Conflict to Collaboration

Strategy to Overcome Disagreements

Jeff Yacup

Recapping Last Week

Crucial Conversations: STATE

  • Share your Facts
  • Tell your Story
  • Ask for others' Path
  • Talk Tentatively
  • Encourage Testing

Skills to Improve Listening

  • Silence
  • The Mixer
  • Listening Positions
  • RASA

What do we risk by not managing conflict, disagreements, difference of opinions, difference in what we value, etc.?

Title Text

Negotiation Exercise

Preparation (5 minutes)

  • Become familiar with the payoff table
  • What are your goals in each area? what are your alternatives?
  • How do you plan to achieve your goal?

Negotiation Exercise (20-25 minutes)

Debrief Discussion


If you fail to prepare, you will achieve less than the person who has a plan and strategy for handling the disagreement


Or, Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement. The single most important thing to be aware. Essentially, this is your best alternative to  this situation if an agreement cannot be reached.

Resistance Points

Your limit to which you will handle until you walk away.

Target Points

What your goal is before engaging in the discussion.

Distributive: one party gains, the other party loses


Integrative: different values by each party


Compatible Issues: see the same on the issue

Developing a Plan

1.       Define the goal

2.       List the major issues related to achieving the goal

3.       Define their relative importance of each issue, and define the bargaining mix.

4.       Define the interests (why do you want these things?)

5.       Define the BATNA (best alternatives to negotiated agreement)

6.       Define your limits, including a resistance point

7.       Describe your understanding of the other party’s goals, issues, and resistance points.

8.       Set your targets and opening point.

9.       Assess the social context

10.   Outline how you will present the issues; what to say and how to say it.

Using the guide

Wrap Up

Session 6: Conflict to Collaboration

By Jeff Yacup

Session 6: Conflict to Collaboration

Participants in this session will be exposed to and practice techniques for recognizing and working through conflict when in a collaborative environment. Techniques from the text Crucial Conversations will be used to work through real scenarios may have been exposed to. Additionally, participants will be exposed to the concept of empathy and how empathy can be an effective tool for resolving conflict

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