BUild a bot
php[world] 2017
follow along at
join the #build-a-bot-workshop Slack channel
NOTE: this isn't an Alexa Skill talk
See VoiceHacks tutorials for that
We aren't building bots for Siri, Slack, or Facebook either.
If you want to do that, you're probably looking for botman.
Our bot will
- Be accessed via a browser (initially, anyway)
- Accept text and speech input
- Respond with text and speech
- Recognize various phrasings of a question
- Pull information from a web hook we set up
- Remember context from previous questions
- Integrate with Google Assistant
Get Ready
You'll need...
- Google Chrome
- Docker or PHP 7.1
- An ngrok ( account
- A Dialogflow
api.aiaccount (a Google product)
Requirements Gist at
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
- Intents
- Utterances
- Entities
- Slots + Parameters
- Actions
- Contexts
- Fulfillment
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
git clone iansltx/build-a-bot*
composer install
git checkout initial-setup
* You probably want to fork my repo
JS Judgment-free zone starts now
Step 1: Get Dialogflow wired Up
- dialogflow/dialogflow-javascript-client is already included
- Here's what I did (see: implement-text-requests branch)
- Tips
- Remember to set your API_AI_KEY env var
- Dialogflow's docs will help decipher their response format
- You can use a .then() after a .catch() to loosely simulate "finally" in a promise
Step 2: Speak your response
- window.speechSynthesis
- Here's what I did (see: add-speech-synthesis branch)
- Tips
- Dialogflow may send different responses for speech and text
- An utterance has a .voice property
- speechSynthesis has a .getVoices() method
- Check this example, and the code behind it, though it may not work until you try this other example
Step 3: Add Voice Recognition
- Chrome only; uses Google Cloud Speech
- Easy wrapper: annyang
- Here's what I did (see: add-voice-recognition branch)
- Tips
- You can use "*text" to map all recognition input to one function (param name "text") in annyang
- annyang will keep listening until you tell it not to
Pieces of a Bot
UI (web, chat, voice)
Natural Language Understanding
Data Sources (web hooks)
composer require iansltx/dialogflow-bridge
This is the part where you need ngrok
Step 1: Set up the Web Hook
- Look at the readme for dialogflow-bridge
- Here's what I did (see add-web-hook branch)
- Tips
- ngrok shows request payloads at localhost:4040
- Dates from Dialogflow are formatted Y-m-d
Step 2: Do something useful*
- composer require iansltx/joind-in-client
You'll need to set minimum-stability to dev here...
...and you may want to add prefer-stable: true
- Use classes, rather than callables, to handle actions
- Here's what I did
* No special bot fairy dust here
Step 3: Add some context
- $question->getContextParam($contextName, $paramName)
- $answer->setContext($name, $params, $lifetime)
- Here's what I did
- Look ma, no database!
Bot Built. Boom.
THanks! Questions?
- - these slides
- - requirements doc
- -
- - me!
- - my code!
- - another conference
Build a Bot - php[world] 2017
By Ian Littman
Build a Bot - php[world] 2017
Build a Bot workshop
- 2,351