Diversity and Inclusion in tech

Kenyan Edition

funny meme

Diversity and inclusion in tech is hard

Diversity and inclusion in tech is hard

Diversity and inclusion in tech is hard

Those of us raised in a cultural context have those implicit associations

What makes it hard

  • Setting standards
  • Call out bad behavior
  • firing people at times

We have to get comfortable being uncomfortable

Being a man in tech/being a woman in  tech

are you biased?

black lives matter/ all lives matter

unconscious bias

two resumes cross your desk

which one do you gravitate to

  • Easier to pronounce name
  • Graduand from your alma mater
  • Person of same gender

engineering field

  • Rate male candidates better than female candidates
  • Higher salaries for male engineers
  • More willing to hire male candidates over female ones

how to prevent bias/discrimination/unconscious bias

be aware of what they are and what they mean!

Don't be an asshole


Diversity and Inclusion in tech

By ian munene

Diversity and Inclusion in tech

  • 401