Music & Instruments of the Medieval Era

Music & Instuments of the Medieval era

  • In the middle ages, music played an important role in the daily life of medieval societies.
  • Music was used as a part of church services, as entertainment at the court, and was used to share news between towns.
  • As music became more and more important, instruments were used to accompany singing.

in the Churches

  • Monks sang simple sacred chants called "Gregorian Chants"
    • Gregorian Chants are religious chants that were used monophonic (music with one melodic line without any harmony or accompaniment)
  • It was difficult to record this music on paper at the time because paper was so expensive, however, some of this music we know today because the church paid to have it written down.

In The court

  • There were poet-musicians called "troubadours or trouveres" who entertained the wealthy and members of the court.
  • Their music was secular or non-religious and it was used forĀ 
    • Dancing
    • Dinner
    • After-Dinner entertainment
    • Important Ceremonies
    • Tournaments; and
    • Military Purposes
  • Secular music was an important part of medieval court life.

Near the end of Medieval Period

  • using instruments became more and more popular
  • The instruments used to perform medieval music are still used today
  • In the medieval era, musicians used a:
    • Cornett, which has now become today's Trumpet
    • Sackbut which has now become the Trombone
    • Flute and Recorder Flute
    • Vielle
    • Dulcimer
    • Psaltery (either plucked or played with a bow)
  • Organized not only into 4 major instrument groups, BUT according to their use: soft (bas) or indoor & loud (haut) or outdoor

throughout history

  • Music has always played an important role in society
  • Music for the church (religious music such as Gregorian Chants) and music for the court (secular or non-religious music) were distinctly different but each contributed to the Medieval Culture in a unique and special way that would affect the development of music in the next chapter of history.


Music & Instruments of the Medieval Era

By jenniferdawnwalsh

Music & Instruments of the Medieval Era

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