Research Wing

Research Lead

Research Lead

Research Interests :


predictive modeling, self-organizing systems, emergent phenomenons, agent-based modeling, Graphs, Networks, Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, Software Defined Radio, prospects of ILP methods on Graph Representation, Graph Representation Learning and  Geometric Deep Learning




  1. A. A. Aadhithya, J. Akshaya, K. G. Devi, B. Nithesh, G. J. Lal and K. P. Soman, "Implementation of Hack ALU using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata," 2021 Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Signals & Systems (ICMSS), 2021.
  2. A. A. Aadhithya, N.Mohan, S.Kumar, K. P. Soman and P. Poornachandran Prospects of NFMD for Power System Frequency and Amplitude Estimation, CRAIE,2022
  3. V.Rejathalal, A. A. Aadhithya, K.P Soman and P. Poornachandran Exploiting Graph Matrix Duality for Efficient Graph Data Processing, CRAIE 2022.

And Counting....

Research Lead

Currently Working on :






The Research Wing


  1. Build a culture of Community Based Research.
  2. Increased Research Exposure at an Undergraduate Level.

The Research Wing


  1. Build a culture of Community Based Research.
  2. Increased Research Exposure at an Undergraduate Level.

While Retaining the "Fun" part of it....

Community Based Research

Solve a problem faced by community, with active community participation.

Community Based Research

Ex: My Dear Crush

Community Based Research

Ex: My Dear Crush

You wanna know the best strategy to approach your crush???

Community Based Research

You wanna know the best strategy to approach your crush???

Build a social nework 

Community Based Research

You wanna know the best strategy to approach your crush???

Build a social nework 


Get Community Members to share their social media data

Community Based Research

You wanna know the best strategy to approach your crush???

Build a social nework 


Get Community Members to share their social media data

Build a Network

Build a Network

Answer Questions from the Network.

Community Faciliated Research Problem.


If you are actually looking for optimal stratergy...

Blindly Reject the first 33% of your chances, and accept the first option better than your observations on first 33% of the choises.

Mathematically proven to maximize your expectation of selecting a optimal candidate.


Community Based Research

Wanna Know how to predict extreme events from chat data?

Build a reliable bike sharing system within campus?

And many more...

Community Based Research

Wanna Know how to predict extreme events from chat data?

Community Based Research

Wanna Know how to predict extreme events from chat data?




Thank you.

To Connect with Me..

Don't forget to follow GDSC ASE-CBE's social media handles1


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