Google Web Starter Kit

Get started building multi-device sites the Google way

Christopher Bloom, Phase2

Why I care

  • I collect development frameworks as a hobby. Apparently.
  • Examining frameworks teaches us a little more about how to do it right
  • I teach. New frameworks make my job easier
  • Shiny things are fun

    Google's Web Fundamentals

    1. Multi-device tools*
    2. Multi-device layouts
    3. Forms and user input
    4. Images, audio, and video
    5. Optimizing performance
    6. Device access

    Foundation? Ionic? Angular?

    Not really.

    "Web fundamentals" - and "Web starter kit" in particular - are a set of best practices, guides, and tools to make multi-device, responsive websites.

    Web starter kit starts you off with a lot of annoying code prewritten.

    Sound familiar?

    Web starter kit is much much more

    We're going to talk about



    Getting started

    Tools required

    1. Git
    git clone
    cd web-starter-kit/app
    2. Node
    3. Ruby 
    4. Sass
    5. Gulp
    sudo npm install --global gulp
    cd web-starter-kit
    npm install

    Do not resist the modern web toolchain!

    Gulp Goodies on `npm install`

    1. Imagemin
    2. Uglify
    3. Jshint
    4. Browser sync
    5. Many more

    Pick a layout

    /app/index.html = kitchen sink
    /app/basic.html = stripped down

    We'll use index.html. Delete basic.html.


    Notice no "dist" folder at root of the project:

    Run "gulp" at the root of the project

    comes with its own web server

    gulp serve 

    Pagespeed Insights Reporter

    gulp serve
    gulp pagespeed 

    Serve results to external devices

    gulp serve 

    Multi-device debugging!

    So what about the Sass?

    1. Watching/compiling is integrated into the `gulp` and `gulp serve` commands
    2. The file structure is SMACSS-ish, markup/styles are BEM-ish
    3. THREE css files are included by default:

    Yep, that's HTML5 Boilerplate css for some default css.
    Then all of our components (including normalize.css).
    Then a bunch of custom styles to give us the default styles and responsiveness.

    All default editable settings in _utils.scss

    Sass continued

    Modules vs Components, in Google terms:
    Modules = specific, unique, custom site pieces (_page-header.scss)
    Components = generic web structures (_link.scss)

    General goodies

    • Mobile-first
    • Viewport meta
    • Decent robots.txt
    • Icons
    • "Make this site an app on my phone":  mobile-web-app-capable 
    • Footer js scripts
    • Six column grid - very simple with predefined behavior
    • Media queries: small, medium, wide, huge


    Go try it:

    Google Web starter kit

    By Christopher Bloom

    Google Web starter kit

    A quick runthrough of Google's web starter kit

    • 3,733