Implicit full-field inference for LSST weak Lensing
Justine Zeghal
Supervisors: François Lanusse, Alexandre Boucaud, Eric Aubourg
Tri-state Cosmology x machine learning journal club
January 19, Paris, France
Cosmological context
Cosmological context
Cosmological context
Cosmological context
How to extract all the information embedded in our data?
Standard analysis relies on 2-point statistics and use a Gaussian analytic likelihood.
But these summary statistics is suboptimal at small scales..
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Full-field inference 2 ways..
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Explicit joint likelihood
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Bayesian hierarchical modeling
And then run an MCMC to get the posterior:
And then run an MCMC to get the posterior:
- Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Explicit joint likelihood
Full-field inference 2 ways..
It provides exact results but necessitates the BHM to be differentiable and requires a lot of simulations.
And then run an MCMC to get the posterior:
And then run an MCMC to get the posterior:
- Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Explicit joint likelihood
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
Summary statistics
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
And use neural-based likelihood-free approaches to get the posterior
using only:
Summary statistics
And use neural-based likelihood-free approaches to get the posterior
using only:
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
Summary statistics
And use neural-based likelihood-free approaches to get the posterior
using only:
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
Summary statistics
And use neural-based likelihood-free approaches to get the posterior
using only:
- Implicit inference with sufficient statistics
Full-field inference 2 ways..
Summary statistics
Summary statistics
Summary statistics
1. Focus on optimal compression
Summary statistics
1. Focus on optimal compression
2. Focus on optimal and simulation-efficient inference
Optimal Neural Summarisation for Full-Field Cosmological Implicit Inference
Denise Lanzieri, Justine Zeghal
T. Lucas Makinen, Alexandre Boucaud, François Lanusse, and Jean-Luc Starck
How to extract all the information?
It is only a matter of the loss function you use to train your compressor..
We developed a fast and differentiable (JAX) log-normal mass maps simulator
For our benchmark: a Differentiable Mass Maps Simulator
Numerical results
1. We compress using one of the 5 losses.
Benchmark procedure:
2. We compare their extraction power by comparing their posteriors.
For this, we use a neural-based likelihood-free approach, which is fixed for all the compression strategies.
Summary statistics
1. Focus on optimal compression
2. Focus on optimal and simulation-efficient inference
Simulation-Efficient Implicit Inference.
Is differentiability useful?
Justine Zeghal
Denise Lanzieri, Alexandre Boucaud, François Lanusse, and Eric Aubourg
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
In the case of weak lensing analysis,
which inference method requires the fewest simulations?
Log-normal LSST Y10 like
For our benchmark
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
With a few simulations it's hard to approximate the posterior distribution.
→ we need more simulations
BUT if we have a few simulations
and the gradients
(also know as the score)
then it's possible to have an idea of the shape of the distribution.
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Problem: the gradient of current NFs lack expressivity
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Problem: the gradient of current NFs lack expressivity
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Problem: the gradient of current NFs lack expressivity
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Problem: the gradient of current NFs lack expressivity
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
Normalizing flows are trained by minimizing the negative log likelihood:
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
Problem: the gradient of current NFs lack expressivity
But to train the NF, we want to use both simulations and gradients
→ On our toy Lotka Volterra model, the gradients helps to constrain the distribution shape
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
(from the simulator)
(requires a lot of additional simulations)
→For this particular problem, the gradients from the simulator are too noisy to help.
do gradients help implicit inference methods? ~ LSST Weak Lensing case
do gradients help implicit inference methods?
In the case of weak lensing analysis,
which inference method requires the fewest simulations?
Log-normal LSST Y10 like
For our benchmark
which inference method requires the fewest simulation?
Focus on implicit inference methods
which inference method requires the fewest simulation?
more than
Summary statistics
Thank your for your attention!
slides at:
Copy of Tri-state Cosmology x machine learning journal club
By hsimonfroy
Copy of Tri-state Cosmology x machine learning journal club
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