Give ♥ to your EX with Headless CMS + JAMstack


EX = 

Editor Experience

About Me

Agility CMS


Startup from the bottom...

Now we're here

About Agility CMS

  • Only headless CMS, with built-in Page Management
  • Built by developers over the course of a decade
  • Big enough for billion-dollar brands
  • Small enough to care about each user

A Few of Our Customers...

Our Vision

A world where you NEVER have to rebuild your website from scratch!

We Believe




  1. User Experience
  2. Editor Experience
  3. Developer Experience

Success Depends on:

Website, No CMS

🤬 😎 😃


Website, Traditional CMS




🙂 😐 😒




Website, Headless CMS + JAMstack

😕 🤩 😁






What's Wrong with the EX in JAMstack?

Top 5 Editor Complaints


  1. 👁‍🗨 Can't preview content updates in real-time
  2. 🚫 Limited control over creating, deleting and redirecting pages
  3. 📄 Limited control over what content is on each page
  4. 😖 Inconsistent and in-efficient content workflows
  5. Publishing content takes too long, don't understand concepts of builds
  6. 🤼 They feel powerless...

We can do Better!

Here's How...

  1. 👀 Give them a Preview environment
  2. 🎁 Give the gift of Page Management
  3. 🚀Publish content Faster

Preview with:
Next.js + Vercel + Agility CMS

NAVstack? 🦸‍♀️

What is Next.js?

What is Vercel?

What is Agility CMS?

Preview?? - Wait isn't this a static site?

NAVstack Preview

  1. 👥 Editor clicks Preview from within the CMS
  2. 🍪 A preview cookie is set, instructing Vercel to run each page route at runtime/real-time (node js)
  3. 😎 Editor can see content they are working on prior to publishing


Is Preview?

Yes, run route as serverless function (runtime)

No, return cached/generated HTML

How it Works

Preview Setup

  1. 👩‍💻 Signup for Agility CMS + Get the starter site code 
  2.                  Deploy to Vercel
  3. 👀 Set the Preview domain in Agility CMS
  4. ✅ Done!

What is Page Management?

What Isn't Page Management...

When devs dictate pages:

What Isn't Page Management...

When devs dictate what is on a page:

💬 You can only build certain types of pages, with pre-defined layouts


Editors feel constrained...

Put yourself in their shoes 👞...

💡 Same reason WHY devs don't like Traditional CMS 🤮

Still not Convinced?

This will be you...

Responding to Change Requests

🛑 Stop Building Websites.

Build Tools.







Agility CMS Content Methodology

We believe there are two types of content...

📄 Page-Specific Content

🌐 Shared Content

Page Properties

  1. Title, URL Slug, and other SEO properties
  2. Page Template
  3. Content Zones - {} object
    - Modules - [] array
      -- Fields - {} object

Page Templates

Defined in Agility CMS, but corresponds to a React Component in your code

Defines the Content Zones of where editors can control what is on the Page

Content Zone

The area(s) on a Page that will be dynamically controlled by the editor


The functional components that make up a Page

Modules can have their own fields but can also link to any other content (i.e. Blog Posts)


They are defined in Agility CMS, but correspond to a React Component in your code


Props are automatically passed to your React Component​ based on your fields 🧙‍♂️

NAVstack 🚀Publishing

  1. 👥 Editor clicks Publish from within the CMS
  2. 👤User navigates to the page they just published in their browser
  3. 🔁 Vercel will re-generate that page HTML in the background
  4. ✅ The next user to hit that same page will get the updated content

Look Ma! No builds 👋

Agility CMS Next.js Starter

  • Connected to a sample Agility CMS instance to get content and pages
  • Uses the getStaticProps function from Next.js to allow for full static site generation
  • Supports full page management
  • Supports preview mode
  • Uses revalidate tag with Vercel to enable incremental static builds

Build Modules, not Websites.👍

Learn More 🎓

Agility Days: Giving ❤ to the EX for JAMstack Sites - JAMstack Seattle Meetup

By James Vidler

Agility Days: Giving ❤ to the EX for JAMstack Sites - JAMstack Seattle Meetup

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