He Wang PRO
Knowledge increases by sharing but not by saving.
The 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR23) , 15:10-15:30 UTC/GMT +8 on July 4th, 2022
中国物理学会引力与相对论天体物理分会 · 2022 年学术年会
He Wang (王赫)
Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS
Beijing Normal University
on behalf of the KAGRA collaboration
From: LIGO-G2102497
Binary detection rates
Simulated Event Stream for a one year duration O4 run
Gravitation wave data analysis with machine learning
with machine learning
Ref: He Wang, Shichao Wu, Zhoujian Cao, Xiaolin Liu, and Jian-Yang Zhu. Physical Review D 101, no. 10 (May 2020): 104003.
with machine learning
Q: How can we build up detection statistics for AI-based algorithm?
A: Try ensemble learning first!
Ref: CunLiang Ma, Wei Wang, He Wang, and Zhoujian Cao. Physical Review D 105, no. 8 (April 25, 2022): 083013.
with machine learning
Ref: He Wang, Zhoujian Cao, Yue Zhou, Zong-Kuan Guo, and Zhixiang Ren. Big Data Mining and Analytics 5, no. 1 (2022): 53–63.
A diagram of prior sampling between feature space and physical parameter space
Due to the curse of dimensionality, we are thinking how to effectively sample the feature space.
This is essentially equivalent to incorporating the physical domain knowledge into the high-dimensional training data.
In our case, we use the interim distribution (α=1) that is derived from the Monte Carlo method using SMOTETomek technique as a representation of the prior physical knowledge.
It implies that roughly 10% of physical prior knowledge incorporated is enough for accurate Bayesian inference of the high-dimensional gravitational-wave data.
While existing machine learning based approaches [Gabbard et al. (2021), Green & Gair (2020), Dax et al. (2021)] for earth-based have focused more on parameter estimation, they are so fast that they can be used as low latency searches.
→ Proof-of-principle studies: ~ simulated
→ Production search studies: ~ real LIGO recordings
→ Applications for beyond: lensed [Kim et al. (2022)], mass-asymmetric...
~8s for 50,000 posterior samples
with machine learning
Ref: He Wang, Zhoujian Cao, Yue Zhou, Zong-Kuan Guo, and Zhixiang Ren. Big Data Mining and Analytics 5, no. 1 (2022): 53–63.
A diagram of prior sampling between feature space and physical parameter space
Due to the curse of dimensionality, we are thinking how to effectively sample the feature space.
This is essentially equivalent to incorporating the physical domain knowledge into the high-dimensional training data.
In our case, we use the interim distribution (α=1) that is derived from the Monte Carlo method using SMOTETomek technique as a representation of the prior physical knowledge.
It implies that roughly 10% of physical prior knowledge incorporated is enough for accurate Bayesian inference of the high-dimensional gravitational-wave data.
While existing machine learning based approaches [Gabbard et al. (2021), Green & Gair (2020), Dax et al. (2021)] for earth-based have focused more on parameter estimation, they are so fast that they can be used as low latency searches.
→ Proof-of-principle studies: ~ simulated
→ Production search studies: ~ real LIGO recordings
→ Applications for beyond: lensed [Kim et al. (2022)], mass-asymmetric...
~8s for 50,000 posterior samples
with machine learning
Credit: LISA Data Challenge (LDC) - Sangria
Credit: ESA, K. Holley-Bockelmann
with machine learning
Credit: LISA Data Challenge (LDC) - Sangria
with machine learning
Ref: Wen-Hong Ruan*, He Wang*, Chang Liu, and Zong-Kuan Guo. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2111.14546, November 2021.
While existing machine learning based approaches [Gabbard et al. (2021), Green & Gair (2020), Dax et al. (2021)] have focused more on parameter estimation, they are so fast that they can be used as low latency searches.
→ Proof-of-principle studies: ~ simulated
→ Production search studies: ~ real LIGO recordings
→ Applications for beyond: lensed [Kim et al. (2022)], mass-asymmetric...
To achieve the goal of an objective characterization of machine learning GW search capabilities, a common ground for comparison is required. [MLGWSC-1]
While existing machine learning based approaches [Gabbard et al. (2021), Green & Gair (2020), Dax et al. (2021)] have focused more on parameter estimation, they are so fast that they can be used as low latency searches.
→ Proof-of-principle studies: ~ simulated
→ Production search studies: ~ real LIGO recordings
→ Applications for beyond: lensed [Kim et al. (2022)], mass-asymmetric...
To achieve the goal of an objective characterization of machine learning GW search capabilities, a common ground for comparison is required. [MLGWSC-1]
for _ in range(num_of_audiences):
print('Thank you for your attention! 🙏')
This slide: https://slides.com/iphysresearch/gr23_domestic
By He Wang
中国物理学会引力与相对论天体物理分会 · 2022 年学术年会 (Domestic Session)