James Cummings


Thanks as ever to many members of the TEI Community

About XML

Why use markup?

Markup is used in many different fields, for many different purposes: storing data, relating information, encoding understanding, preserving metadata

  • Markup is a way of making our knowledge or understanding about a text explicit
  • Markup makes strives to make explicit (to a machine) what is implicit (to a person)
  • Markup assists us in facilitating re-use of the same material:
    • in different formats
    • in different contexts
    • by different sorts of users

Types of Markup

Procedural Markup:
     RED INK ON; print "-£1000"; RED INK OFF


Presentational Markup:


Descriptive Markup:
 <measure unit="pounds" value="-1000">
   One thousand pounds in debt

About XML

XML is structured data represented as strings of text
XML looks like HTML, except that:

  • XML is extensible
  • XML must be well-formed
  • XML can be validated
  • XML is application-, platform-, and vendor- independent
  • XML empowers the content provider and facilitates data integration and migration
  • It is one of the best plain text long-term preservation formats for textual data that we have

About XML

<element> Text </element>

<element attribute="value">
Text or child elements here

<element attribute="value"/>

About XML

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns="http://namespace/">
 <element attribute="value">
   <childElement type="empty"/>
<!-- comment -->

More About XML

  • An XML document is encoded as a linear string of characters
  • It begins with a special processing instruction
  • Element occurrences are marked by start and end-tags
  •  The characters < and & are Magic and must always be "escaped" using &lt; or &amp; if you want to use them as themselves
  • Comments are delimited by <!-- and -->
  • Attribute name/value pairs are supplied on the start-tag and may be given in any order
  • Attribute values are always quoted
  • Everything is case-sensitive

Being Well-Formed

  • There is a single root node containing the whole of an XML document
  •  Each subtree is properly nested within the root node 
  •  Element/attribute names and values are always case sensitive
  •  Start-tags and end-tags are always mandatory (except there are combined start-and-end tags called 'empty elements' <pb/> <gap/>)
  • Attribute values are always quoted

You can also be 'valid' which means you obey additional rules about elements and attributes and where they can go.

XML Test

  •  <seg>some text</seg>
  •  <seg> <w>some</w> <hi>text</hi> </seg>

  •  <seg> <w>some <hi></w> text</hi> </seg>
  •  <seg type="text">some text</seg>
  •  <seg type=text>some text</seg>
  •  <seg type="text"> some text <seg/>
  •  <seg type="text"> some text<gap/> </seg>
  •  <seg type="text">some text</Seg>

About The TEI

The TEI (The Text Encoding Initiative) is:

  • An international consortium of institutions, projects and individual members
  • A community of users and volunteers
  • A freely available manual of set of regularly maintained and updated recommendations: 'The Guidelines' with definitions, examples, and discussion of over 560 markup distinctions
  • A mechanism for producing customized schemas for validating your project's digital texts
  • A set of free and openly licensed, customizable tools and stylesheets for transformations to many formats (e.g. HTML, Word, PDF, Databases, RDF/LinkedData, Slides, ePub, etc.)
  • A simple consensus-based way of organizing and structuring textual (and other) resources
  • An archival, well-understood, format for long-term preservation of digital data and metadata
  • Whatever you make it! It is a community-driven standard

TEI Structure

Global Attributes

Some features (potentially) apply to everything, therefore members of the attribute class can appear in every TEI element:

  • @xml:id provides a unique identifier for any element
  • @n provides a number or name for an element (not unique)
  • @xml:lang specifies the language of any element, using an ISO standard code (e.g. ISO 639-1)
  • @rend provides a way of specifying the visual appearance (rendition) of any element
  • @resp points to the agency responsible; @cert for certainty
  • @n gives a way to give a name or number for that element

Inside the <body>

Hierarchical grouping of text sequences into textual divisions and subdivisions by means of nested <div> elements.

  • Use of the @type attribute to distinguish different kinds of divisions
    • Epic, Bible → book
    • Report → part, section 
    • Novel → chapter
    • Drama → acts, scenes
    • Reference book → sections
    • Diary → entries
    • Newspaper → sections, issues
  • and possibly @n to provide a name or number of any kind:

Components of a <div>

What do devisions contain (apart from other divisions)?

  • Headings, tagged with <head>

  • Prose, which may be organized as a sequence of
    paragraphs <p>

  • Poetry, divided into metrical lines <l>, optionally grouped into stanzas <lg>

  • Drama, divided into speeches <sp>, containing an
    optional speaker label <speaker>, followed by a mix of <p> or <l> elements, optionally mixed up with stage directions <stage>

Original Layout Information

Within the <text> element the logical view is privileged, but the physical view can be encoded as well through 'empty' elements:

  • <pb /> marks the start of a new page

  • <cb /> marks the start of a new column

  • <lb /> marks the start of a new line

  • <gb/> marks the start of a new gathering


and for other forms of milestone:

  • <milestone/> marks to the beginning of a boundary point.


