On thinking about data

A little about me

People call me James, Jimmy, Jim, Harvey and more

Logging the data

Arranging the data

Localising the data


GET /api/people

GET /api/people/{id}

POST /api/people

PUT /api/people/{id}

PATCH /api/people/{id}

DELETE /api/people/{id}


SELECT name FROM ...
INSERT INTO people ...

UPDATE people SET ...

DELETE FROM people ...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin urna odio, aliquam vulputate faucibus id, elementum lobortis felis. Mauris urna dolor, placerat ac sagittis quis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin urna odio, aliquam vulputate faucibus id, elementum lobortis felis. Mauris urna dolor, placerat ac sagittis quis.

Zoom out, start with the journey

Nearly every system exists only to move data around

(Show data process example)

(Show the tech solution as 3NF)

(Talk about some limitations with the design)

(Rework the solution)

(Show the same example but with a different database tech)

(Rework the solution)

(Discuss the product  opportunities available)

Let's look at other data problems

The power of double ledgers

(Explain why every financial system eventually uses double ledgers)

Integrations: One systems flexibility is another system's data mapping problem

(Show how most people think about integrations)

(Show how an integration is a flow of data triggered by actions)

(Cache invalidation)

(Queueing concepts)

(Signals concept)

(Eventual consistency)

(Cache busting)

Once you get the data flow right, the code is easy

Or once you get the data flow right, you understand the system!


Constraints vs opportunities

Might need to remove

(One pager on different database tech with trade offs)

Might not have time for this

Let's talk about tech selection


By James Harvey


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