Recursive Datatypes


  • What's Recursion?
  • Ex. A Recursive Program
  • Ex. Recursive Types
  • Folds 
  • Guided Exercises
    • Lists and Naturals
    • Syntax Trees
    • Labelled Trees
  • Recursive, AST, and Annotated
  • Applications of Recursive Datatypes

What's Recursion?

Properties of Recursion

  • Recursion occurs when a function or type is defined in terms of itself
  • Infinite recursion goes on forever
  • Non-infinite recursion terminates with a base case
    • A scenario where there is no self-reference
    • Steps must actually make progress towards base case in to terminate

Recursive Programs

An example

Sum of List - Iteratively

def sum(numbers: List[int]) -> int:
  result = 0

  for number in numbers:
    result = result + number

  return result
>>> sum([1,2,3])
>>> sum([10])
>>> sum([])

Sum of List - Recursively

def sum(numbers: List[int]) -> int:
  if (numbers == []):
    return 0
  head: int = numbers[0]
  tail: [int] = numbers[1:]

  return head + sum(tail)
>>> sum([1,2,3])
>>> sum([10])
>>> sum([])
def sum(numbers: List[int]) -> int:
  if (numbers == []):
    return 0
  head: int = numbers[0]
  tail: [int] = numbers[1:]

  return head + sum(tail)

Base Case

Self-reference/ recursive call

Sum of List - Recursively

sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum []   = 0
sum x:xs = x + (sum xs)

Sum of List - Recursively

Haskell edition

sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum []   = 0
sum x:xs = x + (sum xs)

Base Case

Self-reference/ recursive call

Sum of List - Recursively

Haskell edition

Recursive Types

An example

data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)

Lists and Naturals

data Natural =
  | Succ Natural
  • Represent natural numbers (positive integers)

    • Example: (Python)

one: Nat = 1

# succ(nat: Nat) -> Nat
succ(one) == 2
succ(succ(one)) == 3


data Natural =
  | Succ Natural
natOne      = One
natTwo      = Succ One
natThree    = Succ (Succ One)
natFour     = Succ (Succ (Succ One))
alsoNatFour = Succ (natThree)
  • Represent natural numbers (positive integers)

    • Example: (Haskell)


data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
  • This list is created by "cons-ing" onto the head of the list

    • Example: (Python)

num: int = 1
nums: List[int] = [2,3]
empty: List[Int] = []

# cons(head: int, tail: List[int]) -> List[int]
cons(num, empty) == [1]
cons(num, nums) == [1,2,3]
cons(num, cons(num, nums)) == [1,1,2,3]


data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
listOne         = Cons 1 Empty
listOneTwo      = Cons 1 (Cons 2 Empty)
listOneToThree  = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Empty))
listOneToFour   = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Empty)))
listOneToFour'  = 1 : 2 : 4 : []
listOneToFour'' = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • This list is created by "cons-ing" onto the head of the list

    • Example: (Haskell)



Folds (Python)

def concat_strings(strings: List[str]) -> str:
  return foldr_list(
    operation=lambda a, b: a + b,

>>> concat_strings(["Man", " it's", " a", " hot", " one"])
"Man it's a hot one"
A = TypeVar('A'); B = TypeVar('B')
def foldr_list(operation: Callable[[A, B], B],
               base_case: B,
               elements: List[A]
               ) -> B:
  if (elements == []):
    return base_case
  head: A = elements[0]
  tail: List[A] = elements[1:]
  return operation(head, foldr_list(operation, base_case, tail))


-- Simplified right fold
foldrList :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldrList operation baseCase []     = baseCase
foldrList operation baseCase (x:xs) = 
  operation x (foldrList operation baseCase xs)
λ> concatStrings = foldrList (++) ""
λ> concatStrings ["Spanish", " Harlem", " Mona", " Lisa"]
"Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa"
λ> concatStrings []
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum numbers = foldr (+) 0 numbers
λ> sum [1,2,3]
λ> sum [10]
λ> sum []

