Fast and Visible

How to measure page performance
without hurting it

Jakob Anderson


Jakob Anderson

  • FamilySearch
  • Frontier Stack Maintainer
  • User Champion
  • Obsessed with Performance
  • Robot fighting for all humans



Goals of a Fast Site


Productivity spikes
< 400ms
per response

Some important ways to do this

  • Reduce payload
  • Reduce # of calls during render
  • Reduce CPU congestion during render
  • Remove "site taxes": Everything that doesn't give the user immediate value
  • Lazy-load low-priority content

Some perf goals

  • 3s on mobile 3G, mobile CPU
  • Lazy-load everything not in initial view
  • "PRPL 50", from google
  • < 200K payload
  • Baseline template is around ~90K
  • ~110K left for app + analytics


You need both,
neither replaces the other


Synthetic Performance Testing

  • Practically no performance impact to user
  • Great for measuring app perf changes


Real User Monitoring

  • Passive
  • Realistic
  • International
  • Live

"Site Tax" Dangers

  • Render-blocking
  • Head-of-Line network blocking
  • Large payload
  • Contending for CPU
  • Not optimized for global users
  • High bandwidth cost
  • Reduce battery life if too chatty
  • Single Point of Failure (SPOF)

RUM of Today


  • App Dynamics
  • New Relic
  • DynaTrace
  • Boomerang.js + NodeJS + Splunk


  • Client scripts are kinda big
  • Still coded for 10yo browsers
  • One still requires flash on dashboard
  • Coded for general use cases, diluted


  • User-focused
  • Minimal browser work
  • window.performance
  • less browser edge cases
  • Very light network use

RUM of tomorrow

What would it look like?

Tiny client lib

  • < 1KB
  • Loaded async
<script src="/photon-beacon/photon-beacon.min.js" async></script>

Collects Performance API Timings

gather () {
    let data = {}
    let perf = performance
    // gather marks
    data.marks = perf.getEntriesByType('mark')
    // gather measures
    data.measures = perf.getEntriesByType('measure')
    // gather timings
    data.timings = perf.timing
    // first paint
    if ( {
      data.firstPaint =
    // gather resources
    data.resources = perf.getEntriesByType('resource')
    return data

Pass arbitrary data, too

PHOTON.addData('foo', {'bar': false});

Collect late,
Send without blocking

    window.PHOTON_CONFIG = {
      URL: '/beacon'
    // gather and send on unload, as user leaves page
    window.addEventListener('unload', () => {
        console.log('unload fired!');
        PHOTON.getData(); // gather late, to gather without impacting user
        PHOTON.send(); // sends beacon, if supported
send () {
    let data =
    if (navigator.sendBeacon && data) {
        let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)], {
          type: 'application/json'
        navigator.sendBeacon(PHOTON.config.URL, blob)

Make beacon payload as small as possible (1/3)

// raw user-timing mark data
    "name": "test1",
    "entryType": "mark",
    "startTime": 232.525,
    "duration": 0
    "name": "test2",
    "entryType": "mark",
    "startTime": 733.5550000000001,
    "duration": 0

// raw measure data
    "name": "measure1",
    "entryType": "measure",
    "startTime": 232.525,
    "duration": 501.0300000000001
// Compressed user timing marks and measures
  "test1": "6h",
  "test2": "ke",
  "measure1": "6h_dx"

npm: usertiming-compression

Make beacon payload as small as possible (2/3)

    "name": "http://localhost:3000/test/usertiming-compression.js",
    "entryType": "resource",
    "startTime": 58.29,
    "duration": 177.86000000000004,
    "initiatorType": "script",
    "workerStart": 0,
    "redirectStart": 0,
    "redirectEnd": 0,
    "fetchStart": 58.29,
    "domainLookupStart": 58.29,
    "domainLookupEnd": 58.29,
    "connectStart": 58.29,
    "connectEnd": 58.29,
    "secureConnectionStart": 0,
    "requestStart": 63.27500000000001,
    "responseStart": 67.65,
    "responseEnd": 236.15000000000003,
    "transferSize": 2021,
    "encodedBodySize": 1659,
    "decodedBodySize": 4038
    "name": "http://localhost:3000/test/resourcetiming-compression.js",
    "entryType": "resource",
    "startTime": 58.415,
    "duration": 178.08,
    "initiatorType": "script",
    "workerStart": 0,
    "redirectStart": 0,
    "redirectEnd": 0,
    "fetchStart": 58.415,
    "domainLookupStart": 65.74500000000002,
    "domainLookupEnd": 65.76,
    "connectStart": 65.76,
    "connectEnd": 66.19,
    "secureConnectionStart": 0,
    "requestStart": 66.27000000000001,
    "responseStart": 68.855,
    "responseEnd": 236.495,
    "transferSize": 3429,
    "encodedBodySize": 3066,
    "decodedBodySize": 9208
    "name": "http://localhost:3000/photon-beacon/photon-beacon.min.js",
    "entryType": "resource",
    "startTime": 58.54500000000001,
    "duration": 178.195,
    "initiatorType": "script",
    "workerStart": 0,
    "redirectStart": 0,
    "redirectEnd": 0,
    "fetchStart": 58.54500000000001,
    "domainLookupStart": 58.54500000000001,
    "domainLookupEnd": 58.54500000000001,
    "connectStart": 58.54500000000001,
    "connectEnd": 58.54500000000001,
    "secureConnectionStart": 0,
    "requestStart": 72.68,
    "responseStart": 73.68,
    "responseEnd": 236.74,
    "transferSize": 871,
    "encodedBodySize": 557,
    "decodedBodySize": 557
// Compressed resource timing
  "restiming": {
    "http://0003:tsohlacol/": {
      "test/": {
        "|": "6,h",
        "usertiming-compression.js": "31m,4y,a,5*11a3,a2,1u3",
        "resourcetiming-compression.js": "31m,4y,b,8,8,,8,8,8*12d6,a3,4qm"
      "photon-beacon/photon-beacon.min.js": "31n,4y,f,e*1fh,8q"
  "servertiming": []

