• Approaches to Visualising Big Data

    FOSS4G 2017

  • An Introduction to Docker for Geospatial Applications

  • An overview of mapping and location based applications

    For GitHub Campus Experts

  • AGI Technical SIG

    A talk to UCL GIS Students for 2016

  • GeoCom 2016 - Lighting Talk

    A talk on the future of GIS and startups

  • deck

  • Building Mapping Apps with Esri Leaflet

  • UCL GIS Students Talk

    A talk to UCL GIS Students for 2016

  • So  you want to be a Gopher

  • Hello

    Experiments in Declarative Mapping

  • Making the Most of Leaflet Plugins

    Making the Most of Leaflet Plugins - FOSS4G UK Talk

  • Quadtree

  • The Hard Thing About Hard Geo Things

  • What is geo data and how to get the most from it (UKGovHack 2016)

  • Making the Most of Geo Data (Inmarsat Dev Conf)

  • Building 3D Worlds in the Browser - HalfStack Edition

    A talk on building 3D worlds in the browser with WebGL (or more specifically abstraction libraries for WebGL!)

  • How APIs are changing the GIS Industry

    A talk examining how APIs are changing the GIS Industry

  • Geo and GIS: How Startups can Bridge the Gap

  • hackference-esri

  • So, you want to run a meetup?

    A talk on exploring running developer meetups

  • On My Way

    A short presentation for London Hack && Tell

  • GeoHackDay

  • WebGL (Abstraction) for All

    How to leverage abstraction libraries for WebGL for fun, knowledge and profit.

  • Developer Cartography

  • Building a Web Component in Polymer 1.0

    A talk on my experience building a map web component with Polymer

  • Polymer 1.0: What's New?

  • Building 3D Worlds in the Browser

    A talk on building 3D worlds in the browser with WebGL (or more specifically abstraction libraries for WebGL!)


  • MLHLanding

    Esri API Talk @ MLH Landing

  • Digital Shoreditch

    What on Earth is GIS? An introductory talk into GIS for the Digital Shoreditch 2015 conference.

  • IC Hack (2 Minutes)

  • DevSummit - Esri Web Components via Polymer

  • IC Hack 2015