- Gaius Valerius Catullus
- Born 87-84 BC, Gallia Cisalpina
- Equestrian family from Verona
- Father was a friend of Caesar
- Lived in Rome for adulthood
- Aided the governor of Bithynia from 57-56 BC
- Died 54 BC, Rome
- No known biography
Poetry of Catullus
- Collection of poems dedicated to an anonymous lover referred to only as "Lesbia"
- Most likely Clodia Metellī
- Catullus is perhaps best known for these tender poems
Carmen 16
- One of the dirtiest Latin poems in existence
- Businessman Mark Lowe was sued for quoting the poem in an e-mail
- Valuable teaching tool
Carmen 84
chommoda dīcēbat, sī quandō commoda vellet
dīcere, et īnsidiās Arrius hīnsidiās,
et tum mīrificē spērābat sē esse locūtum
cum quantum poterat dīxerat hīnsidiās.
crēdō, sīc māter, sīc līber avunculus eius,
sīc māternus avus dīxerat atque avia.
hōc missō in Syriam requiērant omnibus aurēs:
audībant eadem haec lēniter et leviter,
nec sibi postilla metuēbant tālia verba,
cum subitō affertur nūntius horribilis.
Iōniōs flūctūs, postquam illūc Arrius isset,
iam nōn Iōniōs esse, sed Hiōniōs.
chommoda = commoda
hīnsidiās = īnsidiās
Hiōniōs = Iōniōs
requiērant = requiēverant
audībant = audiēbant
By jcbulgin
- 879