What's Wrong with Existing Cucumber?


Because we realized what we loved was...

Huge, messy codebase

MADNESS in steps

Always global all the code

Hard to maintain and reuse

Coupled scenarios/step definitions

Complex code in step definitions

Step description not corresponding to actions

Hard to read and understand features for business


Just to be clear,

take a look on this...

When(/^I (?:create|add)\s?\w* payment\s((?:with|to) conversion)?\s?using options:$/) do |with_conversion, options|

  @options_for_pay_create = options.hashes.first.symbolize_keys
  params_for_removal = @options_for_pay_create.reject{|k,v| v != 'remove'}.keys
  @options_for_pay_create[:conversion_id] = @conversion_id if @conversion_id

  beneficiary_options = {}
   if @options_for_pay_create.has_key?(:on_behalf_of)
    if @options_for_pay_create[:on_behalf_of] =~ (/\A[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]*\Z/)
      @on_behalf_of = @options_for_pay_create[:on_behalf_of]
      client_type = @options_for_pay_create[:on_behalf_of]
      @on_behalf_of = (TCC_ENV[:users][client_type]).contact_id
    @options_for_pay_create[:on_behalf_of] = @on_behalf_of
    beneficiary_options[:on_behalf_of] = @on_behalf_of unless @beneficiary_id
  unless @beneficiary_id
    beneficiary_options.merge!({:currency => @options_for_pay_create[:currency], :bank_country => 'GB'})
    @beneficiary_id = V2ApiServiceHelper.create_beneficiary(OptionsHelper.options_for_beneficiary_api_v2(beneficiary_options))['id']
  @options_for_pay_create.merge!(:beneficiary_id => @beneficiary_id) if @beneficiary_id
  @options_for_pay_create = OptionsHelper.options_for_payment(@options_for_pay_create)
  if with_conversion
    @conversion_id = @options_for_pay_create.fetch(:conversion_id, V2ApiServiceHelper.create_conversion(OptionsHelper.options_for_conversion)['id'])
    @options_for_pay_create.merge!({:conversion_id => @conversion_id})
  @options_for_pay_create.each do |k, v|
    @options_for_pay_create.delete(k) if  v == 'remove'
    @options_for_pay_create[k] = SecureRandom.random_number(999999).to_s if v == 'random'
    @options_for_pay_create[k] = SecureRandom.hex(10).to_s if v == 'random_string'
  params = OptionsHelper.options_for_payer(@options_for_pay_create).merge(@options_for_pay_create)
  if params['payer_entity_type']
    params['payer_entity_type'] = params.delete('payer_type') if params['payer_type']

  params.delete_if{|k,_| params_for_removal.include?(k.to_sym)}
  params["payment_date"] = (Date.today).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if params["payment_date"] == 'today'
  conversion_date = @conversion ? Date.parse(@conversion["conversion_date"]) : nil
  params["payment_date"] = (StaticDataServiceHelper.get_next_date_of('Saturday', conversion_date)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if params["payment_date"] == 'Saturday'
  @v2_response = V2ApiServiceHelper.create_payment(params)
  @payment = @v2_response
  @payment_id = @v2_response['id']
  @empty_timestamps = ['transferred_at']
  @payer_id = @v2_response['payer_id']
  @payments_for_submissions ||= []
  @payments_for_submissions << @payment_id
  @response = @v2_response

More problems in details ... 


Test author has to provide around 15!!! parameters to create beneficiary, payments etc.

Most of them are not “interesting” for particular scenario


Existing code for generation of required options is total mess and  is not maintainable at all

Hard to read big tables in scenarios

  And I create payment using options:
    | currency   | amount | reason | reference       | payment_type | payer_entity_type | payer_address       | payer_city |..
    | <currency> | 200    | Test   | paymentgroup 1  | regular      | individual        | 221b, backer street | London     |..

  ..| payer_country | payer_first_name | payer_last_name | payer_date_of_birth | payer_identification_type | payer_identification_value |
  ..| GB            | John             | Smith           | 1990-11-11          | passport                  | 123456                     |

They are:

Hard to maintain

Hard to find method you want (if one is not found duplicate methods are created)

They are not only "transport" classes including only methods with calls, but also helper methods that should not be there:

Service helpers include too many methods


PaymentsServiceHelper class contains 136 methods

They are randomly added without any grouping

Many of those methods are not used at all

def self.create_settlement_in_status_part_paid(principal_identifier)
 conversions = []
 options_for_conversion = OptionsHelper.options_for_conversion
 conversions << V2ApiServiceHelper.create_conversion(options_for_conversion)
 options_for_conversion = options_for_conversion.merge({:buy_currency => options_for_conversion[:sell_currency],
                                                        :sell_currency => options_for_conversion[:buy_currency]})
 conversions << V2ApiServiceHelper.create_conversion(options_for_conversion)
 settlement = create_settlement_in_status_funds_arrived(conversions)
 conversions.each do |conversion|
   TransactronServiceHelper.close_hedges_for_trade(conversion['short_reference'], conversion['currency_pair'], conversion['buy_currency'], conversion['client_buy_amount'])
 currency_entry = TradingServiceHelper.find_settlement_entry(settlement['short_reference'], conversions.first['sell_currency'])
 TradingServiceHelper.make_entry_payment({:entry_id=>currency_entry["settlement_entry"]["uuid"], :currency => conversions.first['sell_currency'], :override_status_check => "true"}, principal_identifier)

