Skills for 2015
Jeff Yacup, Assistant Director

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Let's Brainstorm Communication
What are the skills needed to be an effective communicator?
How are you most effective as a communicator?
How can you work at improving your communication skills?

My Style
Let's Talk style
How have your communication tendencies impacted you positively?
How have they impacted you negatively?
How do you see this playing out as a consultant?
Lessons from Carnegie
"there are no neutral exchanges. you leave someone better or a little worse."
"All effective problem solving, collaboration, and disputed resolution begins with an emptying of the mind--of what we know or what we think we should know"
"Always default to diplomacy. admit that you may be wrong. concede that the other person may be right. be agreeable. ask questions. and above all, consider the situation from others perspective and show that person respect."
6 ways to make lasting impressions:
- Take interest in others' interests
- Smile
- Reign with name
- Listen longer
- Discuss what matters to them
- Leave others a little better
Commitment to communication
Closing Reflections
Communication in 2015
By Jeff Yacup
Communication in 2015
- 546