Sum - As a fold

sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum numbers = foldr (+) 0 numbers

Base Case

Self-reference/ recursive call

Sum - As a fold

Visualizing Folds

foldrList :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
 foldrList f baseCase [x1, x2, x3]
    :        ->     f
   / \             / \
  x1  :      ->   x1  f 
     / \             / \
    x2  :    ->     x2  f
       / \             / \
      x3 []  ->       x3  baseCase
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum numbers = foldr (+) 0 numbers

Visualizing Sum

      sum [1, 2, 3]
  :        ->     +
 / \             / \
1   :      ->   1   + 
   / \             / \
  2   :    ->     2   +
     / \             / \
    3  []  ->       3   0

Guided Exercises

  • Goal: Generalize similar recursive types into one most excellent and general recursive type


  • Find a way to visualize values and patterns
  • Identify similar recursive datatypes and factor out similarities
    • If we only have one type, mess with it until we have another!
    • Try formulating in terms of primitive ADTs
      • Tuple, Maybe, Either, Identity, Void, Unit
  • Turn concrete types into polymorphic ones
  • Call new patterns by new names


Lists and Naturals

data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)


data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

Visualizing  Naturals

  |                                     = One
 / \
One Succ (|)                            = Succ One
         / \
       One  Succ (|)                    = Succ (Succ One)
                 / \
               One  Succ (|)            = Succ (Succ (Succ One))
                         / \
                       One  Succ (|)    = Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ One)))
                                 / \
                               One  ... = Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ ...)))

Visualizing Lists

  |                             = Empty
 / \
E   Cons 
    1 (|)                       = Cons 1 Empty
      / \
     E   Cons
         2 (|)                  = Cons 1 (Cons 2 Empty)
           / \
          E   Cons
              3 (|)             = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Empty))
                / \
               E   Cons
                   4 (|)        = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Empty)))
                     / \
                    E   Cons
                        5 (...) = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 (Cons 5 ...))))
data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)

What's similar?

data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)

Both have a "unit" value

data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)

Both have a recursive value

data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)


data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Recursive a)


Recursive can either be a "unit" value or a recursively defined value



data Recursive a =
data Natural =

data List a  =



one    = One   :: Natural
empty  = Empty :: List Int
rOne   = Unit :: Recursive ()
rEmpty = Unit :: Recursive Int


data Recursive a =
data Natural =

data List a  =


one    = One   :: Natural
empty  = Empty :: List Int
rOne   = Unit :: Recursive ()
rEmpty = Unit :: Recursive Int
data Recursive a =
data Natural =

data List a  =


data Natural =
  Succ Natural

data List a  =
  Cons a (List a)


data Recursive a =
  Ctor (Recursive a)



rplusOne r = Ctor r :: Recursive ()
rconsOne r = Ctor r :: Recursive Int

rplusTwo    r = Ctor (Ctor r)
rconsOneTwo r = Ctor (Ctor r)
plusOne n = Succ   n :: Natural
consOne t = Cons 1 t :: List Int

plusTwo    n = Succ   (Succ   n)
consOneTwo t = Cons 1 (Cons 2 t)


data Natural =
  Succ Natural

data List a  =
  Cons a (List a)
data Recursive a =
  Ctor (Recursive a)



rplusOne r = Ctor r :: Recursive ()
rconsOne r = Ctor r :: Recursive Int
rplusTwo    r = Ctor (Ctor r)
rconsOneTwo r = Ctor (Ctor r)
                   ^?^   ^?^
plusOne n = Succ  n :: Natural
consOne t = Cons 1 t :: List Int

plusTwo    n = Succ   (Succ   n)
consOneTwo t = Cons 1 (Cons 2 t)
                    ^       ^


data Natural =
  Succ Natural

data List a  =
  Cons a (List a)
data Recursive a =
  Ctor (Recursive a)


Maybe Label?

data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Maybe a) (Recursive a)


data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Maybe a) (Recursive a)
type Nat = Recursive ()

goodOne   = Unit
goodTwo   = Ctor Nothing Unit
goodThree = Ctor Nothing (Ctor Nothing Unit)

Maybe Label?


