Drupal 8.1 Released, so what?
I'm a ___ developer

Candan /jənˈdən/

7 years PHP

5 years Drupal

Who uses Drupal?

snipit of drupal.org homepage taken Sept 1, 2016

What is Drupal?

  • Users, Roles, Permissions, Content Types
  • Content Management System
  • Contributed Modules
  • Custom Modules

Is Drupal 8 Better?


In-line Editing

Drafts in Core

  • Releases every six months
  • New features and functional improvements
  • Bug fixes in “patch” releases between minor versions

Semantic Versioning

Enterprise-level Contributors

In summary . . .

Ok, I'm at least slightly interested

Where can I learn more?

I'm glad you asked.

Drupal Camp Chattanooga

  • Registration opens soon
  • $25 admission
  • Includes
  • T-shirt
  • Lunch
  • After-party
  • Doug Van's Drupal in a Day Training


Drupal Camp Chattanooga

November 5th, 2016


  • Beginner Track
  • Lunch
  • T-shirt


And, at the after party . . .

See you at

Drupal Camp Chattanooga!

Drupal 8 Launched - Why Should I Care?

By James Candan

Drupal 8 Launched - Why Should I Care?

  • 1,117