Le Cirque de Behavox

Tech Stack

  • Chrome browser
  • Puppeteer (browser driver)
  • Jest (test runner + assertion library)
  • TypeScript

Code base


1. Google native technologies

2. Blazingly fast

3. First class JS debug

4. Easy way to do Snapshots!


1. We need a FRAMEWORK!

2. A bit poor API of puppeteer

3. async / await

4. It's still a distributed system

If "yes", tell us how


If "yes", tell us how

E2E scenarios


Why do we need Cirque? Cypress is better!

1. Scalability

2. Multi Chrome version support

3. "Trusted" events

4. Multi window/tab support

5. It's faster

Why do we need Cirque?

We already have E2E testing!

1. TypeScript vs Java

2. Multi Chrome version support

3. Screenshots

4. Mocks

5. It's faster

Why do we need Cirque?

We already have E2E testing!

The End


By iketari


  • 147