Can we make a Natural?

data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Maybe a) (Recursive a)
type Nat = Recursive ()

goodOne   = Unit
--        = One
goodTwo   = Ctor Nothing Unit
--        = Succ         One
goodThree = Ctor Nothing (Ctor Nothing Unit)
--        = Succ         (Succ         One)

Maybe Label?

Can we make a Natural?


data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Maybe a) (Recursive a)
type List a = Recursive a

goodEmpty  = Unit
goodOne    = Ctor (Just 1) Unit
goodOneTwo = Ctor (Just 1) (Ctor (Just 2) Unit)

Maybe Label?


Can we make a List?

data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Maybe a) (Recursive a)
type List a = Recursive a

goodEmpty  = Unit
--         = Empty
goodOne    = Ctor (Just 1) Unit
--         = Cons       1  Empty
goodOneTwo = Ctor (Just 1) (Ctor (Just 2) Unit)
--         = Cons       1  (Cons       2  Empty)

Maybe Label?

Can we make a List?


data Recursive a =
  | Ctor (Maybe a) (Recursive a)

Maybe Label?

So we can make a natural and list!

But something is wrong...

type Nat = Recursive (Recursive Int)

badNat :: Nat
badNat  = Ctor (Ctor (Just 666) Unit) Unit
type IntList = Recursive Int

badList :: IntList
badList = Ctor Nothing (Ctor (Just 1) Unit)

badEmpty :: IntList
badEmpty = Ctor Nothing (Ctor Nothing Unit)


data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)

Wrapper on Nodes?

data Recursive w a =
  | Ctor (w (Recursive w a))


-- |List wrapper w/ Label!
data ListNode a r = ListNode
  { nodeValue :: a             
  , tailNodes :: r 

-- |Nat wrapper w/o Label!
data NatNode r = NatNode
  { tailNodes :: r  

type List a = Recursive (ListNode a) a
type Nat    = Recursive NatNode ()
data Recursive w a =
  | Ctor (w (Recursive w a))


type List a = Recursive (ListNode a) a
type Nat    = Recursive NatNode ()

oneTwo = Ctor (ListNode 1 (Ctor (ListNode 2 Unit)))

two    = Ctor (NatNode    (Ctor (NatNode    Unit)))
data Recursive w a =
  | Ctor (w (Recursive w a))


type List a = Recursive (ListNode a) a
type Nat    = Recursive NatNode ()

oneTwo = Ctor (ListNode 1 (Ctor (ListNode 2 Unit)))
--       Cons           1 (Cons           2 Unit)

two    = Ctor (NatNode    (Ctor (NatNode    Unit))) 
--       Succ             (Succ             Unit)  
data Recursive w a =
  | Ctor (w (Recursive w a))

Mission COMPLETE!!

data Recursive w a =
 | Ctor (w (Recursive w a))

Or can we go further?

data Recursive w a =
 | Ctor (w (Recursive w a))

Or can we go further?

  • Hint
    • Recursive can be either a unit or a parameterized value
    • Parameterized value is parameterized by a wrapper

Don't we already have a wrapper type that can be unit or a parameterized value?

Don't we already have a wrapper type that can be unit or a parameterized value?