npm: resourcetiming-compression

Make beacon payload as small as possible (3/3)

    marks: [{
        name: 'test1',
        entryType: 'mark',
        startTime: 64.57000000000001,
        duration: 0
    }, {
        name: 'test2',
        entryType: 'mark',
        startTime: 565.605,
        duration: 0
    measures: [{
        name: 'measure1',
        entryType: 'measure',
        startTime: 64.57000000000001,
        duration: 501.035
    timings: {
        navigationStart: 1507589843812,
        unloadEventStart: 1507589843859,
        unloadEventEnd: 1507589843862,
        redirectStart: 0,
        redirectEnd: 0,
        fetchStart: 1507589843812,
        domainLookupStart: 1507589843855,
        domainLookupEnd: 1507589843855,
        connectStart: 1507589843855,
        connectEnd: 1507589843855,
        secureConnectionStart: 1507589843812,
        requestStart: 1507589843855,
        responseStart: 1507589843856,
        responseEnd: 1507589843856,
        domLoading: 1507589843859,
        domInteractive: 1507589843877,
        domContentLoadedEventStart: 1507589843877,
        domContentLoadedEventEnd: 1507589843877,
        domComplete: 1507589843895,
        loadEventStart: 1507589843895,
        loadEventEnd: 1507589843896,
        timeToNonBlankPaint: 1507589843883
    resources: [{
        name: 'http://localhost:3000/photon-beacon/photon-beacon.min.js',
        entryType: 'resource',
        startTime: 61.880751,
        duration: 15.633134000000005,
        initiatorType: 'script',
        nextHopProtocol: 'http/1.1',
        redirectStart: 0,
        redirectEnd: 0,
        fetchStart: 61.880751,
        domainLookupStart: 71.244542,
        domainLookupEnd: 71.28144999999999,
        connectStart: 71.351761,
        connectEnd: 71.650852,
        secureConnectionStart: 0,
        requestStart: 71.728572,
        responseStart: 77.453355,
        responseEnd: 77.513885,
        transferSize: 871,
        encodedBodySize: 557,
        decodedBodySize: 557
    pageDurations: {
        loadTime: 84,
        DOMContentLoaded: 65,
        timeToFirstByte: 44,
        firstPaint: undefined,
        frontEndTime: 40,
        serverConnectionTime: 43,
        pageRenderTime: 19
    resourceDurations: [{
        name: 'http://localhost:3000/photon-beacon/photon-beacon.min.js',
        redirectTime: undefined,
        dnsTime: 0.03690799999999683,
        tcpHandshakeTime: 0.2990910000000042,
        secureConnectionTime: undefined,
        responseTime: 0.06052999999999997,
        fetchUntilResponseEnd: 15.633134000000005,
        requestStartUntilResponseEnd: 5.785313000000002,
        startUntilResponseEnd: 15.633134000000005
5d 00 00 01 00 b2 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3d 88
09 a6 54 63 65 43 96 af c6 6e e3 8a cf 01 c4 5d
32 7d d7 2f 33 03 75 09 0c 49 44 90 d0 15 3f a6
75 07 51 03 1d 75 28 f3 b1 00 19 6f e5 2c ac 61
ae fa 0b 30 27 9e 0e ea 1c 68 0c f7 c9 bf c0 af
99 2b d2 b5 53 57 6b 4f 56 06 33 5e 9a 89 e2 7e
c7 bd db d8 c4 43 97 54 7b cf 29 1c 33 6c 9e d4
c4 de 36 42 5a 72 ef 36 da 4d a9 9e 9c 2c 1a 95
ed 86 c3 35 fd 54 55 c1 98 86 2b 60 b8 fe 0d 66
01 75 6b 50 02 7c 48 f4 03 26 6a 99 02 81 91 3f
c5 63 8e ed 5e 7b fa 52 cb eb a9 cb a7 a0 fb 92
be c5 7e 0e f3 86 be 10 99 4f 1f 81 58 59 ca 68
b5 1c 05 2c de 71 37 3a db a6 05 da a7 64 f2 7e
77 38 dc 90 3e 02 6c 8d cd 39 8f ef 83 90 4a 6e
9b c4 51 3c 71 40 0a 6d 04 6a e5 b7 e4 d3 01 47
ad 24 53 6e 49 9b 9c 46 2f 4e 18 90 6f 10 10 18
c7 8f 8b c6 70 dc a9 f4 10 4e bf 0b 0f cf 51 d5
d3 6d 26 ae f7 3f 1e 05 4d b6 6d c1 f6 dc fd fd
53 f9 4e 9a 49 3e 48 f5 ed 7f 12 86 54 87 98 49
91 cc bb 0c da 2a 9c eb fa 3c d0 71 7f a6 29 fa
ba f1 b1 41 bd 92 7f a9 0c ce 20 3f 22 d3 f6 7b
d2 02 40 82 43 0d bb 37 74 70 48 e1 15 a3 6d 47
4d 04 47 54 4a c8 1d f5 12 44 1c c3 9b c6 7d e7
74 30 70 a4 d2 f0 87 5c b2 6e cd f9 eb 25 7f 19
18 b3 3e a5 d9 1d 9c 9e e7 74 e1 1c 38 58 60 17
e6 1d 91 b2 58 3a 2c c3 29 22 46 2b 8d 6c 0c 72
38 a4 13 b5 96 9a c1 d1 1e d6 c0 1f 68 c5 c3 39
fc 9a 03 e8 e1 53 1f 08 f7 85 86 3f 29 c4 b3 1d
f6 ac 99 a5 4f a8 ce 50 b6 f3 77 7a 39 29 65 63
b1 ec 8a b3 ab 2e 1c c5 19 ff 68 c9 b2 d6 6e 9f
c3 10 5a 06 b6 6b c8 ea 52 6a b6 0a 05 10 4e 62
c5 85 45 34 3d f3 76 0f 41 86 04 ec 44 7f 1d 13
79 eb ae 8b 5c 2c 80 4d f4 25 a0 3f bf 23 75 46
09 96 bc 0a 79 bc ce 08 96 7c 71 6b 8a c6 9f 7b
2f fe 96 10 e6 33 6b 4e 05 55 29 e9 01 2d cc 6d
9e 95 49 25 a8 c8 c9 8f 33 bf e3 f9 99 c1 51 6a
a2 4c f0 b9 1f a4 05 f4 12 f6 45 1f 41 b4 8c 0a
7a a0 f2 7c 13 db 79 0c 18 73 ae 79 e2 a4 7e a1
ae db 0d a7 de a9 b7 9e a9 8c 74 a4 2e 6e ac 52
ba 34 8f e6 f8 48 20 e7 23 98 aa b7 37 a4 b6 21
2e bf ba 15 58 6c 8f 2c e0 6b af e4 f3 c7 3c 48
18 bc b3 55 64 89 1f 20 2f a5 86 b4 c5 4f 5e 61
47 f8 1a 11 09 21 a0 ad 22 ab b6 af 6e 2d 43 18
50 8b 8d e6 c8 50 7b 64 0f 72 bc fc fc 75 e8 f4
27 07 7a 92 8e 34 de 81 42 d0 28 18 b7 da 17 a9
50 df 2f f5 8d f9 9d 78 62 fb 40 66 cb 4d 8d b0
15 fb ee 9a cd 92 a8 93 a6 d2 9a 06 1b ff 9a 9f
c7 b7

