
What? Why? When? How?

Chandan Jhunjhunwal



What is Monolith?

  • Build all piece of software as a single application unit.
  • Often built in three main parts:
  1. Client side interface
  2. Server side application
  3. A shared database

What is Microservice?

  • An architecture of designing a software in a set of independent services loosely coupled via lightweight communication.

  • Suite of small services
  • Each service built around business capabilities and independently deployable
  • Each service running in its own process
  • loosely coupled : Inter-process communication mechanism, e.g. HTTP, Message Queue
  • Bare minimum centralised management service
  • Each service can be in different programming language and use different data storage technologies 

What is Microservice?

SOA vs Microservice

Micro services brings agility to SOA



Why Microservice?

With Monolith

  • Any small change to system involves building and deploying new version on server-side application 
  • Fragile (One missing ';' can bring the whole application down)
  • Resists changes due to cascading affect 
  • Technology restriction(w.r.t. programming language, framework, database etc)
  • Scaling requires entire application upgrade rather than the parts of it which really require more resources 


With Monolith

  • Debugging Nightmare
  • Difficult to maintain as application grows
  • Development cross team dependencies
  • Regression testing the whole application

    And many more ....

With Microservice

  • Each service can be independently deployed 
  • Anti-Fragile 
  • Adaptive to frequent changes 
  • Technology leverage
  • Each service can be independently allocated more/less resources
  • Issue localised - faster debugging


With Microservice

  • Testing is much easier 
  • Highly Maintainable
  • Adaptive to frequent changes

And many more ....


Build Service Components

  • Independently replaceable and upgradable 
  • Does only 'one thing' 
  • May depend on other services
  • Can use independent technology stack
  • Can be chained like UNIX command

    Service1  |  Service2  |  Service3



Team Around Component

Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.
                                                                         -- Melvyn Conway





  • Design for failure
  • Independent storage
  • Infrastructure automation
  • Smart End-Points
  • Communication via REST API, Queues



Microservices Trade-off


  • Strong Modular Boundaries
  • Independent Deployments
  • Technology Diversity


  • Distribution
  • Eventual Consistency
  • Operations Complexity



When to Choose Monolith?

  • Simple - When not sure if monolith or microservices
  • Consistency
  • More flexibility while code-refactoring
  • Many times its good to start with Monolith for initial momentum and later migrate to Microservices. 



When to Choose Microservice?

              Application Requirement

  • Partial Deployments
  • Availability
  • Eventual Consistency
  • Preserve modularity
  • Multiple Platforms


  • Rapid provisioning
  • Basic Monitoring
  • Rapid application deployment
  • DevOps Culture

  • When you need to scale a specific part of Monolith
  • When one/more part require frequent changes/replacement
  • Independently Deployable parts
  • Technology Heterogeneity

Monolith To Microservice



By Chandan Jhunjhunwal


A detailed comparison between Monolith architecture and Microservices. The factors for choosing one architecture over other. The key concepts in Microservice architecture.

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