data Maybe a =
 | Just a 
data ListNode a r = ListNode
  { nodeValue :: a
  , tailNodes :: Maybe r

data NatNode r = NatNode
  { tailNodes :: Maybe r 

type List a = Recursive (ListNode a)
type Nat    = Recursive NatNode
data Recursive w =
    Ctor (w (Recursive w))


data NatNode r = NatNode
  { tailNodes :: Maybe r 
type Nat = Recursive NatNode

one :: Nat
one = Ctor (NatNode Nothing)

succ :: Nat -> Nat
succ = Ctor . NatNode . Just
natOne      = one
natTwo      = succ one
natThree    = succ (succ one)
natFour     = succ (succ (succ one))
alsoNatFour = succ (natThree)
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))
data ListNode a r = ListNode
  { nodeValue   :: a
  , tailNodePtr :: Maybe r

type List a = Recursive (ListNode a)

empty :: List Int
empty = Ctor (ListNode 10 Nothing)

cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons a = Ctor . ListNode a . Just
listOne         = cons 1 empty
listOneTwo      = cons 1 (cons 2 empty)
listOneToThree  = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))
listOneToFour   = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 empty)))
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))


data ListNode a r = ListNode
  { nodeValue   :: a
  , tailNodePtr :: Maybe r

type List a = Recursive (ListNode a)

empty :: List Int
empty = Ctor (ListNode 10 Nothing)

cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons a = Ctor . ListNode a . Just
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))

That's not empty!

What if we flip the wrapper?

data ListNode a r = ListNode
  { nodeValue   :: a
  , tailNodePtr :: r

type List a = Recursive (Maybe (ListNode a))

empty :: List a
empty = Ctor . Nothing

cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons a = Ctor . ListNode a . Just
listOne         = cons 1 empty
listOneTwo      = cons 1 (cons 2 empty)
listOneToThree  = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))
listOneToFour   = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 empty)))
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))


data NatF r =
  | SuccF r

type Nat = Recursive NatF

one :: Nat
one = Ctor OneF

succ :: Nat -> Nat
succ = Ctor . SuccF
natOne      = one
natTwo      = succ one
natThree    = succ (succ one)
natFour     = succ (succ (succ one))
alsoNatFour = succ (natThree)
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))
data Natural =
  | Succ Natural

Visualizing Naturals

  |                                     = One
 / \
One Succ (|)                            = Succ One
         / \
       One  Succ (|)                    = Succ (Succ One)
                 / \
               One  Succ (|)            = Succ (Succ (Succ One))
                         / \
                       One  Succ (|)    = Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ One)))
                                 / \
                               One  ... = Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ ...)))
  Ctor                                   = Ctor OneF
  / \
OneF SuccF (Ctor)                        = Ctor (SuccF (Ctor OneF))
            / \
         OneF  SuccF (Ctor)              = Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF (Ctor OneF
                     / \                     ))))
                  OneF  SuccF (Ctor)     = Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF
                         / \                 (Ctor OneF)))))
                      OneF  SuccF (Ctor) = Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF
                                 / \         (Ctor (SuccF (Ctor OneF))))))
                              OneF  ...  = Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF
                                              (Ctor (SuccF (Ctor (SuccF
                                                (Ctor OneF)))))))  
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))
data NatF r =
  | SuccF r

type Nat = Recursive NatF

one :: Nat
one = Ctor OneF

succ :: Nat -> Nat
succ num = Ctor (SuccF num)
data ListF a r =
  | ConsF a r

type List = Recursive (ListF a)

empty :: List
empty = Ctor EmptyF

cons :: a -> List -> List
cons = Ctor . ConsF
listOne         = cons 1 empty
listOneTwo      = cons 1 (cons 2 empty)
listOneToThree  = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))
listOneToFour   = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 empty)))
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))

Visualizing  Lists

  |                             = Empty
 / \
E   Cons 
    1 (|)                       = Cons 1 Empty
      / \
     E   Cons
         2 (|)                  = Cons 1 (Cons 2 Empty)
           / \
          E   Cons
              3 (|)             = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Empty))
                / \
               E   Cons
                   4 (|)        = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Empty)))
                     / \
                    E   Cons
                        5 (...) = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 (Cons 5 ...))))
data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
data ListF a r =
  | ConsF a r

type List = Recursive (ListF a)

