
API Talk 

Who's Esri?

  • We sell GIS software


  • Georaphic Information Systems


  • Think maps + databases

      + data analysis


  • ArcGIS platform:

Imperial College & Esri

  • Imperial College a license for most of our software suite


  • You might have heard of ArcGIS Desktop or ArcMap before


  • You need to request a license from the uni


ArcGIS APIs and SDKs


What do they do?

  • Maps and Layers
  • Routing and Directions
  • Geocoding 
  • Query Data
  • Geometry Operations and Analysis
  • + more


  • Dev account gives a free ArcGIS Online seat:
    • Cloud store geographic data, CSV, PDF, etc
    • Preview, edit, change symbology of data
    • Expose geo REST services (Feature Services)

A few demos

Inspire me!

Previous Hacks:

  • Crowdless - Using twitter data to route between tourist attractions


  • Infected Flight - World infection spreading simulation


  • LostOffline - Twilio SMS directions whilst offline


  • SafeTeeth - App for routing around areas of very high crime


Developer Signup Prize

  • Sign up to developers.arcgis.com
  • Take a screenshot logged in
  • Email to jmilner@esriuk.com with subject IC Hack Raffle
  • Win a Pebble!



  • Follow @JamesLMilner twitter and tweet a funny/interesting photo with #ICHack hashtag.
  • Personally curated Esri Swag Bag delivered to an address of your choice. Highly coveted.



Best Use of API Prize

  • 4 x Vilros Raspberry Pi B+ (B Plus) Complete Starter Kit
  • £200 of Amazon vouchers for the team

What we're up to


  • We have a startup program!


How to get hold of me

  • I'm going to be about for the next to days, but I do have to go to bed (sorry!)


  • If you can't find me tweet me at @JamesLMilner


IC Hack 2015

By James Milner