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contraction & Inflation
CC-By 4.0 James B. Wilson, 2024
Contractions & Entropy
Data table \(T\)
User recipe of rows \(v\)
Contraction \(\langle u\mid T\rangle\) is newly generated data.
Contractions need recipes

Data table \(T\)
User recipe for columns \(v\)
Contraction \(\langle T\mid v\rangle\) is newly generated data.
Multiple Contractions allowed

Entropy of contractions
- The order of contractions is immaterial to the result.
- Entropic ("disorder") means operators that applied in any order are the same.
- Commutative? Associative? No, these are different operators, not one operator with rewriting rules.
Given products \((u_1,\ldots,u_n)\) and \(\begin{bmatrix} v_1\\ \vdots\\ v_m\end{bmatrix}\)
Main Example

Inflation & Distribution
Recepies \(u,v,w\)
Build a product \(u\otimes v\otimes w\) whose partial evaluations are entropic.
Inflation produces tables

Product Notations
Functional notation \[u:\text{axes}\to \text{space}\] so partition axes to partition input.
tensor spaces
Data table \(T\)
First recipe of rows \(u\)
Second recipe \(\acute{u}\)
Contract \[\langle u+\acute{u}\mid T\rangle=\langle u\mid T\rangle+\langle \acute{u}\mid T\rangle.\]
Multiple recipes

measurement distributes
Even in limits
measurement Is contextual
- River's length is in miles/km
- River's depth is in feet/meters.
- Volume in gallons/liter
- \[\text{vol}(t\mid \text{length}, \text{depth}, \text{width})\]
- USA \(t=39,500 \text{gal}/\text{mile}\times \text{ft}^2\)
- EU \(t=1 \text{l}/1000 \text{km}^2\times \text{m}\)
Convention is not the point. In binary both conversions are bizzare choices.

A tensor space is a distinguished term of a distributive product.
A tensor is an term/element of a tensor space.
A cotensor space is the type of outputs of a distributive product.
A cotensor is an term/element of a cotensor space.
Interpretation | Tensors | Valence |
Area/Volume/... | Measure | 2,3,... |
Markov process | Distribution | 2 |
Cost functions | costs | 1 |
Distributed computing | Thread pool | any |
Potential tensor spaces
Interpretation | Tensors | Valence |
Logic/circuits | gates (and/or...) | 2,3,... |
Foundations | Distribution | 2 |
hom, tensor product,... | Categories | 2,3... |
Potential tensor spaces
The implication
Data Table
Multiplication Table

The point:
Data Table
Multiplication Table

The point
Algebra has 1200 year head start on organizing data.
The requirement
Medial Law: a special case of entropy
Current distributes proportional to resistance
\(I=R_1 I_1+R_2 I_2\)
New addition \[I_1\boxplus I_2=R_1 I_1 +R_2 I_2\] is medial.
Ohms law

Eckmann-Hilton Argument
A medial addition with a 0 is a both commutative and associative.
Commonoid = "Commutative Monoid"
To play nice with products add axiom:
\[\forall a \qquad \langle 0_a,u_{\bar{a}}\rangle=0\]
Every commoind has associated to it an abelian group to which it is maximally embedded.
Fact. If negatives exist then they already play nice \[\forall a \qquad \langle -u_a,u_{\bar{a}}\rangle=-\langle u_a,u_{\bar{a}}\rangle\]
Every medial quasigroup is an affine twist of an abelian group.
\[x\boxplus y=Mx+Ny+b\]
Quasi-group: \(a+x=b\) and \(x+a=b\) has unique solutions.
Tensor take products Cotensors make products
Tensor Contractions & Inflations
By James Wilson
Tensor Contractions & Inflations
Tensors are defined by having contractions and cotensors by inflation. What are these and what do they require?
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