You don't need GIS, you need to solve a problem

James Milner


Software Engineer

Running Order

  • 15 mins - UCL and Work
  • 15 mins - Observations on the Industry
  • 5 mins - Work Life
  • 10 mins - Questions



The 'Real World'

Esri UK


Industry Observations

Commerical Geo vs GIS

Commerical Geo

  • Google Maps
  • CityMapper
  • Zoopla
  • Uber
  • AirBnB (kind of)
  • Pokemon Go


  • Local Gov 
  • TfL
  • Crossrail 
  • Network Rail
  • Starbucks
  • Utilities etc

I think they could both learn a little from each other

Commerical Geo

  • UI/UX
  • Scale
  • Customer Oriented


  • Specialist techniques
  • Coordinate systems (!)
  • Accuracy oriented

GIS is a useful tool in a box, but not every problem is a nail

Where things are going: at a high level

Data Creation and Access

Source: Andreessen Horowitz, 2015

We can estimate that 70% of those location sensors of some capacity

Higher Expectations

Sources and Speed

A movement away from static to dynamic or even real time

AI and Machine Learning is the robotics/automation of the knowledge industry an industry level

SaaS + Developer Tools 

  • Streams, Feeds and APIs
  • GeoJSON
  • Death to shapefiles
  • Vector Tiles!



  • Faster processing
  • BIM
  • Virtual / Augumented Reality
  • WebGL 
  • Better support
  • Drones
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • 'Internet of Things'
  • Cube Satellites / Real time
  • Augmented / Virtual Reality
  • Machine Learning / AI

Growth Areas

Work Life

Some Observations

I think there is a movement away from traditional ways of working




Project Management Software

Internal Emails

Instant Messaging

Middle Management


End of Year Review

Weekly 1 to 1s

  • Coding is a super valuable skill
  • Keep informed
  • Keep your skills relevant
  • Make friends in the industry

General Advice

  • Hunt around
  • Don't settle too much
  • Consider a startup
  • 2 page CVs
  • Negotiate your salary

Job Advice


UCL GIS Students Talk

By James Milner

UCL GIS Students Talk

A talk to UCL GIS Students for 2016

  • 1,158