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Library Workshop

Me, your librarian

Finding and evaluating information

John Dingle

Help with....

Refining a research topic

Managing and citing sources

  • Starting points for research
  • Search strategy and techniques
  • Annotated Bibliography Workshop
  • Search problems


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Find a book about women in Latin America, published in the last 20 years


Explain your process

Books and ebooks


Best way to find related books


Activity - Catalogue

Find each book. How would you access it? 

  1. People and Issues in Latin American History. The Colonial Experience: Sources and Interpretations
  2. The Cambridge History of Latin America. Volume 1. Colonial Latin America

Subject-specific search engines

Historical Abstracts

Mostly journal articles


World History 1450-present


Excludes Canada and USA

Proquest Dissertations and Theses

PhD and MA theses


All subject areas

Research Guide

Activity - Research Guide

On what page of the History guide can you find these resources?


America’s Historical Imprints (Early American Imprints)


Historical Abstracts with full text


Latin American Women Writers: An Encyclopedia

Search Strategy

1. Search techniques and keywords

2. Finding related items with subject headings

3. Finding primary sources



Go to Historical Abstracts

With a partner, compare the results of each pair of searches.

Which returns more results? Can you explain the difference?


1. latin america VS "latin america"

2. america VS america*

3. indigenous OR native VS indigenous AND native


  1. Use quotation marks for phrase searches:  “Latin America”
  2. Use truncation for variant word endings: child* retrieves child, children, childhood, childlike, childish

  3. Use OR for synonyms:  indigenous OR native

  4. Use AND to combine two different concepts:  slaves AND missionaries


Subject Headings

Subject headings are a powerful way to find related items 

Subject Headings


You are looking for a book on conquistadors.  What subject heading(s) would you use for a successful search?


You are looking for a book on Spanish missionaries to the new world.  What subject headings would you use for a successful search?

Use the library catalogue to answer these questions

Primary sources

Add one of the following terms to your search in SuperSearch or the catalogue. They work best when you add them to a "subject" box:

  • personal narratives
  • sources ***
  • diaries
  • letters
  • correspondence
  • interviews

Primary sources



Visual sources

Digital Libraries


ArtStor - images from galleries and museums world wide

World Digital Library - digitized items, maps, artifacts, images


Special Collections at other Libraries

Annotated Bibliography

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Research Help

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By jdingle


  • 599