2020 James B. Wilson
Colorado State University
Relations & algebra
Part I: Unary relations and subalgebras
- Define relations
- Define modulo
- Add algebra
Sample uses of Relations
- 15 is positive.
\(2 \leq 5\)
\(27 = 3^3\)
\(\{(1,0),(0,1),(1/2,1/2)\}\) are collinear.
These are true because we have evidence:
E.g. 15 is a successor to a positive number so it is positive.
Other evidence would also be acceptable.
Further uses of Relations
- -7 is positive.
\(12 \leq 5\)
\(49 = 3^3\)
\(\{(1,0),(0,1),(0,0)\}\) are collinear.
Despite being untrue, these still use relations properly.
No evidence will be had of these claims.
A mere proposition \(P\) is a type of data where:
If there is data of that type, it is all equal, i.e.
\[x,y:P\Rightarrow e:x=_P y\]
Witness we didn't insist that there was data of that type.
Not all propositions are true!
Different proofs witness one truth;
in this sense proofs are "equal".
Proposition "IsEven"
\[\frac{k:\mathbb{N} \vdash e: n=_{\mathbb{N}} k+k}{witness(k):IsEven(n)}(I)\]
Elimination and computation are trivial.
- \(IsEven(6)\) is a mere proposition, and it is true as we can inhabit with introduction \(witness(3):IsEven(6)\).
- \(IsEven(5)\) is a mere proposition, but no introduction rule can give witness to it. It isn't true.
Towards Formalizing Relations
- \(P(n):\equiv\) \(n\) is positive.
\(Q(x_1,x_2):\equiv (x_1 \leq x_2)\)
\(R(y_1,y_2):\equiv (y_1 = y_2)\)
\(S(p_1,p_2,p_3):\equiv \{p_1,p_2,p_3\}\) are collinear.
These are no longer mere propositions,
they are functions into mere propositions.
A (homogeneous) relation on \(A\) is a function of type
\[A^n\to Prop\]
where \(Prop\) is the type of all mere propositions.
- Binary relation: \(A^2\to Prop\), e.g. \(=,\leq\)
- Unary relation: \(A^1\to Prop\), e.g. "is positive"
- Ternary relation: \(A^3\to Prop\) e.g. "is collinear".
- Nullary relations aren't interesting.
(FYI: Heterogeneous relations just means \(A_1\times \cdots\times A_n\to Prop\).)
Unary Relation = Subsets
Given a relation \(P:A\to Prop\) we separate those \(a:A\) where the proposition \(P(a)\) has evidence. Formally a subset (subtype) is
\[\{a:A\mid P(a)\}:=\bigsqcup_{a:A} P(a).\]
That is, the terms \((a,proof:P(a))\).
If there is no evidence for \(P(a)\) then \((a,proof:P(a))\) doesn't exist. We say \(a\) is "not in" the subset.
Note. There is a function \(\iota:\{a:A\mid P(a)\}\to A\) that forgets the evidence.
\[(a:A,e:P(a))\mapsto (a:A).\]
Claim. \(\iota(x)=_A\iota(y)\Rightarrow x=_{S}y\) where \(S=\{a:A\mid P(a)\}\).
Proof. \(a=\iota_A(a,e:P(a))=\iota_A(b,f:P(b)=b\) implies \(a=b\).
So \(P(a)=P(b)\).
As \(P(a)\) is a mere proposition its terms are all equal so \(e=f\) and so \(x=(a,e)=(b,f)=y\). \(\Box\).
Proposition "IsEven"
\[\frac{k:\mathbb{N} \vdash e: n=_{\mathbb{N}} k+k}{witness(k):IsEven(n)}(I)\]
There is only one term of this type so elimination and computation are trivial.
\[\{n\in \mathbb{N}\mid P(n)\}=\{(0,witness(0)), (2,witness(1)),\ldots\}\]
The forgetful map gives us \(\{0,2,4,\ldots\}\).
Unary Relation on algebra
Fix \(\mathbb{Z}\) as a \(\{+,-,0\}\)-algebra.
Fix a unary relation \(P:\mathbb{Z}\to Prop\)
Goal: use \(\mathbb{Z}\) to make \[S=\{n\in\mathbb{Z}\mid P(n)\}=\bigsqcup_{n\in\mathbb{Z}} P(n)\]
into a \(\{+,-0\}\)-algebra?
- Needs a binary op \(+:S^2\to S\)
- Needs a unary op \(-:S\to S\)
- Needs a nullary op \(\hat{0}:S^0\to S\)
Fix \(\mathbb{N}\) as a \(\{+,0\}\)-algebra, and \(P:\mathbb{N}\to Prop\)
Goal: get algebra on \(S=\{n\in\mathbb{N}\mid P(n)\}=\bigsqcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} P(n)\).
