Hello, my name's James

On My Way

A simple web app for messaging your friends your expected time of arrival

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS (Dojo)
  • PHP
  • Removed Modenizr, jQuery and classie.js  ( ~100kb)

  • Converted whole app to dojo

  • Replaced many if else checks with ternary operators

  • Moved over to dojo touch events

  • Switched to dojo text and replace for templating

  • Replaced verbose class names 

  • Removed random fonts from folder (????)  

  • Compressed background 7.53 MB to ~90kb (????)

24 Hours of 


  • My PHP is probably bad

  • My CSS is probably bad

  • Server times are going to be server times

    • Could post via JavaScript


  • Multi stop options

  • Including average traffic levels 

  • Storing user's name in cookie

Further Ideas


On My Way

By James Milner

On My Way

A short presentation for London Hack && Tell

  • 1,032