Basic Core Components


A paragraph is a significant organizational unit for all prose texts

  • <p> marks paragraphs in prose
  • <p> can contain all the phrase-level elements in the core module
    • Phrase-level elements must be entirely contained within a paragraph
    • Inter-level elements can appear either within a paragraph or between
    • paragraphs (e.g. list, bibiographic citations, etc.)
    • Chunks (eg. paragraphs, anonymous block)


Typographic features in order to distinguish passages from its surroundings:

  • distinct in some way (e.g. foreign, dialectal, technical, etc.)
  • emphatic or stressed when spoken
  • not part of the body of the text (e.g. title, head, label, etc.)
  • distinct narrative stream (e.g. monologue, commentary, etc.)
  • attributed by the narrator to some other agency (e.g. direct speech, quotation, etc.)
  • set apart from the text in some other way (e.g. individual names in older texts, editorial corrections or additions, etc.)


<hi> word or phrase which is graphically distinct from the surrounding text

  • @rend specifies the visual appearance; the values are defined by each project

Foreign Phrases

  • <foreign> word or phrase not written in the same
    language than the surrounding text

    • @xml:lang global attribute to specify the language, using an ISO standard code (e.g. ISO 639-1)

Simple Editorial Changes

  • The core module provides some phrase-level elements which may be used to record simple editorial interventions.
  • <choice> groups alternative encodings for the same point in a text
    • Abbreviations:
      • ​<abbr> abbreviated form
      • ​<expan> expanded form
    • ​Errors:
      • <sic> apparent error
      • ​<corr> corrected error
    • ​Regularization:
      • <orig> original form
      • <reg> regularized form  

Abbreviation and Expansion

Emendation and Correction


Addition, Deletion, and Ommisions

  • <add> addition to the text

  • <del> letter, word or phrase marked as deleted in the text

  • <supplied> marks editorially supplied text

  • <gap> indicates a point where material is omitted

  • <unclear> marks where text is illegible, containing best guess


  •  <persName> a personal name sometimes containing:
    • <forename> a forename
    • <surname> a surname
  • <placeName> a place name
  • <orgName> an organisational name
<persName role="stationer"> 


  • <num> a number of any sort, written in any form
    • @type and @value
<seg type="fee" rend="roman-numerals aligned-right">
<!--processing: iiijd-->
   <num type="totalPence" value="4">
    <!--orig: iiijd-->
     <num type="pence" value="4">
       iiij<hi rend="superscript">d</hi>

Dates and Times

  • <date> contains a date in any format @when contains the regularized form; YYYY-MM-DD
    • @notBefore / @notAfter: for circa dates
    • @from / @to: for date ranges
<date from="1557-07-19" to="1558-07-09">19 July 1557–9 July 1558.</date>

<date notBefore="1559-07-14" notAfter="1560-07-05">14 July 1559–5 July 1560.</date>

<date when="1560-03-04">
iiij<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Daye of marche 
<note resp="#arber">1560</note> 


  • <list>  (a sequence of items forming a list)
  • <item>  (one component of a list)
  • <label>  (label associated with an item)
  • <headLabel>  (heading for a column of labels)
  • <headItem>  (heading for a column of items)

Metadata Block

SRO is being slightly unusual in embedding a metadata block (using the 'anonymous block' element <ab>) inside every entry.

 <ab type="metadata">
    <date notBefore="1565-07-22" notAfter="1566-07-22">
     22 July 1565–22 July 1566.
    <idno type="RegisterRef">Register A, f.132v</idno>
    <idno type="ArberRef">I. 296</idno>
    <idno type="RegisterID">?</idno>
    <num type="works" value="0"/>
    <note type="status" subtype="unknown"/>

Revision Description

In the header <revisionDesc> is used to store the major stages of modification/creation/revision of the electronic file:

  <change when="2017-01-29">
     Metadata block created by JC; Arber's corrections made by IG
   <change when="2017-01-22">
       Material other than copy entries removed by Ian Gadd
   <change from="2013-06" to="2013-10">Semi-automated changes based 
       on bodleian proofreading made to the SRO data after the initial 
       conversion (and up-conversion of roman numerals, fees, dates, 
       names, etc.) from abbreviated tei-corset schema by James Cummings
   <change from="2012-12" to="2013-05"> Encoding reviewed, with 
       suggestions made for improvements, a random sample of names 
       checked, and spot-proofed by Pip Willcox. December 2012 - May 2013. 

All SRO Elements

  • core: p foreign hi desc gap unclear num date list item head note pb lb respStmt resp title choice abbr expan corr sic orig reg add
  • header: teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt funder principal publicationStmt distributor availability licence sourceDesc encodingDesc projectDesc revisionDesc change idno
  • linking: ab anchor seg
  • namesdates: orgName persName surname forename placeName
  • textstructure: TEI text body div
  • transcr: fw space am ex supplied


SRO - Intro to XML, Markup and the TEI

By James Cummings

SRO - Intro to XML, Markup and the TEI

A workshop presentation on the TEI

  • 1,801