Usage of instance variables to maintain state

No registry objects that store all the created/retrieved entities during the test

 Most of step definitions include statements that  share and set state in instance variables
All step definitions are very dependent on each other

Find suitable existing step definition that uses proper instance variable takes too much time


When(/^I (?:create|add)\s?\w* payment\s((?:with|to) conversion)?\s?using options:$/) do |with_conversion, options|

 @v2_response = V2ApiServiceHelper.create_payment(params)
 @payment = @v2_response
 @payment_id = @v2_response['id']
 @empty_timestamps = ['transferred_at']
 @payer_id = @v2_response['payer_id']
 @payments_for_submissions ||= []
 @payments_for_submissions << @payment_id
 @response = @v2_response

Then(/^I should receive the success response$/) do
 @response.code.should == 200

Then(/^I should get successful response with created payment from API v2$/) do
 @v2_response['id'].should_not be_nil

Hard to implement complex and flexible scenarios

We can not do things like this: 

Scenario: Generation of different currency payments
 Given I am signed for v2 API as Cash Manager account user
 And I have beneficiary created using API V2 with options:
   | currency   | bank_country   | payment_types     |
   | USD        | US             | regular, priority |
   | GBP        | GB             | regular, priority |
   | SGD        | SG             | regular, priority |
   | EUR        | DE             | regular, priority |
 When I create standalone payments with following parameters:
   | currency | amount | payment_type |
   | USD      | 2000   | priority     |
   | GBP      | 1000   | regular      |
   | SGD      | 3000   | regular      |
   | EUR      | DE     | priority     |

We can not create bunch of beneficiares and bunch of payments for them

All the entities are selected implicitly(e.g. from last values stored in instance variables like @beneficiary_id, @conversion_id).  There is no easy way to store and retrieve them.

There is no way to specify explicitly what you want to use(e.g. what conversion for payment)

As result such scenarios take much more time to prepare them, ugly and hard to understand

Example of existing scenario

 Scenario Outline: Compliance checks should be triggered after update only when payer_id or beneficiary_id had changed
    Given the Compliance Engine database is clear
    And I am signed in as api user
    And I have beneficiary created with options:
      |bank_account_holder_name |payment_types     |currency   |beneficiary_country  |::
      |GOOD GUY                 |priority, regular |GBP        |GB                   |::
    When I create conversion via APIv2 using options:
      | buy_currency | sell_currency | amount   | fixed_side | term_agreement | reason |
      | GBP          | USD           | 7000     | buy        | true           | test   |
    And I create payment with conversion using options:
      |currency|amount |reason       |::
      |GBP     |2345.67|cucumber_test|::
    And I have beneficiary created with options:
      |bank_account_holder_name |payment_types |currency   |beneficiary_country  |::
      |BAD GUY                  |regular       |USD        |GB                   |::
    When I create conversion via APIv2 using options:
      | buy_currency | sell_currency | amount   | fixed_side | term_agreement | reason |
      | USD          | EUR           | 7000     | buy        | true           | test   |
    And I create payment with conversion using options:
      |currency|amount |reason       |::
      |USD     |2345.67|cucumber_test|::

New reusable step definitions must be prepared

  • Many Conjunctive Steps as result of using instance variables for sharing state
  • Often steps are duplicated in order to use another instance variable in it
  • Many step definitions have description that does not correspond to actions
  • There are steps that do a lot of additional actions  
  • In many “action” steps missing verification that action was successful. As result harder to debug failed tests 
  • A lot of technical steps


Mess with existing step definitions

  • Hard to find wanted step definitions for new tests
  • Many duplicate steps that do the same actions 
  • No grouping of steps by business objects, model
  • Some files containing step definitions are really huge, find something there is really hard. 
  • Some files contain step definitions that do not correspond to the file name.

    Example : payments_steps.rb” with 1280 lines of code has huge number of steps related to trades creation, response validations, beneficiaries, legal entities etc



Mess with existing feature files

  • We do not have proper structure of feature files
  • Hard find tests for particular feature
  • Sometimes scenarios for one feature are located in different directories
  • Sometimes one test covers two diffrent features
  • Huge feature file with too many scenarios(e.g. ....)


  • Document describing Cucumber problems and proposed solutions in more details - Link
  • Document with cucumber probles actualized in 2016 year - Link
  • JIRA ticket - TCC-7624

Whats wrong with Cucumber

By Igor Sosnovskyy

Whats wrong with Cucumber

  • 86