Isabella Di Fabio - What are the functions of a Community manager

Isabella Di Fabio - Web Design

To the surprise of all of us, a community manager is not only aware of social networks, but also usually manages the corporate blog of the company and among this, he must take on the task of creating attractive and quality content.


In addition, you must have knowledge of the different programming tools to systematize the publications. Not to mention that you should know what are the best times to disclose depending on the brand and the person you are targeting.


Isabella Di Fabio - gives us some tips to better understand the functions of a community manager

1. Pay attention to the corporate landscape

The community manager acts as the company's eyes on social media. This is because they must be aware of the opportunities of the medium and the threats that the brand may face.

Also, it is attentive to the contents of the competition and the business industry in general, in order to provide information and add value to both the company and the users themselves.

2. Communicate relevant information to the company

Once the information is obtained, the community manager transmits the information to the different departments of the company, to integrate the different strategies of: marketing, sales, design, among others, and to carry out a good action plan.

Well, it should be noted, in turn, that the information is obtained not only by listening to the outside of the company, but also by listening to the company as such. In this way, you will know what data is necessary.

3. Respond to the online community

The community manager, being the voice of the brand in the network, is the one who assumes and gives face to any situation that arises.

On the other hand, it is responsible for attracting visitors through various digital tactics, for example, the dissemination of content. Although of course, always based on the information you have about what the public expects to receive from the brand.

In this sense, its main objective is to create a brand community. That is, to form a large group of people who know the brand and support it both in consumption and in monitoring their actions.

4. Identify opinion leaders

For a community manager it is important to identify and create links with people or a group of people capable of promoting dissemination strategies.

5. Convert users into ambassadors

The community manager must always be aware of the total movement of the brand on the internet. Therefore, it has the ability to identify the users who interact the most:

* Which users comment the most

* Who share the most followed content

* Who likes daily

* Among others

In order to establish a network of collaboration with them and that they become brand ambassadors.

Isabella Di Fabio - What are the functions of a Community manager

By Isabella Di Fabio - Isabella Secret Story of web

Isabella Di Fabio - What are the functions of a Community manager

To the surprise of all of us, a community manager is not only aware of social networks, but also usually manages the corporate blog of the company and among this, he must take on the task of creating attractive and quality content. In addition, you must have knowledge of the different programming tools to systematize the publications. Not to mention that you should know what are the best times to disclose depending on the brand and the person you are targeting. Isabella Di Fabio - gives us some tips to better understand the functions of a community manager

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