“On Wizards

and State Machines” [EN]

Illarion Koperski



A wizard is a step-by-step process that allows users to input information in a prescribed order and in which subsequent steps may depend on information entered in previous ones.

— Raluca Budiu, Nielsen Norman Group

A state machine is a mathematical model of computation that can have different states, but fulfils only one of them at a given time.

— Krasimir Tsonev, creator of Stent

What didn't work for me

  • Route-based wizards
  • Redux-only implementation
  • History blocking or preventing the user from navigating away


Krasimir Tsonev. "The Rise Of The State Machines"

David Khourshid. "Reactive State Machines & Statecharts" 

Raluca Budiu. "Wizard Design Recommendations"


Stent, finite state machine library​

xstate, popular alternative to Stent

Reach Router's ServerLocation or React Router's StaticRouter

Bicycle Shop Demo

See you next month at WarsawJS

On Wizards and State Machines

By Illarion Koperski

On Wizards and State Machines

My experience building a reliable and predictable wizard UI, i.e., a multi-step form, with state machines and React.

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