empty :: List
empty = Ctor EmptyF

cons :: a -> List -> List
cons head tail =
  Ctor (ConsF head tail)
data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))
  Ctor                              = Ctor EmptyF
  / \
EmpF ConsF
    1 (Ctor)                        = Ctor (ConsF 1 (Ctor EmptyF))
        / \
     EmpF  ConsF
           2 (Ctor)                 = Ctor (ConsF 1 (Ctor (ConsF 2 (Ctor EmptyF
               / \                      ))))
            EmpF  ConsF
                  3 (Ctor)          = Ctor (ConsF 1 (Ctor (ConsF 2 (Ctor (ConsF 3
                      / \               (Ctor EmptyF)))))
                   EmpF  ConsF
                         4 (Ctor)   = Ctor (ConsF 1 (Ctor (ConsF 2 (Ctor (ConsF 3
                             / \        (Ctor (ConsF 4 (Ctor EmptyF))))))
                          EmpF  ... = Ctor (ConsF 1 (Ctor (ConsF 2 (Ctor (ConsF 3
                                        (Ctor (ConsF 4 (Ctor (ConsF ...


  • Two ways of using Recursive:
    • Compose Different Wrappers
      • Different wrappers give us different powers
        • Maybe
          • Terminates recursion
        • Tuple
          • Labelled layers/nodes of recursion
        • Identity
          • Infinite recursion


  • Two ways of using Recursive:
    • Pattern Functor
      • We can our own wrapper type with terms that make sense to us
      • Steps:
        1. Lift original type (parameterize)
        2. Replace recursive value with continuation


  • Recursive captures a pattern of recursion we can use to make recursive types
    • Like the fold function let's us have recursive function without using explicit recursion, Recursive let's us have recursive type with using explicit recursion


Leaf Valued Trees


with values at leaves

  • Let's look at a tree that holds values at the leaves:
  • Leaves (values)
  • Branches
  • Recursion
  • Leaves (values)
  • Branches
    • Exactly 2
  • Recursion
data Tree
  = Leaf Int
  | Branch Tree Tree

Binary Trees

with values at leaves

data Tree
  = Leaf Int
  | Branch Tree Tree
someTree :: Tree
someTree =
      (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
      (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
    (Leaf 5)

 --             •
 --            / \
 --          •    \
 --         / \    \
 --       •     •   \
 --      / \   / \   \
 --     1   2 3   4   5
someValues = (1,2,3,4,5)
someTree :: Tree
someTree =
      (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
      (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
    (Leaf 5)

 --             •
 --            / \
 --          •    \
 --         / \    \
 --       •     •   \
 --      / \   / \   \
 --     1   2 3   4   5
someTree :: Tree
someTree =
      (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
      (Branch (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
    (Leaf 5)

 --             •
 --            / \
 --          •    \
 --         / \    \
 --       •     •   \
 --      / \   / \   \
 --     1   2 3   4   5
someStructuredValues = (((1, 2), (3, 4)), 5)
someList = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
 --             •
 --            / \
 --          •    \
 --         / \    \
 --       •     •   \
 --      / \   / \   \
 --     1   2 3   4   5
 --            (,)
 --            / \
 --         (,)   \
 --         / \    \
 --      (,)   (,)  \
 --      / \   / \   \
 --     1   2 3   4   5
someStructuredValues = (((1, 2), (3, 4)), 5)
 --             +
 --            / \
 --          -    \
 --         / \    \
 --       *     +   \
 --      / \   / \   \
 --     1   2 3   4   5
someExpression = ((1 * 2) - (3 + 4)) + 5
-- Arithmetic Expressions
data Math
  = Lit Int
  | Add Math Math
  | Sub Math Math
  | Mul Math Math
someMath :: Math
someMath =
      (Mul (Lit 1) (Lit 2))
      (Add (Lit 3) (Lit 4))
    (Lit 5)