npm: lz-string

4964 bytes

754 bytes

Fast and lightweight collector (1/3)

// NodeJS, Express

const express = require('express')
const router = express.Router()
const beaconLogger = require('../lib/beacon-logger')

/* POST photon-beacon */'/beacon', beaconLogger)

Fast and lightweight collector (2/3)

const doDecompress = require('./decompress')
const doTimingCalculations = require('./timing-calculations')

module.exports = (req, res, next) => {

  // Parse beacon data
  let data = req.body

  // if fields are compressed, decompress them
  data = doDecompress(data)

  // do all calculations
  data = doTimingCalculations(data)

  // Write log
  console.log('PHOTON_DATA:', data)



Fast and lightweight collector (2/3)


data.pageDurations    = {
    loadTime:             getDuration(data.navigationStart, data.loadEventEnd),
    DOMContentLoaded:     getDuration(data.navigationStart, data.domContentLoadedEventEnd),
    timeToFirstByte:      getDuration(data.navigationStart, data.responseStart),
    firstPaint:           getDuration(data.navigationStart, data.firstPaint),
    frontEndTime:         getDuration(data.responseStart, data.loadEventEnd),
    serverConnectionTime: getDuration(data.navigationStart, data.requestStart),
    pageRenderTime:       getDuration(data.domContentLoadedEventEnd, data.loadEventEnd)


Big-data analysis (1/3)


Some data we logged

Big-data analysis (2/3)

index=production sourcetype=heroku* 
fs_host="fs-client-logger" app=home
| timechart span=1d p50(frontEndTime) as FrontEnd

Splunk Query to analyze trend

Big-data analysis (3/3)

Timechart of Trend


When can I use the ...





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Fast and Visible

By Jakob Anderson

Fast and Visible

How to measure page performance without hurting it

  • 18,200