CDS front-end architecture
1. Provide a single endpoint to orchestrate CDS family UIs.
2. Harmonize the UX and appearance of existing and future UIs.
3. Simplify and organize the further UI development across the family.
4. Intensify the knowledge sharing across the teams.
1. Ensure the use of any front-end framework for the development of each UI.
2. Ensure the ability for each UI to be developed and tested independently.
3. Ensure the ability to reuse code base across the UIs.
1. Luigi
2. Fundamental UI
3. Angular (RECOMMENDED)
CDS Frontend Orchestrator (Luigi)
CDS Frontend Orchestrator
1. Authentification tokens management
2. User roles management
3. User navigation across the available UIs
4. Global user notification
CDS Frontend Orchestrator
1. Must be able to open UIs on different stages ( stage, production and local run)
2. Must be 100% Fundamental UI compatible
3. Must be able to retrieve and renew different tokens for different UIs
CDS UI Architectural proposal
1. Microfrontends
2. Reusable components and widgets
3. Fundamental UI
CDS UI Architectural (Current state)
CDS UI Architectural
CDS UI Architectural (Widgets)
CDS UI Architectural (Widgets)
CDS UI Architectural
(API clients)
CDS UI Architectural
(all together)
CDS UI Architectural
(next steps)
1. Develop CDS Frontend Orchestrator
2. Describe workflows for testing and deploying
3. Create a microfrontend boilerplate repository
Thank you!
Artsiom Mezin
CDS Cloud
By iketari
CDS Cloud
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