Self-documenting components

with Vue Styleguidist

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Vue Styleguidist

What we're covering today...

  • Core features of Styleguidist
  • Workflows with Styleguidist
  • Future applications leveraging advanced features

What's Styleguidist? Live demo


At it's core Styleguidist is...

  • Static analysis for generating docs
  • Generating a dependency tree
  • Live example reloading
    • Hot module reload
    • Live code samples

Different workflows with Styleguidist

  • Isolated Dev Environment
  • Living Styleguide or Design System
  • Purely documentation
  • Part of your testing suite

Isolated Dev Environment

  1. Build your components in isolation
  2. Play with them live
  3. Send designer or a PM a link to try things out in isolation

Imagine you have to build this website

Living Styleguide

  1. Document your styleguide using live renderings of components
  3. Always up to date

Developer Docs

  1. Your audience is other developers
  2. Examples are probably messy
  3. ...but the props, events, and slots are documented!

Snapshot testing

  1. Build your styleguide
  2. Hook jest up to it
  3. Snapshot test

Why is this cool? Your styleguide becomes your snapshot tests.


So far you've seen...

  • A website to view your components
  • With documentation
  • Live preview

... but how much code do you need to write?

Not much.

(this is why we didn't consider something like Storybook at work)

JSDoc comments next to props

JSDoc comments next to props

Link docs to your components

Finding and documenting slots


Finding and documenting slots


A complex component, with many slots


All that Styleguidist is...

  • Static analysis for generating docs
  • Generating a dependency tree
  • Live example reloading
    • Hot module reload
    • Live code samples (copy-paste)

So... what if you wanted to build your own showcase or website?

Vue docgen


The API that powers Styleguidist AND Storybook's docs addon

The future


Harnessing Vue docgen + Nuxt + CMS


Empower your designers to build documentation with real Vue components

Getting Started with Zero-config 


Learning more

  1. Join the Vue Land Discord #styleguidist
  2. Watch Bart Ledoux at VueConfUS
  3. React Styleguidist knowledge is transferrable
  4. Read up on Storybook, generalize ideas

Self-documenting components with Vue Styleguidist

By jessicasachs

Self-documenting components with Vue Styleguidist

Self-documenting components with Vue Styleguidist

  • 781