-- ((1 * 2) - (3 + 4)) + 5
--             +
--            / \
--          -    \
--         / \    \
--       *     +   \
--      / \   / \   \
--     1   2 3   4   5
data Tree
  = Leaf Int
  | Branch Tree Tree
data Math
  = Lit Int
  | Add Math Math
  | Sub Math Math
  | Mul Math Math
  | Neg Math
data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Add (Math a) (Math a)
  | Sub (Math a) (Math a)
  | Mul (Math a) (Math a)
  | Neg (Math a)
data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Add (Math a) (Math a)
  | Sub (Math a) (Math a)
  | Mul (Math a) (Math a)
  | Neg (Math a)

Both have a leaf element

data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Add (Math a) (Math a)
  | Sub (Math a) (Math a)
  | Mul (Math a) (Math a)
  | Neg (Math a)

Both have a branches of


data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Pair a)

data Pair a = Pair (Tree a) (Tree a)
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Op (Operator a)

data Operator a
  = Add (Math a) (Math a)
  | Sub (Math a) (Math a)
  | Mul (Math a) (Math a)
  | Neg (Math a)
data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Pair (Tree a))

data Pair a = Pair a a
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Op (Operator (Math a))

data Operator a
  = Add a a
  | Sub a a
  | Mul a a
  | Neg a
data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Pair (Tree a))

data Pair a = Pair a a
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Op (Operator (Math a))

data Operator a
  = Add a a
  | Sub a a
  | Mul a a
  | Neg a
data Tree a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (Pair (Tree a))

data Pair a = Pair a a
data Math a
  = Lit a
  | Op (Operator (Math a))

data Operator a
  = Add a a
  | Sub a a
  | Mul a a
  | Neg a
type Tree = AST Pair Int

data Pair a = Pair a a
data Math = AST Operator Int

data Operator a
  = Add a a
  | Sub a a
  | Mul a a
  | Neg a
data AST op a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (op (AST op a))

Generic Abstract Syntax Tree

data Math
  = Lit Int
  | Add Math Math
  | Sub Math Math
  | Mul Math Math
someMath :: Math
someMath =
      (Mul (Lit 1) (Lit 2))
      (Add (Lit 3) (Lit 4))
    (Lit 5)
someAstMath :: Math
someAstMath =
            (Mul (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
            (Add (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
      (Leaf 5)
type Math = AST Operator Int

data Operator a
  = Add a a
  | Sub a a
  | Mul a a



data Math
  = Lit Int
  | Add Math Math
  | Sub Math Math
  | Mul Math Math
someMath :: Math
someMath =
      (Mul (Lit 1) (Lit 2))
      (Add (Lit 3) (Lit 4))
    (Lit 5)
type Math = AST Operator Int

data Operator a
  = Add a a
  | Sub a a
  | Mul a a



someAstMath :: Math
someAstMath =
            (Mul (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
            (Add (Leaf 3) (Leaf 4))
      (Leaf 5)

Simple Language

An Example

let addOne = (\a -> a + 1)
in  addOne 42
addOne = lambda a: a + 1



  • Let's make a simple language that can express the following:
type SimpleLang = AST Operation Term

newtype Identifier = String

data Operation a
  = LetIn Identifier a a  -- Variable Binding
  | Function Identifier a -- Function Abstraction
  | Apply a a             -- Apply Two Expressions

data Term
  = Var Identifier
  | Num Number

Simple ASTs for Simple Langs

let addOne = (\a -> a + 1)
in  addOne 42
addOne = lambda a: a + 1



addOne :: SimpleLang
addOne =
    (LetIn "addOne"
         (Function "a"
                 (Leaf (Var "+"))
                 (Leaf (Var "a"))))
             (Leaf (Num 1))))))
           (Leaf (Var "addOne"))
           (Leaf (Num 42))))))


Labelled Trees

data Rose a

Rose Tree

with values at all nodes

  • A rose tree is an n-ary tree

    • Each node has zero or more children, all of which are themselves rose trees

      • Unbounded number of branches

      • Value at every node (including branches)

type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (List (Rose a))
[ Branch 
  [ Branch 
    [ Branch
      [ Leaf 1
      , Leaf 2
    , Branch
      [ Leaf 3
      , Leaf 4
  , Leaf 5
  , Leaf 6
  , Leaf 7

