Your image is probably not a tensor;
neither is your neural net!
( have to put the work in to it.)
2021 James B. Wilson, Colorado State University
Here is a table. Is it a matrix?
Is it meaningful too...
- ... reorder along an row/column?
- ...rescale along a row/column?
- ...add one row to another, or do so with columns?
Bus tables are not matrices
"matrix" elevates data to a math;
thus, it must comply with rules.
A table which cannot be explored linearly is not a matrix.
Is a Grade Book a matrix?
- You could reorder rows.
- No value in rescaling or combinations.
- Reorder,
- Rescale,
- Combine.
Are graphs matrices?
Adjacency: \(A_{ij}\) if \((i,j)\) is an edge.
Node-arc: rows=nodes, columns=edges,
+1 if start of edge, -1 if end of edge.
Are graphs matrices?
No, you cannot do linear algebra on the rows and columns without destroying the graph.
...and yet
- If \(A\) is the matrix then \(A^n\) records the paths of length \(n\)
- If \(A\) is a node-arc matrix of a graph, then row/column elimination is essential for linear programming, max flows, min-cuts, etc..
- Spectral graph theory is another deep subject.
These are linear connection; but require nuance.
Is an image a matrix (2-tensor)?
An image after some operations has nothing meaningful to do with the original information.
- It is a rows and columns with scalar entries
- Folks do linear algebra on images (I was told in class years ago)
...and yet...
- If \(M\) is an image matrix then the eigenvectors of \(M^* M\) tell us close approximations to the image. (Singular value decomposition more generally).
- Shifting \(M\) to a phase space with a cosine transform lets us compress the image close to faithfully.
Once more, linear algebra is lurking, but you have to work for it.
Is a video a 3-tensor?
Neither time nor rows/columns are meaningfully linear on video data.
- It is a 3-axis grid of scalars.
- Folks do linear algebra with videos, but its not directly on the axes.
Is a neural network a tensor?
Certainly not across the non-linear part.
Linear algebra is scalpel not a hammer.
If you attack a grid as a tensor,
you better show reason to expect the results to be meaningful.
Yes, but...
(the rebuttal)
If your advisor, boss, or mentor calls every array a "tensor" then by all means go with it.
(You might just call actual tensors "formal tensors")
By James Wilson
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