focus on internal Haskell usage + libraries
Core Projects
- Tracker
- Tracker Service (and client)
- Upload Manager Service (and client)
- Device Config
- Device Config Service
- Photo Training Service (and exterior App)
- Batch Ingestion
- Programs - Tivo
- Ads - Tam, Kinetiq
- Asset Pipeline
Project Tech Debt
- Tracker
- Tracker Pain Points
- Panel Scaling
- Stale Projects
- Device Config
- Photo Training replaced by mobile app
- Upload Manager
- Zoho
- Tivo (batch ingestion)
- Here be dragons 👻👻
- Device Config
- Unused Projects
- Kantar, Sky ad imports
- Note we do use ad-import-* for TAM ad imports
- Kantar, Sky ad imports
Sauron Diagnostic Report
~300KLOC (75KLOC Haskell)
- LOTS of config, (generated code too?)
- # of modules, tests, etc ???
~300KLOC (75KLOC Haskell)
Build Times
- Clean Build - 8 minutes
- Clean Build + Test - ????
- Build - 20 minutes
Dependency Change
- Build Change (ex. Scripts): .3 hr + .3 hr = 40 min
Build Times cont..
CI cont..
Dependency Change cont..
- Snapshot or System Config Change: 1.5 + .3 + .3 = ~2 hours
Dependency Change cont..
CI cont..
Build Occurences
- # CI builds a week, month, year
- # master CI build a week, month, year

Can we improve?
Should we improve?
Ingest Tracker
- Tracker
- Addressing Tracker Pain Points
- Improving Invocation DSL
- Remote Invocation Infrastructure instead of using Driver
- Tracker UI Improvments
- Adding Commit Phase
- Partial / Wholesale Replacement

TVision Backend
Asset Pipeline
TVision Backend
Future Asset Pipeline?
Revisiting Monorepo
We should definitely keep the monorepo, but there are tradeoffs:
- Build Times
- Compile Times
- Static Analysis
- Test Suite
- Batched Upkeep
- When there is horizontal organization
- Sophisticated Build Scripts
Revisiting Monorepo
Monorepo offers advantages to consider leaning into:
- Wholesale Tooling
- Local Development
- Integration Testing
Monolith (-ish)
- Continuous Delivery
- Staging?
- Continuous Delivery
Other things to look into
- Immutable Infrastructure
State of
GHC Haskell Compiler
Focus on how it affects us
Haskell Upgrade
By Heneli Kailahi
Haskell Upgrade
- 402