Javascript + HTML + CSS

The future of app development?


  1. History of web languages
  2. Compiler vs web languages
  3. Milestones
  4. Conclusion

History of web languages

"Stone Age"

  • 1992: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
    • extremely simple web pages
  • 1996: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    • separation: content = HTML, layout = CSS
  • 1997: Javascript
    • script language to modify the DOM


  • Document Object Model
  • API for HTML and XML 

(API = Application Programming Interface)

"Dark Age"

  • 1999: HTML 4.01 + CSS 2
  • poor browser support (especially IE)
  • limited capabilities (-> Flash, Java applets)
  • weird standards (Strict, Transitional, Frameset)

Web 2.0

  • user generates content (Facebook, YouTube)
  • website as tool for content creation and social aspects
  • cloud solutions with desktop app look & feel

(eg. Google Docs, Google Drive)

"Golden Age"

  • 2011: SVG support in all major browsers
  • 2011: WebGL support in Chrome & Firefox (partly)
  • 2014: HTML 5 + CSS 3 largely supported (even IE 10+)

Compiler vs web languages


  • compiler languages are much faster
  • speed only matters in calculation-heavy domains

(3D games & rendering, audio / video / photo editing, encryption, compilers, etc.)


  • HTML, CSS and Javascript run on every popular mobile or desktop platform
  • C++ apps can run on every platform but must be specifically ported / compiled
  • Java apps don't run on iPhones


  • Web GUIs can be designed much faster than native GUIs (Graphical User Interface)
  • almost the same code for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and the web

System integration

  • C++ / Java desktop apps have direct access to the file system, ports etc.
  • Javascript apps need specific frameworks / APIs


Fast javascript engines

  • V8 (Chrome), SpiderMonkey (Firefox), Nitro (Safari)

Fast layout engines

  • Blink (Chrome), Gecko (Firefox), WebKit (Safari)


  • Chromium Embedded Framework
  • V8 + Blink rendering engines
  • can be extended via C++ (and more)
  • Javascript can access the file system etc. via APIs
  • used by: Spotify, Brackets, Steam

Chrome extensions

  • written in Javascript, HTML & CSS
  • can be launched via desktop icon

Interesting APIs

  • chrome.serial: port access (eg. to display & control Arduino sensor data)
  • chrome.fileSystemProvider: read & write files outside the sandbox
  • chrome.alarm: trigger events at specific times


  • launches HTML + CSS + Javascript apps via icon
  • uses a full screen native browser without controls
  • Javascript API for operating system access

(access sensor data like touch gestures, gyroscope, light sensor, etc.)


  • server-side web development with Javascript
  • faster and less memory hungry than PHP


  • simplify development with Javascript, HTML & CSS
    • jQuery: easy DOM selection and manipulation
    • Bootstrap: layout and effect templates


  • C++ is absolutely necessary for high performance frameworks, engines and games
  • common apps should stick with HTML, CSS and Javascript in combination with C++ framework extensions if needed


By Jan Kleiss


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