Isabella Di Fabio Secret Story Of Best Website Design Practices

Isabella Di Fabio - Web Design

isabella di fabio secret story about webpages -On this page you can find the differences between website, site, landing page, one pager and an ecommerce.

isabella di fabio secret story of 6 types of Webpages

Discover the differences to select what you need, choose the best option for your business. Isabella Di Fabio wants you to know more about the solutions you have and help you generate more sales through digital tools and well-planned strategies.


Website (webpage):


It is a web document designed for different browsers, you can in this as a page of a book or magazine, it is a single document that is represented by your browser.

If you are talking about a landing page, you are talking about a Web Page with certain characteristics such as a Call to Action, without a menu or external links and focused on a target, generally generating leads.

Isabella Di Fabio Secret story of a Website (website):


A Website It is made up of one or more web pages, for example the website can be, while its pages would be, about_of, etc.

You can think of a website as if it were a book with the first page as a guide for the rest of the site, this is why it is generally called "index" eg.; This page is also usually called the "Landing page".

A responsive website is simply one that is capable of adapting the information displayed to the user's screen, whether the user is on a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Isabella Di Fabio secret story 6 - One page sites


There are certain types of sites that are made up of a single page, these are known as "OnePage", the main advantage is that you can summarize all the information, make your users lose less, in addition to reducing the time it takes to loading and it is easier to optimize the SEO, since it only needs to be done once.


isabella secret story of Landing pages


A landing page or landing page, also known as a microsite, are pages with a simple objective (which is not so simple): Generate leads, that is, people leave their data in exchange for information or some content.

isabella secret story 6 types of  Landing Pages Features

Its main characteristics are that they do not have a main menu and, in general, no links that can take you off the page, they are short and speak about a single specific topic, in addition to having a form that, when filled with your data, says that the objective.

Isabella Secret Story 6 - Ecommerce

An ecommerce is a website that has 3 basic functions of any online store enabled. 1. Product catalog 2. Shopping cart 3. Payment method

With this, the customer can place orders, pay and receive them without physically interacting with the store, which allows stores to grow geographically without having to open operations in all places where they sell.


Isabella Secret story of Mobile app:

They are applications designed to run on mobile devices as well as smartphones and tablets, these are usually downloaded through a distribution platform, such as: AppStore for Apple devices and PlayStore for devices that include Android as their Operating System.


There are currently 2 types of mobile applications, those that run directly on the device and whose experience is similar to the rest of the applications that can be found on it, are called Nativa.


Those that are accessed from the browser but adapt to the screen are still Web Applications, however these can be "packaged" and distributed by application stores and are known as Hybrids.


Isabella Di Fabio Secret Story- What is a platform?

The web platform is the tool that you use to build the web page, in many occasions the same page, due to its functionalities, can become itself a platform if it is used to create or interact with us.


Isabella Di Fabio Secret Story Of Best Website Design Practices

By Isabella Di Fabio - Isabella Secret Story of web

Isabella Di Fabio Secret Story Of Best Website Design Practices

isabella di fabio secret story about webpages -On this page you can find the differences between website, site, landing page, one pager and an ecommerce. isabella di fabio secret story of 6 types of Webpages Discover the differences to select what you need, choose the best option for your business. Isabella Di Fabio wants you to know more about the solutions you have and help you generate more sales through digital tools and well-planned strategies.

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