Node Package Manager

What is NPM??

  • npm is a package manager for Javascript. It is like an central online database where open source and private packages are available.

  • The developers can download the package using npm cli(Command line interface)

  • NPM is installed when you are installing node. So, If you already have node in your system then NPM should be available.

  • You can check the version of npm like this “npm -v

Install a package Using NPM

npm install <your_package_name>

This will install your package in ./node_modules/your_package_name

npm list

Initialize a project with NPM

Install a package Using NPM

npm install <your_package_name>

This will install your package in ./node_modules/your_package_name

npm list

This command will ask some information regarding your project like name of the project, license information(MIT or BSD), author name etc.,

npm init

If you want to install a package globally, Then you can use this command below,

npm install <package_name> -g

If installed globally, based on the OS the packages are installed in specific folders,




/usr/local/lib/node or /usr/local/lib/node_modules


ON Windows:




Node Package Manager

By hentry martin

Node Package Manager

  • 209