Docker HandsON

Who AM I

Research Interests :


predictive modeling, self-organizing systems, emergent phenomenons, agent-based modeling, Graphs, Networks, Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos, Software Defined Radio, prospects of ILP methods on Graph Representation, Graph Representation Learning and  Geometric Deep Learning




  1. A. A. Aadhithya, J. Akshaya, K. G. Devi, B. Nithesh, G. J. Lal and K. P. Soman, "Implementation of Hack ALU using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata," 2021 Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Signals & Systems (ICMSS), 2021.
  2. A. A. Aadhithya, N.Mohan, S.Kumar, K. P. Soman and P. Poornachandran Prospects of NFMD for Power System Frequency and Amplitude Estimation, CRAIE,2022
  3. V.Rejathalal, A. A. Aadhithya, K.P Soman and P. Poornachandran Exploiting Graph Matrix Duality for Efficient Graph Data Processing, CRAIE 2022.

And Counting....

Currently Working on :


Stage 1

Stage 1

Build Basic Flask APP

git clone


docker build -t username/image-name .

docker run username/imagename

Stage 2

Stage 2

Docker Compose

Stage 3

Stage 3

Container Orchestration

Stage 3

Container Orchestration

Stage 3

Container Orchestration

docker swarm init


docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp


docker service scale <service-name>=<desired-replica-count>

Stage 3

For Brevity of time, we stop here. A detailed tutorial will be shared with the participants for stage 3 later.

Thank you.

To Connect with Me..

Don't forget to follow IETE's social media handles



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