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Library Workshop

Me, your librarian

Finding and evaluating information

John Dingle

Help with....

Refining a research topic

Managing and citing sources

  • 4+ scholarly sources​
    • ​at least 1 from 2016-2018
  • 4+ primary sources
    • at least 2 from America's Historical Imprints
  • ​Final paper: 10-12 pages, March 20 

Paper Proposal, due Feb. 6

  • Starting points for secondary research
  • Search strategy and techniques
  • Primary source collections
  • Managing your sources



Find two good books on the history of women in colonial America


Be prepared to demonstrate and explain your process

Broadest search


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Books and ebooks


Best way to find related books


Subject-specific search engines

Find under "Research" tab

America: History and Life

Mostly journal articles


Primarily US and Canadian History

Search Strategy

1. Search techniques and keywords

2. Finding related items with subject headings



Go to America: History and Life (hint: it's a "database")

With a partner, compare the results of each pair of searches.

Which returns more results? Can you explain the difference?


1. colonial america VS "colonial america"

2. america VS america*

3. indigenous OR native VS indigenous AND native


  1. Use quotation marks for phrase searches:  “colonial america”
  2. Use truncation for variant word endings: child* retrieves child, children, childhood, childlike, childish

  3. Use OR for synonyms:  indigenous OR native

  4. Use AND to combine two different concepts:  slaves AND missionaries


Subject Headings

Subject headings are a powerful way to find related items 


Locate subject headings related to these seminar topics:


Lecture 6: Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

Lecture 13: The Peace of Paris

Lecture 12: Religion and Republicanism

Lecture 13: Loyalists and African Americans

Lecture 17: Constitution of the United States


Primary sources

  • Collections of sources


  • Full-text databases

Primary sources

Add one of the following terms to your search in SuperSearch or the catalogue. They work best when you add them to a "subject" box:

  • personal narratives
  • sources ***
  • diaries
  • letters
  • correspondence
  • interviews

Primary sources

~40,000 searchable monographs, pamphlets, broadsides, government documents and ephemera


~6500 periodicals, 100s of thousands of individual issues


Full Text Databases

By Krokodyl (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Use proximity searches:

taxation NEAR5 representation (Imprints)

taxation N5 representation (Periodicals)


Use wildcards (esp. in Imprints)

taxation AND repre?entation


In Periodicals, must change field to TX to search full-text


Limit by date range



Tips for full-text search


Using America's Historical Imprints, locate two primary sources related to these lecture topics:

Lecture 6: Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

Lecture 13: The Peace of Paris

Lecture 12: Religion and Republicanism

Lecture 13: Loyalists and African Americans

Lecture 17: Constitution of the United States


Managing your sources


  • Add sources as you find them
  • Store, organize, take notes on them
  • Generate and format citations in Chicago style

Research Guide

Research Help

Thank you!



By jdingle


  • 674