
Fiction has a way of romanticizing things!!

Elon Musk

Nick Bostrom

Great minds retracing years of evolution that led to the human mind

However many also view this as an impossibility

Then again, how hard can it be ?

No Human will ever be the best at this game.

Deep blue vs Garry Kasparov

If machines are better at any or all mental or physical labour

What purpose do we serve?

Poem Example

When i in dream behold thy fairest shade,

Whose shade in dream doth wake the sleeping morn.

Machine written content is so common and good that you have likely read a few without even knowing

Text to Speech converters

1.>    Concatenative

2.>  Google DeepMind(WaveNet AI)

Show demo

So how does it work?

Its complicated


What goes on in here?


Colorful toys = fun

Vegetables= NotSoFun

Mom and Dad can talk and walk, so i can I

AI Concept

1> Mathematical Model of human brain

2> Input Data

3> Result is a naturally evolved network that learns from past mistakes and errors

4> Human Brain has to fit inside the Head

5> Artificial Brain can be the size of building of an entire City

6> It can Operate at speed of Light and learn new things as well.

This is scary

7> No human needed at control

So how do we control something that is more intelligent than us?

Think: How do we treat ants?

How much longer until this happens ??

3 to 6 decades

So can it be that we at some subconscious level are programmed too?

Are we Hardwired in any way? 

Let's look at some examples.

  • Look how his parents have raised him.
  • Men Will be Men.
  • That's the way things are son.

Are our decisions really ours?

Why do you find someone attractive?

Are your choices influenced by external forces?

5 Monkeys Experiment.

If we are programmed then we must be programmed to think that we are programmed.

Belief System.

It's what people believe in and why they believe in it.

If we generalize something as a society.

The Simulation Hypothesis

1>  All civilizations go extinct before reaching that level of Technological Maturity.

2> Reaching that level of Maturity, Civilizations lose interest in making such simulations


Making ancestral Simulations

Where are we now?





This is a big problem, How do you constraint an AI ?

It can hack its way out of any Software Constraint we put on it.

Why cant we be a simulation too

Religion, People dedicating everything to it

Belief system

Belief System

Terrorists, people with almost no consciousness.

Belief System

Elephant Story

Most of us :-






Loops of belief


By jasbir singh


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