Formation of Double Rainbows

Group 1

The Formation of Rainbows

Two refractions and one reflection

Useful Functions

def Rotate(v, theta):
    s = sin(theta)
    c = cos(theta)
    return vec(v.x * c - v.y * s, v.x * s + v.y * c, 0)

Rotate v counterclockwise theta (rad) 

Useful Classes

class Ray:
    def __init__(self, where, col, n):
        self.ball = sphere(pos = where, color = col, radius = 1, make_trail=True)
        self.v = c * -vec(cos(Ori_Ray_Angle), sin(Ori_Ray_Angle), 0)
        self.collision_time = 0
        self.in_water = False
        self.n_water = n
  • ball, v are used to simulations
  • collision_time is used to record the number of reflection.
  • in_water records the status of the ray
  • n_water stores the refractive index of its color of ray

Useful Classes

class Beam:
    # From Red to Purple
    def __init__(self, where):   
        self.kind = 0
        self.rays = [] = 0
        for i in range(6):
            self.rays.append(Ray(where + 5 * Droplet_Radius * \
            vec(cos(Ori_Ray_Angle), sin(Ori_Ray_Angle), 0), colors[i], N_WATER[i]))
  • kind is used determine it is a primary rainbow or the secondary rainbow
  • collision_time is used to record the number of reflection.
  • in_water records the status of the ray
  • n_water stores the refractive index of its color of ray


nv = r.ball.pos - droplet.pos
if r.in_water == False:
    # Refract into the droplet
    if mag(nv) <= droplet.radius + EPS:
        r.in_water = True
        t1 = acos(dot(nv, r.v) / (mag(nv) * mag(r.v)))
        t1 = pi - t1 if t1 >= pi / 2 else t1
        t2 = asin(sin(t1) / r.n_water)

        r.v = Rotate(-mag(r.v) * norm(nv), t2) / r.n_water
    if mag(nv) >= droplet.radius - EPS:
        # Reflect in the droplet
        if r.collision_time < 1:
            r.collision_time += 1
            t1 = acos(dot(nv, r.v) / (mag(nv) * mag(r.v)))
            t1 = pi - t1 if t1 >= pi / 2 else t1
            t2 = asin(sin(t1) / r.n_water)
            r.v = Rotate(-mag(r.v) * norm(nv), t1)

        # Refract out of the droplet
            r.in_water = False
            t1 = acos(dot(norm(nv), norm(r.v)))
            t1 = pi - t1 if t1 >= pi / 2 else t1
            t2 = asin(sin(t1) * r.n_water)
            r.v = Rotate(mag(r.v) * norm(nv), -t2) * r.n_water

Simulation of Rainbows

This is what we expect to see

The Formation of Secondary Rainbows

Two refractions and two reflections


nv = r.ball.pos - droplet.pos
if r.in_water == False:
    # Refract into the droplet
    if mag(nv) <= droplet.radius + EPS:
        r.in_water = True
        t1 = acos(dot(nv, r.v) / (mag(nv) * mag(r.v)))
        t1 = pi - t1 if t1 >= pi / 2 else t1
        t2 = asin(sin(t1) / r.n_water)
        r.v = rotate(-mag(r.v) * norm(nv), -t2) / r.n_water
    if mag(nv) >= droplet.radius - EPS:
        # Reflect in the droplet
        if r.collision_time < 2:
            r.collision_time += 1
            t1 = acos(dot(nv, r.v) / (mag(nv) * mag(r.v)))
            t1 = pi - t1 if t1 >= pi / 2 else t1
            t2 = asin(sin(t1))
            t3 = asin(sin(t1) / r.n_water)
            r.v = rotate(-mag(r.v) * norm(nv), -t2)

        # Refract out of the droplet
            r.in_water = False
            t1 = acos(dot(nv, r.v) / (mag(nv) * mag(r.v)))
            t1 = pi - t1 if t1 >= pi / 2 else t1
            t2 = asin(sin(t1) * r.n_water)
            r.v = rotate(mag(r.v) * norm(nv), t2) * r.n_water

Simulation of Secondary Rainbows

This is what we expect to see

Light Weakening

Partial Reflect and Refract

Fresnel Equations

Here we neglect the polarization of light and take the average of Rs and Rp.

The formula of reflectance 

def weaken(t1, t2):
    Rs = (sin(t2 - t1) / sin(t1 + t2))**2
    Rp = (tan(t2 - t1) / tan(t1 + t2))**2
    return (Rs + Rp) / 2
r.ball.opacity *= weaken(t1, t2) ** 0.3

Normally, the light rays become very dim compared to the incident sun rays.

To visualize the effect better,

we de-emphasized the weakening by a power of 0.3

r.ball.opacity *= (1-weaken(t1, t2)) ** 0.3

Rainbow Weakening




More Water Droplets and Beams

After we have the class Ray and Beam, we can expand the number of water droplets and beams more easily. 

beams = []
droplets = []

for i in range (n_droplets):
    droplets.append(sphere(pos=vector(2 * Droplet_Radius, 2 * Droplet_Radius+dy, 0), 
                    radius = Droplet_Radius,opacity=0.3))

for i in range (n_beams):
    beams.append(Beam(droplets[0].pos + vec(0, 3750 * (i + 1), 0)))

Before we start

Rotate, Assign to Meow

for b in beams:
    suc = 0
    r = b.rays[0]
    tmp_pos = r.ball.pos
    while True:
        tmp_pos += r.v * dt
        for d in droplets:
            nv = tmp_pos - d.pos
            if mag(nv) <= d.radius + EPS:
       = d
                suc = 1
        if suc == 1:

Instead of brute-force in every time slot, this helps us to determine the droplet the ray is going to hit.


How we see a rainbow


Red = 0.9243 (rad) = 52.96 (deg)

Purple = 0.8958 (rad) = 51.33 (deg)

0 (deg)

180 (deg)

Secondary Raonbows

Red = 1.20983 (rad) = 69.31 (deg)

Purple = 1.37293 (rad) = 78.66 (deg)

180 (deg)

0 (deg)


Secondary Rainbows

Red = 1.20983 (rad) = 69.31 (deg)

Purple = 1.37293 (rad) = 78.66 (deg)


Red = 0.9243 (rad) = 52.96 (deg)

Purple = 0.8958 (rad) = 51.33 (deg)

We can find that the formation angle of the secondary rainbow is usually higher than the rainbow.

0 (deg)

0 (deg)

180 (deg)

180 (deg)

Relation between angle of sun and brightness of rainbow

42 degrees

matching scientific results

Rainbows not easy to form when sun is at high angle

(close to noon)

The secondary rainbow is harder to form and dimmer, so we seldom see them


Through our project, we investigated the formation of two kinds of rainbows, showed how human eye visualize rainbows, and examined the diagrams to compare with facts of rainbows we searched online.

Thank You

Formation of Rainbows and Auroras

By Howard Yang

Formation of Rainbows and Auroras

  • 105