Claim. If there is a function \(\oplus:P(m)\times P(n)\to P(m+n)\) then
\[m,n\in S\Rightarrow m+n\in S\]
Proof. \(m,n\in S\) is short for \[(m,e),(n,f) : S\] where \(e:P(m)\) and \(f:P(n)\). As \(e\oplus f:P(m+n)\) we get
\((m+n,e\oplus f):S\) \(\Box\)
Fix \(\mathbb{N}\) as a \(\{+,0\}\)-algebra, and \(P:\mathbb{N}\to Prop\)
Goal: get algebra on \(S=\{n\in\mathbb{N}\mid P(n)\}=\bigsqcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} P(n)\).
Claim. If there is a function \(\ominus:P(n)\to P(-n)\) then
\[n\in S\Rightarrow -n\in S\]
Proof. \(n\in S\) is short for \[(n,f) : S\] where \(e:P(n)\). As \(\ominus e:P(n)\) we get
\((n,\ominus e):S\). That is, \(-n\in S\). \(\Box\)
Fix \(\mathbb{N}\) as a \(\{+,0\}\)-algebra, and \(P:\mathbb{N}\to Prop\)
Goal: get algebra on \(S=\{n\in\mathbb{N}\mid P(n)\}=\bigsqcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} P(n)\).
Claim. If there is a function \(\hat{0}:\{\bot\}\to P(0)\) then \(0\in S\).
Proof. \((0,\hat{0}(\bot)):S\). \(\Box\).
A sub-algebra means...
A relation \(P:A\to Prop\) which has functions
- For each operator \(\times:A\times A\to A\) there is a function \[\otimes:P(a)\times P(b)\to P(a\times b).\]
- For each operator \(-:A\to A\) there is a function \[\ominus:P(a)\to P(-a).\]
- For each nullary/constant in the signature \(\epsilon:A\) there is a constant \[\hat{\epsilon}:P(\epsilon).\]
You can generalize this to any signature accordingly.
Binary Relation =
Set of subsets
Given a relation \(\rho:A^2\to Prop\) we get a new type of data "A mod \(\rho\)", obvious formation, introduction:
Elimination fetches back the "a", computation confirms that.
Now we add a new class of rule called equality:
\[\frac{[a],[b]:A/\rho\qquad e:\rho(a,b)}{wit(e):[a]=_{A/\rho} [b]}(=).\]
\[\begin{aligned} A/\rho & := (a:A)\mapsto [a]\\ & \mid wit:\rho(a,b)\to [a]=_{A/\rho} [b]\end{aligned}\]
Given a relation \(\rho:A^2\to Prop\), and \(1\leq i\leq n\) we get a new type of data "A mod \(\rho\)":
\[A/\rho := \bigsqcup_{a_1:A} \rho(a_1,-).\]
Note that \(\rho(a_1,-):A\to Prop\) is a function.
Popular short-hand includes:
\[[a_1]=\bar{a}_1=\rho(a_1,-)=\{a_2:A\mid \rho(a_1,a_2)\}\]
\[A/\rho= \{\rho(a_1,-) \mid a_1:A\}\]
Caution some notation is self-reference (impredicative). Needs careful logic.
Given a relation \(\rho:A^2\to Prop\), and \(1\leq i\leq n\) we get a new type of data "A mod \(\rho\)":
\[A/\rho := \bigsqcup_{a_1:A} \rho(a_1,-)\]
where the classes (or "fibres") are
\[\rho(a_1,-) := \bigsqcup_{a_2:A} \rho(a_1,a_2).\]
A popular short-hand includes:
\[A/\rho= \{\rho(a_1,-) \mid a_1:A\}\]
\[[a_1]=\bar{a}_1=\rho(a_1,-)=\{a_2:A\mid \rho(a_1,a_2)\}\]
Caution some notation is self-reference (impredicative). Needs careful logic.
\(\rho:\mathbb{N}^2\to Prop\) where
\(\rho(m,n) = m+n\) is positive.
... so as functions [1]=[2]=[3]=...
\[\mathbb{N}/\rho = \{[0],[1]\}.\]
\(\rho:\mathbb{N}^2\to Prop\) where
\(\rho(m,n) = m+n\) is even.
\[\mathbb{N}/\rho = \{[0],[1]\}\]
but not the same classes (fibres) as the previous!
(This is where short-hand notation fails us!)
- Given a relation \(\rho:A^2\to Prop\), define \(\rho\backslash A\) based on fibres \(\rho(-,a_2)\).
- Given a relation \(\rho:A^n\to Prop\), and \(1\leq i\leq n\) define \(A/{\rho_i}\) based on fibres \(\rho(\cdots,a_i,\cdots)\).
Words like "left" and "right" used to distinguish \(A/\rho\) from \(\rho\backslash A\)...trouble is no one can remember which is which!
It is common to find people who use \(A/\rho\) for both.
By James Wilson
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