--            [ ]---
--            / \ \ \
--         [ ]   \ \ \
--         / \    \ \ \
--      [ ]   [ ]  \ \ \
--      / \   / \   \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
[ [ [1,2]
  , [3,4]
, 5
, 6
, 7
type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (List (Rose a))
[ Branch 
  [ Branch 
    [ Branch
      [ Leaf 1
      , Leaf 2
    , Branch
      [ Leaf 3
      , Leaf 4
  , Leaf 5
  , Leaf 6
  , Leaf 7

--             ?----
--            / \ \ \
--          ?    \ \ \
--         / \    \ \ \
--       ?     ?   \ \ \
--      / \   / \   \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
  • But we said Rose Trees should be labelled at all nodes?
type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch ? (List (Rose a))
[ Branch ?
  [ Branch ?
    [ Branch ?
      [ Leaf 1
      , Leaf 2
    , Branch ?
      [ Leaf 3
      , Leaf 4
  , Leaf 5
  , Leaf 6
  , Leaf 7

--             ?----
--          [ / \ \ \ ]
--          ?    \ \ \
--       [ / \ ]  \ \ \
--       ?     ?   \ \ \
--     [/ \] [/ \]  \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
( ?
, [( ?
   , [ (?, [1,2])
     , (?, [3,4])
  , 5
  , 6
  , 7
type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch a (List (Rose a))
[ Branch 200
  [ Branch 300
    [ Branch 400
      [ Leaf 1
      , Leaf 2
    , Branch 500
      [ Leaf 3
      , Leaf 4
  , Leaf 5
  , Leaf 6
  , Leaf 7

--            200---
--          [ / \ \ \ ]
--         300   \ \ \
--       [ / \ ]  \ \ \
--      400   500  \ \ \
--     [/ \] [/ \]  \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
( 200
, [ (300
    , [(400, [1, 2])
      ,(500, [3, 4])
  , 5
  , 6
  , 7
type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch a (List (Rose a))
[ Branch 200
  [ Branch 300
    [ Branch 400
      [ Leaf 1
      , Leaf 2
    , Branch 500
      [ Leaf 3
      , Leaf 4
  , Leaf 5
  , Leaf 6
  , Leaf 7

--            200---
--          [ / \ \ \ ]
--         300   \ \ \
--       [ / \ ]  \ \ \
--      400   500  \ \ \
--     [/ \] [/ \]  \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
  • What's the difference?
    • Labelled Leaf
    • Labelled branch with an empty subtree
type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch a (List (Rose a))
( 200
, [ (300
    , [ (400, [ 1, 2])
      , (500, [ 3, 4])
  , 5
  , 6
  , 7
[ Branch 200
  [ Branch 300
    [ Branch 400
      [ Leaf 1
      , Leaf 2
    , Branch 500
      [ Leaf 3
      , Leaf 4
  , Leaf 5
  , Leaf 6
  , Leaf 7

--            200---
--          [ / \ \ \ ]
--         300   \ \ \
--       [ / \ ]  \ \ \
--      400   500  \ \ \
--     [/ \] [/ \]  \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
type List a = [a]

data Rose a
  = Branch a (List (Rose a))
( 200
, [ ( 300
    , [ (400, [ (1, [])
              , (2, [])
      , (500, [ (3, [])
              , (4, [])
    , (5, [])
    , (6, [])
    , (7, [])
[ Branch 200
  [ Branch 300
    [ Branch 400
      [ Branch 1 []
      , Branch 2 []
    , Branch 500
      [ Branch 3 []
      , Branch 4 []
  , Branch 5 []
  , Branch 6 []
  , Branch 7 []

--            200---
--          [ / \ \ \ ]
--         300   \ \ \
--       [ / \ ]  \ \ \
--      400   500  \ \ \
--     [/ \] [/ \]  \ \ \
--     1   2 3   4   5 6 7
--    []  [] [] []  [] [] []

