Geometric Algebras II
2020 James B. Wilson
Colorado State University
- Identify symmetries in scientific algebraic systems.
- Identify coordinate subgroups
- Unit circles and spheres
- Dihedral & Quaternion groups
- Identify features with parameters
- General linear groups
- Classical Groups
A symmetry of \(t:T\) is an invertible function \(f:T\to T\) where \(f(t)=_T t\).
Symmetries form a group
- The identity function is a symmetry.
- If \(f,g:T\to T\) are symmetries then \(fg:T\to T\) is a symmetry. Note: composition is associative.
- \(f:T\to T\) is a symmetry implies \(f^{-1}:T\to T\) is a symmetry.
Why insist on invertible \(f:T\to T\)?
- Actually we don't always, but we call those instead "transformation monoids".
- Invertible has key role in connecting to equality...
- Transitive law \[\begin{aligned}(x\equiv y) \& (y\times z) & \Longrightarrow (x\equiv z)\\ (x\equiv y) \times (y\times z) & \to (x\equiv z)\end{aligned}\] becomes a (parital) product between the evidence.
- Reflexive law \[\begin{aligned}(x\equiv x) \& (x\times y) & \Longrightarrow (x\equiv y)\\ (x\equiv x) \times (x\times y) & \to (x\equiv y)\end{aligned}\] shows there is an identity for the product.
- Symmetric law \[\begin{aligned}(x\equiv y) \& (y\times x) & \Longrightarrow (x\equiv x)\\ (x\equiv y) \times (y\times x) & \to (x\equiv x)\end{aligned}\] ensures inverses exists.
- Symmetries form a groupoid as you vary what point is being considered.
- Equivalence is a groupoid as well. We get a group when we fix a point.
So why are groups so studied?
They are the algebra of equality.
Watch for group short cuts
The following concepts are true for groups but not for most algebraic structures. But groups are so popular that many jump to these shortcuts without warning.
- It is enough to test \(f(xy)=f(x)f(y)\) for homomorphisms, i.e. \(f(1)=1\) and \(f(x^{-1})=f(x)^{-1}\) as a consequence.
- \(\ker f=\{(x,y)\mid f(x)=f(y)\}\) is captured identically by \(\ker f=\{x\mid f(x)=1\}\).
- Quotients \(G/\sim\) can be identified with \[gK=\{gk\mid k\in K\}\qquad K=\{k\mid k\sim 1\}\]
- Subgroups \(H\leq G\) where \((\forall g)(gH=Hg)\) always produce quotients. They are called normal.
Important Groups & Loops
Derived form composition algebras
Hurwitz' Theorem.
Composition Algebra: \(A\) has length & \([*,1,\div,+,-,0]\)-arithmetic
- +,-,0 are an abelian group,
- multiplication distributes, and
- length (quadratic norm) satisfies \(|\alpha\beta|=|\alpha||\beta|.\)
Theorem( Hurwitz) There 4 families like this:
- A field
- A quadratic field extension
- Quaternions
- Octonions
Take invertible elements!
- Field, units are the nonzeros.
- Better yet, take group of length 1:
- \[U(A)=\{z\in A\mid |z|=1\}\]
- \[z,w\in U(A)\Rightarrow |zw|=|z||w|=1\Rightarrow zw\in U(A)\]
Boring start \(U(\mathbb{R})=\{z\mid |z|=1\}=\{\pm 1\}\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\) but with complex gets interesting....
- \[\begin{aligned} U(\mathbb{C})& =\{z\mid |z|=1\}\\ & =\{a+bi\mid 1=|a+bi|=(a+bi)(a-bi)=a^2+b^2\}\\ & = S^1\end{aligned}\]
- which you know because unit circle is \(e^{i\theta}=\cos\theta+i\sin\theta\).
- I.e. group is \[e^{i\theta}e^{i\tau}=e^{i(\theta+\tau)}\]
Dihedral Groups
Try with quaternions.
- \[\begin{aligned} U(\mathbb{H})& =\{z\mid |z|=1\}\\ & =\{a+bi+cj+dk\mid 1=a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2\}\\ & = S^3\end{aligned}\] which you may know from i,j,k rotation in graphics
- Super important subgroup (right-hand rule group) is \[Q_8=\{\pm 1, \pm i,\pm j,\pm k\}\] "The Quaternion group"
Quaternion Groups
Try with octonions...
- \[\begin{aligned} U(\mathbb{Q})& =\{z\mid |z|=1\}\\ & =\{a+bi+cj+dk+e\ell+f(i\ell)+g(j\ell)+h(k\ell) \\ & \quad \mid 1=a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2+e^2+f^2+g^2+h^2\}\\ & = S^7\end{aligned}\] you don't know this one,
- neither to do I;
- Physics pretends to know it.
- It is not even a group (nonassociative), it is what is known as a Moufang Loop.
- If you learn this one you might become a powerful wizzard.
Important Groups
Derived form matrices over composition algebras
General Linear Group
- \(GL_d(K)=\{A\in \mathbb{M}_d(K)\mid \exists A^{-1}\}\)
- If \(K\) commutative it is enough to have \(det(A)\) invertible.
- \(det:GL_d(K)\to K^{\times}\) is a group homomorphism. Its kernel is \(SL_d(K)=\{A\in \mathbb{M}_d(K)\mid \det(A)=1\}\)
- \(A\sim B\Leftrightarrow A^{-1}B=sI_d\) is a congruence, the quotient is \(PGL_d(K)\) "projective general linear group"
- Most important \(PSL_d(K)\). This is simple unless d=2 and \(|K|=2,3\).
Simplicity in Groups?
- We prove simplicity using many ad hoc methods.
- Iwasawa's lemma is a big help.
- A hugely important and controversial theorem is the Classification of Finite Simple Groups.
- \(PSL_d(K)\) is by far the most important one to know on this list.
- \(PSL_2(K)\) is even more important.
\[PSL_2(K)= \left\{\begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ c & d\end{bmatrix} \middle| ad-bc=1\right\}\mod{\pm I_1}\]
Best explored as "fractional linear maps":
\[z\mapsto \frac{az+b}{cz+d}\]
Notice scaling by negatives top and bottom will not change it.
\(PSL_2(K)\), \(|K|>3\) and odd.
\[PSL_2(K)= \left\{\begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ c & d\end{bmatrix} \middle| ad-bc=1\right\}\mod{\pm I_1}\]
If \(|K|=q\) then
- \(|GL_2(K)=(q^2-1)(q^2-q)=(q-1)q(q^2-1)\)
- \(|SL_2(K)=\frac{(q^2-1)(q^2-q)}{q-1}=q(q^2-1)\)
- \(|PSL_2(K)|=\frac{q(q^2-1)}{2}\)
\(PSL_2(K)\), \(|K|>3\) and odd.
\[PSL_2(K)= \left\{\begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ c & d\end{bmatrix} \middle| ad-bc=1\right\}\mod{\pm I_1}\]
\[\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1\end{bmatrix},\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1\end{bmatrix}\]
I.e. it can do row elimination except for the scalars and permuations.
Geometric Algebra, II
By James Wilson
Geometric Algebra, II
- 556