Generalized Annotated Trees

-- Annotated
data Annotated f a
  = Ann a (f (Annotated f a))

-- equivalent to above
data Annotated' f a = Annotated'
  { annotation :: a
  , annSubTree :: f (Annotated' f a)

Generalized Annotated Trees

type RoseTree a       = Annotated [] a
type Trie a           = Annotated (StrMap) a
type List a           = Annotated (Identity) a
type DecisionTree a r = Annotated ((->) r) a
type BST a            = Annotated (Compose Pair Maybe) a
type MerkleTree a     = Annotated (HashTrie) a

Holy Toledo! So Versatile!

Fix, Free, and Cofree

Reviewing our Findings

  • Shape of recursive data types
    • Recursive
    • AST
    • Annotated
data AST f a
  = Leaf a
  | Branch (f (Tree a))

data Annotated f a
  = Annotated a (f (Annotated f a))

-- equivalent to `Annotated`
data Annotated2 f a = Annotated2
  { annotation :: a
  , annSubTree :: f (Annotated2 f a)


  • A value OR a branch


  • A value AND a branch
-- Free
data Free f a
  = Pure a
  | Rollup (f (Free a))

-- Cofree
data Cofree f a
  = Cofree a (f (Cofree f a))

-- equivalent to `Cofree`
data Cofree2 f a = Cofree2
  { annotation :: a
  , annSubTree :: f (Cofree2 f a)


  • A value OR a branch


  • A value AND a branch
data Free f a
  = Pure a
  | Rollup (f (Free a))

data Cofree f a
  = a <: (f (Cofree f a))


  • A value OR a branch


  • A value AND a branch


data Recursive w = Ctor (w (Recursive w))


newtype Fix f
  = Fix (f (Fix f))

A fixed point (or fixpoint) is a point that, when provided to a function, yields as a result that same point.

  • A fixed point of a function/type is a point that won't change under repeated application of the function/type.
newtype Fix f
  = Fix (f (Fix f))

data Free f a
  = Pure a
  | Rollup (f (Free a))

data Cofree f a
  = a <: (f (Cofree f a))

Fix, Free, and Cofree

Applications and Further Reading

Specification and Interpretation

with Free DSLs

Recursion Schemes

Extensible Effects


Fused Effects

Functor Combinators

Functor Combinators

  • Fix, Free, and CoFree generalize recursion with datatypes that wrap every layer of recursion with some constructor
    • Enables generic operations that know what to do with those constructors
freeMath :: Fix MathF
freeMath =
fixList :: Fix ListF
fixList =
    (ConsF 10 
        (ConsF 10
            (ConsF 10

Functor Combinators

  • But can we generalize behaviors of our "Wrapper" type variable f to do more?
    • Yes!
  • Generalize your use of functors composition!
    • Constrain with functor-combinators!

Functor Combinators

  • Functor Sums
    • Higher-order Either

    • Provide either case, and user has to handle both possibilities

data (f :+: g) a
    = L1 (f a)
    | R1 (g a)

type MbNatural      = Fix Maybe
type SumNatural f g = Fix (Identity :+: Proxy)

type List a = Fix ((,) a :+: Proxy)
mbThree  = Fix . Just          . Fix . Just          $ Fix Nothing    :: MbNat
sumThree = Fix . L1 . Identity . Fix . L1 . Identity . Fix $ R1 Proxy :: SumNat

oneTwoThree = Fix . L1 . (,) 1 . Fix . L1 . (,) 2 
  . Fix . L1 . (,) 3 . Fix $ R1 Proxy :: List Int -- ~= [1,2,3]

Functor Combinators

  • Functor Products
    • Higher-order Tuple

    • Pairs wrappers, and let's user can choose which one they want to use

data (f :*: g) a = f a :*: g a


Recursive Datatypes

By Heneli Kailahi

Recursive Datatypes

Explores basic recursive types in Haskell

  • 323